Hello. I can relate to this.
However, does one know the Seer that sees the sleep, dream, and waking states and so called beings in those states (including the waking and dream state ME-s)?
And before being that Seer, how can one who considers the 'seen' body as 'Me', say there is no deity? Has ego self created the world?
Of course. To paraphrase: (Gita IV:24)
Brahman is the offerer. Brahman is thing offered. Brahman is the act of offering. Brahman is the fire in which the offering's burnt.
We have to live in the world we perceive; we have to treat our current level of consciousness as reality even if we understand intellectually that it's maya.
I believe the world is real. I believe the world is illusion. Reality is different in different levels of consciousness. The correct answer to a question changes when answered from different metaphysical levels.
My "ego self," as you say, has created my world. Someday my ego self will transcend that world, though; merge with it, absorb it, expand beyond it.
My current ego self has not, thus far, chosen to make a God. I'm aware that some people do make Gods, and for them those Gods can be (subjectively) real. Someday, though, these people will become their Gods, then transcend them, absorb them and continue to expand beyond them.
In third state their Gods are real. In fifth or sixth state they are not. The reality of Gods -- or teapots -- depends on which level we are asking or answering from.
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