Druidus said:
We would be deserting our social nature to do otherwise, Booko. Of course, that would be mixed blessing.
U.S. cities and Canadian cities of comparable size often have comparable crime rates. But by comparable, I mean you can look at them and instantly see a large difference. Whether this is due to the availability of handguns in the U.S. or some other factor, I do not know.
Personally, I think it has to do with an approach to problems.
Canadians see drug use as a health problem, and so look for solutions like treament and prevention. They reduce the drug problem by reducing consumers.
We declare "war" on it and end up with the same mess we had in Prohibition. We toss drug users in jail, which does nothing to deal with problems of addiction. If anything, it makes them worse. We stick our noses into other countries in a violent way, demanding they stop growing something that makes them a lot of money, because we want to consume it. And at the same time, we talk domestically about how obvious it is to just "let the free market solve the problem." Duh!
I'm not arguing for legalizing drugs one way or the other here. I'm just giving one example of how a difference of approach to a problem has different consequences.
Terrorism is another example. We've declared "war" on that too. Other countries see it as more of a "criminal" problem. We send troops, sometimes wrongheadedly, into other countries, and by doing so create...more terrorists.
Other countries focus their efforts on police and intelligence, which eliminates terrorists and doesn't create them at the same time. And then they enter into dialogue with groups where terrorists originate, to try and find ways to have better relations and understanding, so no one feels like it's necessary to be a terrorist in the first place.
Again, I'm not saying there is never a military aspect to dealing with terrorism. I'm saying the difference in approach has different consequences.
I don't know what the Canadian approach to crime is, but perhaps it's different than here in the US.
And we're so off topic, but it's an interesting subject...should I fork some of these off into a new thread or should we just start behaving ourselves in this thread?