Dr. Kent Hovind. Why Kent the true PhD? He deserved even the title ``King of England'' because of the soul's pain he suffered.
Hovind's PhD is "the true PhD" to you? Don't you also claim to have a PhD? You're quite the mystery. You claim to derive mathematical proofs and show us what you consider proof with a litany of flawed arguments you call proof of God, and call yourself a genius.
One reason to stay in the Christian faith is how Christians love their enemies and non-Christians trash people like Dr. H.!
I'd say that a good reason to avoid Christianity. You seem to think that Christianity holds the moral high ground, but I don't. You mentioned love, but the depiction of love in Christianity is bizarre.
You should not love Hovind. Hovind is a white
collar criminal and domestic abuser. He deserves to be condemned as immoral and shunned from society beginning with prison. Neither you nor questfortruth, both zealous Christians, seem to be able to make sound moral judgments.
It is really sad to see such deeply misguided and dysfunctional threads keep happening for no good purpose.
Yes, sad, but I find them valuable to read. One of the chief benefits of posting in forums like this is to see the spectrum of thoughts coming from monotheists, humanists, and others like the dharmics, the pagans (I'm including Druids, followers of Zeus, Wiccans, Satanists, and the like) to get a better sense of how religion affects people, with humanists being the control group (no religion). Monotheism is where we find the most misguided minds. No humanists or dharmics or pagans post like the two zealous Christians in this thread. The Christians and Muslims who are most like humanists in theii educations and ability to think critically and make sound moral judgments are also the ones that seem to be the least affected by their theism.
And we can generalize beyond religion to all faith-based thought, as with the antivaxxers and climate deniers. The more they rely on faith to decide what is true, the further they get from truth. I don't know where else it would be possible to learn these things but on a forum where people can post with anonymity for years each. I know the Christians on RF much better than the ones I encounter in person. We don't discuss religion at all. If we did, everybody would have to censor themselves, and the discussion would end with that meal or whatever brought us together.
So sad, yes, but also helpful.
What if evolution is the lie?
I'm guessing that you believe that were evolutionary theory falsified, that it would be evidence in support of your theistic beliefs. Why else would theists keep making arguments against evolution? But if you're a Christian, would that be your god?
Falsifying evolution doesn't make the evidence formerly supporting it go away. I just needs to be reinterpreted in the light of the falsifying find added to that older mountain of evidence. It then constitute evidence for a deceptive, very powerful intelligent designer, one capable of faking the geological column of strata, capable of creating human chromosome 2 and inserting it into the entire human race, and capable of strategically inserting ERVs into the tree of life to simulate that evolution had occurred.
Moreover, even then a god is unlikely as an explanation for this deception, which would more parsimoniously be accounted for by positing an advanced extraterrestrial race of naturalistic origin (abiogenesis followed by biological evolution).
Even if it were a god, it's closer to the chief demon in Christianity, who is associated with lying and deception - not its god.
As you probably know, the Koine Greek word for 'sin' is ἁμαρτία, which comes from the verb ἁμαρτάνω. The very meaning of that verb is 'to miss the mark.
The only Greek I know comes from science and my interest in etymologies and word roots. I learned the alphabet learning math.
But I could read that and recognized the Greek root, which appears in the word hamartoma: "
A hamartoma (from Greek hamartia, meaning “fault, defect,” and -oma, denoting a tumor or neoplasm) is a benign (noncancerous) tumorlike malformation made up of an abnormal mixture of cells and tissues found in areas of the body where growth occurs." These are exceptionally bizarre tumors that can contain hair and teeth. This one was removed from an ovary: