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Are christians to be vegetarian?

Genesis 9: vs 3 - 5.

First man was given all fruits from plant for food, now here man is given meat as well - at least with no lifeblood on it. All meat (animals) have lifeblood, unless I believe cooked where there appear no blood (compositionally there is still blood).

So, what do christians think - are men to be vegetarian or not? Please clear up this bible teaching.


Well-Known Member
Genesis 9: vs 3 - 5.

First man was given all fruits from plant for food, now here man is given meat as well - at least with no lifeblood on it. All meat (animals) have lifeblood, unless I believe cooked where there appear no blood (compositionally there is still blood).

So, what do christians think - are men to be vegetarian or not? Please clear up this bible teaching.
Lol! I like your question, but from what I read in the Christian Bible, there is no animal worth even a hair on the human head. By this I took it as a definite yes, but that does not mean not to treat animals kindly. This view I got from reading the Forgotten Books of Eden I believe or the Books of Enoch.
Ah yes, eat fruits only and keep every animals as pets and feed them fruits and clothings. hahaha.
No, I can't say I have read those two books. Thanks for the reply.
Now now, be gentle... ;)

Yes, I believe every Christian should be vegetarian... when you read from the passages of the New Jerusalem according to Isaiah, compare it to Daniel's diet against the king's which was full of meat, along with the passage in Genesis, God's original diet for mankind was vegetarianism.

Even with meat, God gave specific prohibitions about eating and killing it. That being said, I don't remember any such prohibition on fruits or vegetables.


Well-Known Member
Now now, be gentle... ;)

Yes, I believe every Christian should be vegetarian... when you read from the passages of the New Jerusalem according to Isaiah, compare it to Daniel's diet against the king's which was full of meat, along with the passage in Genesis, God's original diet for mankind was vegetarianism.

Even with meat, God gave specific prohibitions about eating and killing it. That being said, I don't remember any such prohibition on fruits or vegetables.
Now that you mention it, wasn't one of the reasons for the vegan diet due to Cain slaying Able, or am I way off base here?
My point for the post is also to ask, why did god first say eat veggie, then later change his mind and allow meat? This can show that god is not sure of what he is doing (not omniscient, omnipotent,etc) or that genesis in the bible is just not true, and written with the intelligence of a man. What's your view?
Now that you mention it, wasn't one of the reasons for the vegan diet due to Cain slaying Able, or am I way off base here?

Who knows? I see the Qur'an as more accurate than the Bible in terms of the spiritual meaning of the story.

There is no mentions whatsoever of the kind of offering it was, but that the killing was out of jealousy more than anything, and even after that, God forgave Cain for his sin.

And after that, God says that it is for this reason that by killing one person, it will be as if one kills all of mankind, and by saving one person, one saves all of mankind.
My point for the post is also to ask, why did god first say eat veggie, then later change his mind and allow meat? This can show that god is not sure of what he is doing (not omniscient, omnipotent,etc) or that genesis in the bible is just not true, and written with the intelligence of a man. What's your view?

The Bible is to be taken metaphorically or spiritually, and not literally, especially in both Genesis and Revelation.

However, the Biblical story of Daniel does show somewhat that a vegetarian diet is healthy.

By the way, just to tell you, this IS an Abrahamic DIR... if you are not going to be in the spirit of kindness and desire to debate, it would be better to move your questioning nature towards the debate forum.
The Bible is to be taken metaphorically or spiritually, and not literally, especially in both Genesis and Revelation.

However, the Biblical story of Daniel does show somewhat that a vegetarian diet is healthy.

By the way, just to tell you, this IS an Abrahamic DIR... if you are not going to be in the spirit of kindness and desire to debate, it would be better to move your questioning nature towards the debate forum.

Thank you. It was not my intention to debate, but to know the understanding from difference abrahamtic faiths. But I notice, others will vehemently debate any issues causing alot of sparks to fly unnecessarily. Maybe I might take up your suggestion to move to the debate forums for future issues.
Thank you. It was not my intention to debate, but to know the understanding from difference abrahamtic faiths. But I notice, others will vehemently debate any issues causing alot of sparks to fly unnecessarily. Maybe I might take up your suggestion to move to the debate forums for future issues.

My perception comes closest to the Baha'i perspective of the matter.

All the Scriptures given to us by God must be taken in a metaphorical light first over any form of literalism... after all, we utilise metaphors and anthropomorphisms to illustrate the nature of God.

In the same way, the stories of the Tanakh are to be taken to their spiritual meanings found through meditation. I personally believe that the Qur'anic exigesis is more correct, but that is my opinion.

"But recite unto them with truth the tale of the two sons of Adam, how they offered each a sacrifice, and it was accepted from the one of them and it was not accepted from the other. The one said: I will surely kill thee. The other answered: God accepteth only from those who ward off evil.

Even if thou stretch out thy hand against me to kill me, I shall not stretch out my hand against thee to kill thee, lo! I fear God, the Lord of the Worlds.

Lo! I would rather thou shouldst bear the punishment of the sin against me and thine own sin and become one of the owners of the fire. That is the reward of evil-doers.

But the other's mind imposed on him the killing of his brother, so he slew him and became one of the losers.

Then God sent a raven scratching up the ground, to show him how to hide his brother's naked corpse. He said: Woe unto me! Am I not able to be as this raven and so hide my brother's naked corpse? And he became repentant.

For that cause We decreed for the Children of Israel that whosoever killeth a human being for other than manslaughter or corruption in the earth, it shall be as if he had killed all mankind, and whoso saveth the life of one, it shall be as if he had saved the life of all mankind. Our messengers came unto them of old with clear proofs of God's Sovereignty, but afterwards lo! many of them became prodigals in the earth.

-- Qur'an 5:27-32


A more proper question would be: Should mankind be vegetarian?
Yes, we probably should but until the redemption we do have the option to eat the meat of those animals which are kosher.


Spiritual Friend
Premium Member
A more proper question would be: Should mankind be vegetarian?
Yes, we probably should but until the redemption we do have the option to eat the meat of those animals which are kosher.

Good question,

But to the later comment I say, 'why wait?'

Its my personal belief/understanding that we're to help create heavenliness now/uncover the bits and ways of the Divine in our daily surroundings.

So if the 'best solution/way of life' is on your consciousness, why not start today?

At genesis chapter 9 verses 3 & 4 we are told

3*Every moving animal that is alive may serve as food for YOU. As in the case of green vegetation, I do give it all to YOU. 4*Only flesh with its soul—its blood—YOU must not eat.

So from this scripture we have been given clearance to eat meat aslong as it is bleed.
Note this was after the flood, so prior to the flood they would not have eaten meat, due to this its likely to believe that in the new system of things we would be vegetarian again.
as before the flood this was there commandment


cant say ive ever seen a Gospel of the Ebionites in a bible? :confused:

Neither have I. I'm just saying what's in the Gospel of the Ebionites. But I don't see why it being in a bible has to do with whether its true or not. Unless you think the later councils were guided by the Spirit while Clement and Iraneus weren't or something.
Neither have I. I'm just saying what's in the Gospel of the Ebionites. But I don't see why it being in a bible has to do with whether its true or not. Unless you think the later councils were guided by the Spirit while Clement and Iraneus weren't or something.

I've never heard of the Gospel of the Ebionites, thats what i meant.
As one of Jehovah's Witnesses, I only believe the bible is 100%, and belief that none of the apocryphal books are in anyway inspired of God

Me Myself

Back to my username
Jesus never spoke against eating meat. He did said I believe "that which God has made pure...something something"( I dont quite remember :D )

But it was something about eating meat that was originaly prohibited, and that it was okay.