When compared to the rest of the animal kingdom I can't simply classify man as another animal. I mean, we are leaps and bounds above everything else. Not perfect by any means, but still no other creature on earth even comes close to what we are, so even if I were a naturalist I would have to consider this huge difference between us and them if I were honest with myself.
We are aware that we are aware that we are aware. Look at a glass of water. Are you aware you're looking at it? Are you aware of that secondary awareness and the 3rd awareness which is to say you are aware that you are aware that you are aware? This is a distinct difference from animals that shows a higher level of awareness.
We live in an environment with animals, that is if we don't end up killing all of them. We share the commonalities necessary for our function here that are also shared by animals. It doesn't mean we are anything like them.