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Anyone Ever Get Depress when dealing with Religion?

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
It seems for the latter part of my life. i have been searching and trying to find a meaning of it all, i read and analyze things but ...
Perhaps religion should be viewed as something other than a treasure map (and life as something other than an Easter egg hunt).


RF's pet cat
Yeah I do as well, might be a symptom of overall depression in my case though. It feels so tedious and tiring on those days, feeling like I'll never get anywhere. However, if I die without finding my path, at least I tried and there's no fear of the afterlife. Trying to be a good person is the most important thing, imo.


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
It seems for the latter part of my life. i have been searching and trying to find a meaning of it all, i read and analyze things but it get to the point where everything i see or hear about is something negative. ...

anybody else feel like this and if so what do you do?

I have oftened question, and still question what it all means and why I believe what I believe. When I start to analyze it, it doesn't make sense. It's called analysis paralysis. Don't analyze or overthink; I know it's easier said than done. Gods know I've been afflicted by it, and still am to a degree.

You'd have to give some more specific examples?

To be honest, if all you're seeing is the negative when looking at various religions, I'd wager that means one of two things:
--- you're looking at ideas from specific religions that happen to have a negative focus (and need to look at religions that don't have this element instead)
--- you have clinical depression, which makes you put a negative spin on everything whether it is actually there or not (and need to get some help/treatment)

But it is really hard to say without a more specific example; the OP is kind of vague.

I'm with Quint on this, FreeThinker. It sounds similar to me.
Have you been checked for depression?

I further agree with Quint and Breathe. Again I speak from experience being bipolar hypomanic depressive. Being depressed can suck the life out of everything.

I know of but one religion today that truly follows and practices what the Bible teaches.

There are many, many religions which hold the same teachings of the bible and exhort their followers to practicing and living it, and I don't mean the superficial "Jesus saves" and "salvation is only through Jesus". The real message of the bible can be found all over the place: the Bhagavad Gita, the Tao Te Ching, the Sri Guru Granth Sahib, the Dhammapada, and the Qur'an to name just a few, even if one is not a follower of those religions or any religion at all.


What? Me worry?
It seems for the latter part of my life. i have been searching and trying to find a meaning of it all, i read and analyze things but it get to the point where everything i see or hear about is something negative. I've been reading up on the Moors and its an interested to me, but it like a pendulum swinging back and forth between positive and negative.

anybody else feel like this and if so what do you do?

I use to experience most of the emotions when discussing religion until I finally realized that, when it comes to faith, everyone has to find their own truth.