Um...Eliminate evolution and/or the evidence of evolution and we would be in a "perfect world"?
Hell no...I love the fact that whales evolved from little land based does scrapping that make the world even better let alone "perfect"? too...but for the twelth time in this thread- "conceive of a world with far less pain and suffering" and THEN TELL ME WHAT IS LEFT....If pain and suffering in any form remain then the 'problem of evil' must be said to remain.
Great! Because that's what I have been asking for over and over. Please desribe it to me. Is there "no pain and suffering" of unrequited love? "no pain and suffering" of unfulfilled desire? "no pain and suffering" at all of any kind?
Please. Tease it out. Think about it. Describe and explore it. No one else is prepared to do so.
Of course they can! PROBLEM IS (and it goes to the core of 'the problem of evil') that when you strip away the big bad (Cancer, Genocide) and get to the remaining bad/evils >your< perception of what is good and bad and >mine< diverge. What gives pleasure to you may be a pain to others. When >you< "chooses to differentiate between good and bad can picture a world with nothing bad in it" you inevitably infringe upon >my< "picture a world with nothing bad in it".
We cannot even define a "perfect person/partner" that satisfies all people let alone a "perfect world"....make it simple and define a "perfect meal"....half the world just went "yuck".
And this is >exactly< what happens to the concept of "the problem of evil" runs headfirst into the divergance in perception of what is good and what is bad and no cut off point in reduction of evil can ever be agreed upon.
Ah huh....And if you come into being, directly into a "perfect world"/"heaven" how is your experience of that realm affected by having >nothing< bad to compare it to?
Is heaven enhanced or diminished by having no prior experience?
Think back...when you were a toddler you put everthing you could get your hands on into your mouth...quite a few "bad" and yucky things...and it was on the basis of this experience that 'sweets' had perfect meaning.
I believe that if I get to a realm such as heaven it will have such sweet meaning and significance in comparison to the pain and suffering experienced here and in light of
the pain and suffering experienced here. Factor in I wouldn't have missed the journey that was living this life nor would I have missed the striving, working towards such a heavenly destination.
In fact if I was just plonked in it with no prior comparative experience that would be a bad/evil thing because I would not be able to fully appreciate its value. "Anyone who chooses to differentiate between good and bad can picture a world with nothing bad in it"- just as long as they have some experience of 'bad' to know what 'good' is.
That's not a very direct answer, to be honest. You think God created a world full of suffering so we wouldn't be unhappy in heaven? That implies that if he had just stuck us in heaven in the first place and skipped the world altogether we would have suffered there exactly as much. But then, if that is the case, why create a race of implacable complainers? Why not create beings who know a good thing when they see it?
So, just to be perfectly clear, you believe that a baptized infant who knows nothing of the world and died painlessly in the loving arms of his mother will be exactly unhappy and suffer exactly as much in heaven as she would have on earth if he had lived? I would say that is a terribly unorthodox view.