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Are ANY of the arguments convincing?


Uber Tool
If the dragon is only meetable using dragon glasses, could you please explain how they work and how you use them?

And you have to respect our skepticism when you say whatever they are, using them first requires leaving reason at the door... That is probably the reason why Muslims can use unicorn glasses to see a unicorn. What "reason" do you have for dismissing unicorn glasses and not dragon glasses?
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Resident Liberal Hippie
Attempting to "prove" God shows a weakness of faith. As does ignoring weaknesses in in ones own argument for God.



I hear many say it's easier for us to believe in God,than not to. but for up to my 25th year of life. i never thought one way or another, and my life was ok then as it is now. except now I have answers to the many questions that popped in my head concerning life,all the whys.

I don’t know if my answers will satisfy you,it usually don’t for many. And I can understand why, because they do seem unbelievable, But my answers are honest, all I can do is explain why I believe what I do. In hope that’ll help someone who’s truly seeking, my goal is NOT to make ANYONE leave their beliefs.

I started believing because of all the unexplainable experiences I’ve had. Now many can say..”it’s all in the mind” but I witness something with another person. So then I’ll ask…” you’re saying my thought projected a picture to another so that they seen it too”? that mostly make many say…”oh” because know they can’t figure out what else to say which would take away from my belief. If many can see..”ghost” then there’s something unbelievable out there.

Believing in God doesn’t gain one ANYONE life in Heaven. Sad many believe that, but If many were taught the truth, they would know, it’s the spiritual works one does. Just as one said God doesn’t exist, one can say God does. I don’t try to make anyone believe in God,Jesus didn’t. all he did was witness to those who wanted to learn,and/or had many questions.

Many feel the bible is incongruent, has contradictions, it doesn’t. many just don’t understand, and haven’t been taught the truth. This is why it’s so misinterpreted. If Jesus and men before him taught the truth. So are there men today who teaches the truth. Many just refuse to either believe there is a God, just as you post Christians just want to believe.

Many DON’T want to believe because it means they can’t live the ways of the world. Which satan made it seem so much more fun than serving an non-existent God, And live a boring life,(which isn’t true). And many Christians don’t choose to learn the truth,simply because they too have a deep need to be part of satan world. Why do you think it’s the many who claim to believe in God,yet does everything wrong under the sun?

But no matter how one feels concerning God or the bible. He still choose that book,and had his true serants write his words down,(using his Holy Spirit). Even though satan had OTHER men,(who thought they were doing the right thing),add and removed many of God’s words. STILL God know those who’s truly seeking would be taught right,and understand those "contradictory" sayings,(which really isn't contradictions).

There’s many documented proof of things from the bible,through archaeological finds. Such as the flood, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, etc. funny many don’t want to believe those finds,yet they’re quick to believe finding like the oldest human,or Dinosaurs(which I also believe). many also don’t realize though God made sure many things found will prove he exist.

He wanted humans to believe in him through faith. By the way… that proof God allow men to find,was only to help make what his servants are teaching concerning him factual. So it’s true,God’ servants has more back-up proof to our claim,than atheist has towards theirs. Everyone can believe whatever they choose.

an unbeliever once said…”god doesn’t give free will” my comment/question to him was. You say you don’t believe in Jehovah God, they why are you always complaining about what he did or didn’t do? Also if he did control humans…we ALL would be worshipping him! Then of course I got those nasty responses back. It only showed me he was upset at me,because HE made no sense, and was proving there IS a God. As I stated…I don’t believe in any pot at the end of an rainbow. Therefore I never make a big issue of it. :shrug: Peace!




Premium Member
On the contrary, quite a few Christians do set out to convince; such is the point of debate. Not all obviously, but a fair few.

And thank you!

You are probably right. I, personally, don't try to convince anyone of anything. I used to when I was a lot younger and less experienced in the ways of the world. I "witness" by trying to live my life as best I can- which can make me a either a good witness or a bad witness. Speaking to people has never been one of my strong points. :) Keep in mind that Christians who do set out to convince others may also be trying to convince themselves as well. ;)


Resident Liberal Hippie
...Such as the flood, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, etc....

As I said, attempting to "prove" God shows a weakness of faith. As does ignoring weaknesses in in ones own argument for God.
The above being prime examples of extremely weak arguments.

  1. There is absolutely no geological, biological or archeological evidence that a worldwide flood ever occurred. However, I am sure the poster can come up with the typical irrelevant arguments.
  2. While ancient ruins of cities have been found, there is no archaeological evidence that these were the "Sodom and Gomorrah" of Biblical myth. Nor is there any evidence that these cities were "destroyed by God".
Does this prove God does not exist? Of course not. However, the weak and often historically dishonest arguments for God and Biblical accuracy do nothing to provide empirical evidence for God's existence.


What do you think? Do any of these convince you? Is there something I'm missing? Is there actually any argument for God's existence that would stand up to scrutiny that isn't "faith"?

None of these arguments convince me.

If you do find your high standard of proof, please let us all know.

It seems to me like you're asking questions to which you know the answer. That takes a whole lot of fun out of a debate.
If you dont believe in God....then please explain the chicken and the egg.....No baby could possibly ever be able to rear itself.....thus a CReator....God


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
If you dont believe in God....then please explain the chicken and the egg.....No baby could possibly ever be able to rear itself.....thus a CReator....God
Is God the chicken or the egg? Either answer creates problems.

And plenty of animals rear themselves. Lots of species just lay eggs and leave.


Uber Tool
In addition, I always marvel at the believer explaining how to believe, that does not see the catch 22 of asking for suspension of reason. If you have to have faith in order to have reasons to believe, and reasons to believe in order to have faith, then you have a circular justification that is impossible to acquire without taking an unjustified leap of faith. And to need to take a leap of faith, which in turn produces observable results, makes me think there is nothing distinguishable from the ways other theists "find" and "experience" their god. Sounds like its all just expectation bias to me. If people want to see something enough, they are going to see it regardless of whether its actually there or not.