People all believe they are 'intelligent". Everyone thinks they understand science and its models as well as the experiments that generate them.
Where are you getting all this stuff?
I can assure you that just about everybody here that would identify as a sceptic will have no problem at all mentioning plenty of scientific things that they do not understand at all.
I'm one of them. Quantum mechanics, for example. I wouldn't be able to interpret those equations, or even only tell what the various variables stand for, if my life depended on it.
What the heck are you talking about? Or who the heck are you talking about?
The reality is none of these things are true.
Which things? What are you talking about?
The ability to learn from the insights and experiments of the past have nothing to do with what we call "intelligence" largely because no such thing exists. It is a function of language and not some imaginary attribute of the human mind. "intelligence" is an event and not a condition. The proof is all around us but we choose not to see it.
You make no sense at all.
I'ld say Stephen Hawking is way more intelligent then I am. So is Bill Gates. We even have standardised tests to test for that. It's called an IQ test.
That people do not understand science is patently obvious. All you have to do is listen to what they say, do, and believe. Half of aviation engineers believe a plane can't take off from a conveyor belt moving the opposite direction. Even 3% of physicists miss the correct answer. Some of this is lack of care or playing devil's advocate but many miss it because they can't hold all the relevant parameters in mind and maintain a single frame of reference. Many don't really understand the nature of a wheel.
So because nobody holds ALL human knowledge, nobody knows anything?
Nowhere is the lack of understanding of science more pronounced than among people who claim to be "skeptics" on the net. They have some idea of what reality is and they can't be dissuaded from it regardless of how wrong they are.
Who are these people? Who are you talking about? Why are you being so vague and so generalising?
Without an understanding of metaphysics an understanding of science is impossible.
Let's just ignore all evidence to the contrary, ey?
It is not true for any other life form which don't use abstractions and experiment. Any beaver can invent a new way to build dams.
I'll bet you a bazillion dollars that no beaver will ever invent plastic dams.
Or use his dams to generate electricity to power his hole and provide it with a central heating system and cable TV.
Very few humans have any chance at discovering the unified field theory and if one does it will be the result of an insight and not because they are "smarter" than everyone else.
You should compare the average IQ of accomplished theoretical physicists with the average IQ of the rest of the population.
I'm actually not even aware of a single theoretical physicist that doesn't qualify, or at least comes very close to qualifying, to the level of "genius" in terms of IQ.