Its seldom that I roll out a thread in the debate section, but I guess I feel lucky today...
Lets say you're square with your belief system. I don't care what it is; secular humanism, Asatru, the LDS Church, Shia Islam. What you believe isn't relevant, other than you're in line with your beliefs, and are content with your behavior within that structure.
But, the guy next to you isn't in line with your beliefs. He isn't bothering you(or anyone else) at all; no, he may not even be real concerned with you in the least, but you know for a fact that he does things your worldview condemns.
Do you feel compelled to bring him to your side? Remember, he isn't trying to bother you(or anyone else), but will it nag at you that perhaps you feel he's doing something 'wrong'? Will it tug at your heart to think he's missing out on something? Or do you honestly believe none of its your business, and you smile and wave as you pass?