Unfortunately, when it comes to evidence on climate change, it appears that most forecasts have understated the problem -- the projections of temperatures, CO2 levels, ocean acidification, sea level rise, invariably turn out to be more rapid than the projections of the climate modellers and the reports gathered in the IPCC Reports. Sure, there are different ideas, but most of the official government-sponsored climate research is too conservative in their forecasts, while the deniers are totally out to lunch!
Re: salvation -- There are as many different interpretations as there are scriptural verses on the end times. A modern movement formed around one verse in Thessalonians, popularized by Rapture interpretations, and then a load of poorly written fiction and even worse movies (Left Behind) that have left many evangelicals with the notion that they will disappear and be taken up into the clouds as all hell breaks loose here on Earth.
I consider this to be potentially the most dangerous theology, because it creates an impression that the present day Christian, who is sure of his salvation, can disregard everything that is happening now -- like the famines and wars that are likely to to ensue because of degradation of the environment. I think this is a big part of the reason why so many evangelicals care so little about the threat of climate change and other environment issues -- they don't think they will have to be around to suffer through the damage that they have played a part in creating.
I guess we can agree on that one. But blind faith in technological progress is the other religion that encourages complacency, and appears to be the strongest religion among most the unbelievers and mildly religious.
I never said it was irrational, and many religions that believe in an end times are among the most prepared to deal with calamities that will occur in the coming years or decades -- the Mormons teach their followers that they must keep a year's supply of food...so they among the few preparing for disruptions in our complex economic system. Others that emphasize self-sufficiency, like the Amish and Mennonites will be better able to deal with hardship than 99% of city-dwellers.
Also, belief in salvation gives hope that the trials are only temporary and will lead to a renewed golden age. That could be helpful to many people in coming decades who are facing hard times that they have not been prepared to deal with. Prior to the relatively consistent weather of the Holocene Epoch, small bands of hunter/gatherers had to deal with extreme climate and weather changes, and find a way to survive for thousands of years.....future generations will face the same challenge, and may have the advantage of modern technology on their side -- but they may have to re-learn a lot of things that are ancestors understood.
I don't see the UN as ever being the source of power that end-time believers and extreme nationalists built it up as. It is mostly a powerless organization that is dependent on the U.S. financially and its home. Many of the charities run by the U.N. - like UNHCR, are the most effective at dealing with famine and other issues in the poorest regions of the World. I'm not sure if turning the UN into the great boogeyman even existed before Hal Lindsey, and a few other prophecy writers on the far right got started 40 years ago. Previously, the Vatican and the Catholic Church were interpreted as The Beast, The Great Harlot, The False Prophet, The Antichrist, and all of the other bad things that Satan was supposed to unleash in the final days. The Neoconservative prophecy writers like Lindsay, seem to have shifted a lot of their interpretations to suit the times -- I understand that now, the focus is on Islam as being the enemy, whereas back when he wrote "The Late Great Planet Earth," the KIng of the North was supposed to be the Soviet Union....which doesn't even exist today of course...and that's the big problem when prophecy writers get to re-interpret and re-package their prophecies to suit the news of the day!
The problem with interpreting prophecies as events that are about to happen, is that any time of trouble can appear to be the last days. How many times over the last 2000 years has Matthew 24 inspired some doomsday cult to start up? The first problem is that the prophecies in the NT were originally intended for their time. The Beast with the 666 was code form for the Roman Emperor Nero; Jesus tells his disciples in Mark 9:1 that he will return before the last of them have died....a few decades later, the Christian churches had to make the transition from an end time cult that only had time for proselytizing, to take on the more mundane tasks of how to organize a unified church throughout the Empire with a hierarchical leadership.
Thank for your reply.
You make good points and observations.
I'll start with Proverbs [4v18] because it mentions spiritual light [Bible knowledge] would progressively grow lighter and lighter with the passing of time.
Daniel pin pointed that progressive time frame would culminate with increased biblical knowledge [education] - Daniel 12vs4,9.
Wrong guesses did Not make Scripture wrong, but the guessers needed to hit the books [66 Bible books] again, and see how they could shed more spiritual light on their existing knowledge.
A lot of guessers didn't use accurate Bible knowledge but their own guesses.
Mark [13vs32-37] we are cautioned to keep on the watch, or be watchful.
Be alert to Bible prophecy.
Jesus explained to his first century followers that the kingdom of God was Not for their time by his illustration or analogy at Luke [19 vs11-15]
Matthew 24 and Luke 21 both have a minor and a major fulfillment.
The minor was fulfilled in the year 70 with the destruction of Jerusalem.
The major is for our day. -Matt 24v21; Rev 7v14
Also, what is unique for our day is Matthew [24v14] that the good news of God's kingdom would be a witness to all nations.
Rapid Bible translation into many languages has now sped up that process.
It is only with backing that the UN can be strengthened.
Religions major role is the union of church and state to crown and dethrone kings. People talk of personal salvation or judgment. All religious organizations are accountable to God and will face his judgment of them.
On the surface 'feed the poor' looks oh so good, but the wave of godless conduct affects religions standing or position. Such as in tax exemptions now being called into question, and because of clergy misconduct in sex scandles, etc. Terrorist's extremes have religion as its base.
All of this has created feelings and attitudes of an anti-religious atmosphere in the UN. False religions meddling in the world's affairs has brought such religion negative or bad attention to the point that she is, so to speak, in the UN's radar.
Original ancient Babylon known for its false religious practices experienced sudden destruction. Today Babylonish teachings are mixed with Scripture and often the clergy teach it as part and parcel with Scripture promoting tradition outside of Scripture as Scripture. So, the forecast is the same for modern Babylon which is a greater religious Babylon or world-wide Babylon the Great.
[Rev. chapters 17,18]
1st Thess [5vs2,3] is clear Jesus comes as a thief. A thief does not announce his arrival does he ? So, although it would seem unlikely for the UN to prove to be God's 'long arm of the law' against the world false religious sector,
just like ancient Babylon felt secure, her surprising end came hard and swift,
so it should be no real surprise to those that keep on the watch spiritually that God will adversely judge the world's false religions inside and outside of Christendom.
In closing I would like to add that it is really science with its doom-and-gloom Doom's Day Clock with its hands set close to striking the dark midnight hour.
Whereas, Luke wrote [21v28] to lift up one's head [optimistic] because deliverance [salvation] is getting near. Saved or delivered from the badness on earth to live under Jesus righteous messianic [1000-year] reign over earth.
-Micah 4vs3,4