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-Are Christians today still Protestants?

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Deviled Hen
That's a good question...I don't know. Could be just from hanging around these forums that I start to get that impression! You could be right that most of the mainline Protestant churches do not adhere to TULIP.

Most of them don't, lunamoth. TULIP is a Calvinist thing.


Lord of the Badgers
The information that I have on the subject differs from yours.
Wow thats a lot of information on the Sabbath, thanks. :)

I'm not sure what it has to do with whether or not groups such as yours are Protestant though?
Whether or not the Lord's Day was kept as Sabbath by all Churches in the early centuries is unimportant considering that the Roman Catholic Church reigned supreme in the West and was the originator of your own movement. Changing the Sabbath back to the Saturday doesn't reverse 1,500 years of history, you came from Protestant stock, sorry its as simple as that from the historical perspective.

Tell me, how many books are in your Bible again? ;)


Active Member
Well, if Catholics aren't Christians, where do *you* come from then?

Without the Catholics, you have nothing. Your Bible wouldn't even exist if it weren't for them.

How do you come to that conclusion? You really mean the "New Testament" not the whole Bible. But we don't have the Catholics to thank. The councils came about in part because of the Catholics- false teachings.


Lord of the Badgers
How do you come to that conclusion? You really mean the "New Testament" not the whole Bible. But we don't have the Catholics to thank. The councils came about in part because of the Catholics- false teachings.
Quick question, are you from some parallel universe?

The ecumenical councils were Catholic councils!


Lord of the Badgers
Purgatory. A non-biblical Catholic cosmological concept. Luther seems to hold it dear does he not?
See how it was not so easy for him to reject his Catholocism, and certainly not through "Bible study alone", but through his own cultural and theological issues.


Active Member
Wow thats a lot of information on the Sabbath, thanks. :)

I'm not sure what it has to do with whether or not groups such as yours are Protestant though?
Whether or not the Lord's Day was kept as Sabbath by all Churches in the early centuries is unimportant considering that the Roman Catholic Church reigned supreme in the West and was the originator of your own movement. Changing the Sabbath back to the Saturday doesn't reverse 1,500 years of history, you came from Protestant stock, sorry its as simple as that from the historical perspective.

Tell me, how many books are in your Bible again? ;)

My point is What is the difference between a Protestant and a Catholic in todays world- if everyone is a Christian?

Christians follow Christ (Jesus Christ- of the Bible
- God)- Catholics follow the Pope (a MAN that calls himself - Christ on Earth)

This is my point, The Bible says this is Anti - Christ - to call your self God that is, How can I be For and Against Christ at the same time. When the Bible tells me " no man can serve two masters"


Lord of the Badgers
My point is What is the difference between a Protestant and a Catholic in todays world- if everyone is a Christian?

Protestantism is younger, that's the difference.

Christians follow Christ (Jesus Christ- of the Bible- God)- Catholics follow the Pope (a MAN that calls himself - Christ on Earth)

He really, really does not call himself Christ on Earth.

This is my point, The Bible says this is Anti - Christ - to call your self God that is, How can I be For and Against Christ at the same time. When the Bible tells me " no man can serve two masters"
The Pope holds the same office that St. Peter did in the Early Church, the Patriarch, the man who leads the Church in terms of Earthly affairs under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Christ is the head of the Catholic Church, not the Pope.

I really suggest that you improve you knowledge of Roman Catholicism, and while your at it look up the Eastern Orthodox Catholic Churches as well, you'll learn a lot about the history of your own faith in doing so.


Active Member
Purgatory. A non-biblical Catholic cosmological concept. Luther seems to hold it dear does he not?
See how it was not so easy for him to reject his Catholocism, and certainly not through "Bible study alone", but through his own cultural and theological issues.
I disagree
Luther ,Huss, Wyclif, Knox and all of the other reformers- where not totally right -as God leads his people out of darkness - they all had some points of truth. But now we live in the "Information Age" where knowledge and wisdom have increased. We now all have the privilege to hear and understand the "Full Spectrum" of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Why was Daniel was told to "shut up the prophecy until the End times" .


Lord of the Badgers
I disagree
Luther ,Huss, Wyclif, Knox and all of the other reformers- where not totally right -as God leads his people out of darkness - they all had some points of truth. But now we live in the "Information Age" where knowledge and wisdom have increased. We now all have the privilege to hear and understand the "Full Spectrum" of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Why was Daniel was told to "shut up the prophecy until the End times" .
Uh huh, and what is the full spectrum of the Gospel. Is it all found in the Bible by any chance?


Deviled Hen
How do you come to that conclusion? You really mean the "New Testament" not the whole Bible. But we don't have the Catholics to thank. The councils came about in part because of the Catholics- false teachings.

It's this little thing called "history."

And yes I mean the whole Bible.


Active Member
Protestantism is younger, that's the difference.
i disagree
He really, really does not call himself Christ on Earth.
Vicar of Christ (instead of)
A title of the pope implying his supreme and universal primacy, both of honour and of jurisdiction, over the Church of Christ.
“The Pope, Bishop of Rome and Peter’s successor, ‘is the perpetual and visible source and foundation of the unity both of the bishops and of the whole company of the faithful.’ ‘For the Roman Pontiff, by reason of his office as Vicar of Christ, and as pastor of the entire Church has full, supreme, and universal power over the whole Church, a power which he can always exercise.”
The Pope holds the same office that St. Peter did in the Early Church, the Patriarch, the man who leads the Church in terms of Earthly affairs under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Christ is the head of the Catholic Church, not the Pope.
The Lord Jesus Christ entrusted the universal care of souls into the safekeeping of the Divine Person of the Holy Spirit.(not the Pope) Concerning this Third Person of the Trinity who was to be His substitute, the Lord promised that, “when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgmentThe Holy Spirit convicts of sin as He makes the sinner realize his lost condition and convicts him of his need of Christ’s righteousness. He it is who brings a soul dead in sin to life. This miracle of grace is spoken of in Scripture as, “the exceeding greatness of His power to usward who believe, according to the working of His mighty power, which He wrought in Christ when He raised Him from the dead.”[The majesty, greatness and indescribable power of the office of Vicar of Christ are such that a believer stands in awe of His divine Person.
Further more "The Bible " states that That if any human being should lay claim to the office of Vicar of Christ it is blasphemous. How can one serve two masters?
I really suggest that you improve you knowledge of Roman Catholicism,


Active Member
Uh huh, and what is the full spectrum of the Gospel. Is it all found in the Bible by any chance?

Most certainly, But before I answer you,take a look around the "Christian world" and ask any of the followers of Christ ( not a church) are all Ten Commandments still binding? If the answer is "yes," then why ignore or do away with the 4th commandment? - Remember the Sabbath day to keep it Holy.
Then I want you to ask the Christian world which day is the Sabbath- the day God sanctions for worship as Holy? If the answer is Sunday , is that Biblical? or should I say Christian? Are we really following Christ and his Apostles examples?
The Full Spectrum of the Gospel of Jesus Christ encompasses following ALL of Christs teachings and Obeying his ALL His words- You know the 10 Commandments Gods eternal Law of Love.


Well-Known Member
I really suggest that you improve you knowledge of Roman Catholicism,
How about you tell me that?

You really have no idea what you are talking about and are doing your SDA group a great diservice by openly spreading lies and hate.

Christ is the head of the Roman Catholic Church........ the Pope is the Bishop of Rome, first among equals of all the catholic Bishops.... he is the VISIBLE sign of unity on this earth for all Christians and lays no personal claim to divinity or power equal to Christ.

I suggest you spend some time in prayer... the Holy Spirit does not encourage Christians to attack each other but looks to foster charity and unity. Feel free to preach your Sabbath information, but you should be able to do so without making yourself look ignorant by showing everyone how little you know about the Catholic Church and Christian history.

Praying for you,


Well-Known Member
The ones who protest are. :D

How can Catholics, in truth -be called Christian? Christians are Protestants. Protestants are not Catholics.
This entire premise is faulty. Christians aren't Protestants. It's the other way around. Protestants are Christians.

Look, you can dislike the Catholic church all you want. I'm not going to try to stop you. You should at least educate yourself though. Making declarations about Christian history that are this painfully, obviously incorrect doesn't do you any favors.


Deviled Hen
I really suggest that you improve you knowledge of Roman Catholicism,

Excuse me while my irony meter explodes.



Active Member
Hi Scott, Where have you been, I missed your comments on the 1260 day Prophecy.

How about you tell me that?

You really have no idea what you are talking about and are doing your SDA group a great diservice by openly spreading lies and hate.
First of all I am not spreading LIES or HATE. "The Vicar of Christ "quote came from the Catholic Encyclopedia. Secondly I don't Hate anyone. Can anyone tell me if Scott makes all his post with such an accusatory disposition?

Christ is the head of the Roman Catholic Church........ the Pope is the Bishop of Rome, first among equals of all the catholic Bishops.... he is the VISIBLE sign of unity on this earth for all Christians and lays no personal claim to divinity or power equal to Christ. That all depends upon your understanding of the title "Vicar of Christ" - which is still one of his titles -according to your encyclopedia

I suggest you spend some time in prayer... the Holy Spirit does not encourage Christians to attack each other but looks to foster charity and unity.
Practice what you preach
Scott, I don't attack people. The information presented here comes from The Bible, History and your Churches literature ONLY. Not Me nor SDA'S. The attacks I see being made here are by you. Not surprising though.

Feel free to preach your Sabbath information, but you should be able to do so without making yourself look ignorant by showing everyone how little you know about the Catholic Church and Christian history.

Feel free to expose all my Lies and Hate- and I will expose yours- as you so accurately accuse me of ignorance about Christ and His teachings. Not the papacy BTW: the Sabbath was made for man (all mankind) Mark 2:27

Praying for you,
Protestants ... accept Sunday rather than Saturday as the day for public worship after the Catholic Church made the change... But the Protestant mind does not seem to realize that ... in observing Sunday, they are accepting the authority of the spokesman for the Church, the pope." Our Sunday Visitor, February 5th, 1950. See This Rock


Active Member
Why do you think that I dislike Catholics, my in -laws are Catholic. That dosen't stop me from loving them or anyone else, Thats un- Christian. You people need to stop pointing fingers, and INVESTIGATE . I asked a question in my post, like everyone else does, then defended my position like everyone else does. What is even stranger about the accusations is not one quote lacks a source.( if one doesn't I'll give it to you)

What are you afraid of , Investigating Truth?

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