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ar-rum28 saying god is 2 person


"we" is prulal and who ever use it means prulal not singular.
ALLAH there is no god but he.but it is there is no god but it.hu could be he or could be it.
ehad ALLAH used ehad 5 or 6 times in qoran.ehan change meaning in sentence.ehaduhum all of them-ehadumma both of them and ehaduhunna 1 of them.
ehad doesnt mean 1 person.ehad means unike but 2 person can be ehad.
i don't understand why you don't except ALLAH is 2 person.you understand ar-rum28.you sould except it.because in qoran ALLAH say they understand ALLAH's verses then they deny it.


Freedom Of Mind
i now understand how trinity came to our world,by such a person as turkish68.
But it seems that people nowadays are wiser and even many christians now are
thinking about the trinity as illogical aspect.

We have one god in both islam and Judaism,and 3 in christianity and now
turkish68 would like to make a new religion of 2 gods,lol

The problem is not with religion,but the problem with some people through
history who made such changes on the origin of faith which is to submit
yourself completely to the only one god.

Even we can see changes occured in the same religion through history because of one person thoughts,
so in christianity we can see Roman Catholic , Eastern Orthodox , Protestants,
Anglican/Episcopalian , Amish , Baptist , Lutheran , Presbyterian , Quakers ,
Seventh-day Adventists , Universalist

in islam,Sunni ,shi'ah ,khawarij and even each one got more branches

in Judaism , Orthodox Judaism , Conservative Judaism , Reform Judaism , Reconstructionist Judaism , Humanistic Judaism
"we" is prulal and who ever use it means prulal not singular.
ALLAH there is no god but he.but it is there is no god but it.hu could be he or could be it.
ehad ALLAH used ehad 5 or 6 times in qoran.ehan change meaning in sentence.ehaduhum all of them-ehadumma both of them and ehaduhunna 1 of them.
ehad doesnt mean 1 person.ehad means unike but 2 person can be ehad.
i don't understand why you don't except ALLAH is 2 person.you understand ar-rum28.you sould except it.because in qoran ALLAH say they understand ALLAH's verses then they deny it.

No, when it's a royal plural then it is singular.

I do not understand what you are saying here... If you have a problem go complain to the dictionary people, I'm sure you know much much more than they do, right?

I gave you links so email them or contact them and tell them to change it because you are a genius. OK???

Ok, the ahad dictionary thing is your problem now, I see you do not trust anyone even dictionaries...

This leaves the other 2 points. The "there is no god but He", you did not explain this you only repeated it. How can He be two? You have such double standards but it's funny because you are wrong on both points. You say We cannot be singular (but it can) and you say He is not singular (but it is)...
Think about this for a second... Yea.... Anyways, what is your response to Allah refuting you on your satanic theories?

Also the other thing, 'There is none like unto Him', how do you explain this too? If this was about angels then if anything it would be ONE angel not 2 because it says NONE LIKE HIM (ALLAH)


there is no god but it.not he.understand?we is not singular.we is prulal and who ever use it saying prulal not singular.
there is no god but it.not he.understand?we is not singular.we is prulal and who ever use it saying prulal not singular.


There is no god but He. Doesn't that mean ONE He? Not there are no gods but them like you are preaching.

Ok, I'm done on the We thing with you.. All you need is one lil google search and you will see but your problem is that you don't trust anyone... So when you are wrong, you're screwed since you believe 2+2=5 but when someone tells you otherwise, it's useless cause you don't trust them. EVEN IF IT'S GOD HIMSELF!!!

Wouldn't "there is no god but He" go against your evil theory? If it is talking about angels then ONLY ONE of them would be God (God forbid) (and may He forgive me for saying such a thing), not two.

What is your response to this??
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listen son. you have no idea about arabic.in arabic hu means he and it.bring here best scholar in the world and i will teach him.the point is you have no opinion you paste here someoneelse opinions.and i am not evil probably you are evil.
bring here best scholar in the world and i will teach him.

HAHAHAHAHA who are you fooling? Hahahahahhaa, you gave me a good laugh. One funny angel worshiper ya are, yeah..

Allah says:

Indeed, those who disbelieve - it is all the same for them whether you warn them or do not warn them - they will not believe.

Allah has set a seal upon their hearts and upon their hearing, and over their vision is a veil. And for them is a great punishment.

And of the people are some who say, "We believe in Allah and the Last Day," but they are not believers.

They [think to] deceive Allah and those who believe, but they deceive not except themselves and perceive [it] not.

In their hearts is disease, so Allah has increased their disease; and for them is a painful punishment because they [habitually] used to lie.

And when it is said to them, "Do not cause corruption on the earth," they say, "We are but reformers."

Unquestionably, it is they who are the corrupters, but they perceive [it] not.

[ Suratul Baqarah, vs. 6-12 ]


the point is you have no opinion you paste here someoneelse opinions.and i am not evil probably you are evil.

I paste someone else's opinion? It's the dictionary.... looooool.

Evil is worshiping other than Allah and making lies about Him, that is the most evil crime. Which you are proudly committing and defending.

I warn you that if you die in this state you will be punished in the grave and be sent to jahannam after the Day of Resurrection.

{And whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger and transgresses His limits - He will put him into the Fire to abide eternally therein, and he will have a humiliating punishment.}
[ 4:14 ]

{And those who disbelieve and deny Our signs - those will be companions of the Fire; they will abide therein eternally."}
[ 2:39 ]

{The Jews say "The Christians have nothing [true] to stand on," and the Christians say, "The Jews have nothing to stand on," although they [both] recite the Scripture. Thus the polytheists speak the same as their words. But Allah will judge between them on the Day of Resurrection concerning that over which they used to differ.}
[ 2:113 ]

{And as for those who believe (in the Oneness of Allah) and do righteous good deeds, Allah will pay them their reward in full. And Allah does not like the Zalimun (polytheists and wrong-doers).}
[ 3:57 ]

{We shall cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve, because they joined others in worship with Allah, for which He had sent no authority; their abode will be the Fire and how evil is the abode of the Zalimun (polytheists and wrong-doers).}
[ 3:151 ]

May Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) guide you and us all.