On the Hebrews 13:17 thing - don't both the KJV and the ASV also render the word "obey"? Πείθεσθε is the present imperative tense of a verb that literally means "to be persuaded about" or "to have confidence in". I think the word you are thinking of is ὑπείκετε which occurs later in the verse and does mean "yield". This is rendered "submit" in the KJV and "be submissive" in the New World Translation.
If you wanted a more literal translation of this verse then one might go for something like: "Have confidence in those leading you and be submissive..." - that certainly implies obedience to the teachings of those taking the lead in the Christian congregation - but the Greek word Πείθεσθε also implies an active attempt to develop or build the confidence (to be "persuaded about" rather than unquestioningly accept the ability of the leaders to lead properly) so its not blind obedience - rather, it is a confident "obedience" based on observing their teaching and life course (compare Hebrews 13:7).
Maybe you might consider that the writer intended a different meaning.
By a person's Christian behavior he can be persuasive to another person to be glad to take the job
of leader.
Maybe that is what Hebrews 13:17 means.
They and YOU say it means to obey those taking the lead. Maybe it means to be the kind of person who persuades the man who has taken the lead to keep at it.
God says you are all going to call those totally different scenarios the same. They aren't the same.