Ah. That's okay. No judgment here.
Or if you think of the yin-yang symbol. It's black and white. Good and bad. Positive and negative. The never-ending opposite forces in struggle to get to the center. Yet, both of them together, there's unity, that's one. There's neither good nor bad. The greater Good is that it all just is.
Yes... like it.. especially "to the centre" as all things reside there. You have heard of the idea that the consciousness expands like concentric circles? The inner light is what everything is encircled about. The inner is what counts, even usually in nature.
On another note, to go back to death. I'm not sure if you're Christian or not from our discussions,
I don't class myself as one as I think I have met too many.. haha. But most people would say I am, which would give you an idea of my thinking... theistically
but if you were, would you consider Jesus' death to have been beneficial?
Or put it this way, in general terms, can death be positive or bring positive things?
And isn't Jesus' death and resurrection an image of what we're supposed to do?
Die from ourselves and be born again into a spiritual life?
Is that bad or is it a bad image?
You mean that whole argument? I am not sure what you mean as you use the word 'Image' which means more to me than just one thing.
Yahshuah is everything. Fullstop. There is nothing else. He is the One. He is the One that was the smallest part of Self that died to allow everything else to live. He is the creator that the created killed for their own self preservation.
He died well before the world began. It is fractal. Everything is. That is why it says There is nothing new UNDER the sun.
He is the One that did not enter the impure realms as we did. We evolved through them, he did not. He is pure from his own inner Self. It is us who replicate that Self, but with our own self also. There is conflict. To the two shall become One one day.
Something had to be pure to return to the Temple that is pure. Without someone pure, there is no entry. It is clothing ourselves with this new man that allows entry.
As everything is infinite in its fractal copies, this happens many times over in many ways. So also we are ourselves, more than just one, but myriad in thought patterns and realities (many worlds). Thus we try to attain the highest position within the 'concentric circles'. When we are One with the inner One, then we become like that, and the whole process starts off again (not that it every ended). And so more realities come about, more Gods reflected from the One God who is the Existence that is everything. That is the Son. The Son beget the Father.
So Yes, Yahshuah is important... haha