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Are soul and spirit the same?What are they in bible context?


Well-Known Member
I believe I accept all verses that were in the original text.

I believe it is a reference to the fact that Jesus becomes the Paraclete as well as inhabiting His "Spirit" body. I Cor. 15:44 It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body
Do you believe that Elohim/God wrote some Holy Scripture/Bible versions Inerrant? Do you agree that like Yeshua/Jesus the True Disciple of Messiah/Christ transforms from Natural Body to Spiritual Body?


Son of his Father: The Heir and Prince
Yet you, @Soapy, are the same as Billions of Christians in Christendom making False Claims of having the Holy Spirit while being Led by Carnality. Having Recreational Sex and Eating anything you want is Carnality. Calling a Cat a Dog and Dog a Cat doesn't make it True.

You are Not even a Christian given the following:

1) You have not been Water Baptised and believe that Water Baptism is unimportant.
2) You are Not taking Communion.
3) You are having Recreational Sex and Eating anything you want.
4) You have a Literal Interpretation of the Holy Scriptures/Bible.

Literal Interpretation of the Holy Scriptures/Bible is for Elohim's/God's Temporal Church and you are Not practicing this, therefore you are Really Not a Christian. To be a Christian you must practice the Christian Faith.
Perhaps you are right…. I am not a Christian as I do not believe in the trinity … I use the term ‘Christian’ because if is the closest title to what is defined ‘a follower of Christ’… but the mass majority of people who call themselves ‘Christian’ do not even closely ‘follow Christ’.
They follow a made up ideology which is pagan at its heart: Three Gods …. disguised as ONE GOD.

In fact, the claim by the one true God HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH BEING A UNITY….

The one true God told the Israelites that they should not worship pagan GODS and that they should worship HIM and HIM ALONE… Do not worship the many Gods of the pagans and Heathens but the ONE GOD of the Israelites.

The one true God did not claim to be a unity of persons as one God.


Son of his Father: The Heir and Prince
It appears wrong to you and Billons of others because of Natural Carnal Desire. Having Sex is Carnality. Do you understand and agree that having Sex is Carnality?

I Repeat: Sex Is For Procreation Purposes Only
If you can bear to have Sex, it Must be between mature Married Man and Woman for Procreation Purposes Only.
If you can bear to have Sex, it should be a mechanical operation akin to impregnation through a test tube.

Is the above clear enough for everybody?
Do not get married - and if you should mistaken get married then only make mechanical sex with your wife (or husband…!).

Do not attempt to make love to her even if she ends up finding another man to do it to her!!

Your wife will be so pleased that you don’t touch her with tenderness and that sexual spark she thought you’d give her from the day you vowed to her at the alter.

Oh, I forgot to ask… are you married?


Well-Known Member
Perhaps you are right…. I am not a Christian as I do not believe in the trinity … I use the term ‘Christian’ because if is the closest title to what is defined ‘a follower of Christ’… but the mass majority of people who call themselves ‘Christian’ do not even closely ‘follow Christ’.
They follow a made up ideology which is pagan at its heart: Three Gods …. disguised as ONE GOD.

In fact, the claim by the one true God HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH BEING A UNITY….

The one true God told the Israelites that they should not worship pagan GODS and that they should worship HIM and HIM ALONE… Do not worship the many Gods of the pagans and Heathens but the ONE GOD of the Israelites.

The one true God did not claim to be a unity of persons as one God.
The Honesty is much appreciated about being not really Christian part. The 2.2 Billion Christians in Christendom Practice Earthly Christianity. The Earthly Yeshua/Jesus is Pagan. Apart from a Few hundred/thousand Elect, every person on the Planet is Practising Pagan Religion.
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Well-Known Member
Do not get married - and if you should mistaken get married then only make mechanical sex with your wife (or husband…!).

Do not attempt to make love to her even if she ends up finding another man to do it to her!!

Your wife will be so pleased that you don’t touch her with tenderness and that sexual spark she thought you’d give her from the day you vowed to her at the alter.
Yes, these are concerns of the Natural Man and Natural Woman.

Oh, I forgot to ask… are you married?
1 Corinthians 7:1

7 Now concerning the things whereof ye wrote unto me: It is good for a man not to touch a woman.

Evidently you are having difficulty hearing.

I wrote this in post #113: Are soul and spirit the same?What are they in bible context?
I Am Celibate. Giants of the Christian Faith Yeshua/Jesus, John the Baptist and Paul the Apostle are Celibate.
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Son of his Father: The Heir and Prince
Yes, these are concerns of the Natural Man and Natural Woman.

1 Corinthians 7:1

7 Now concerning the things whereof ye wrote unto me: It is good for a man not to touch a woman.

Evidently you are having difficulty hearing.

I wrote this in post #113: Are soul and spirit the same?What are they in bible context?
I Am Celibate. Giants of the Christian Faith Yeshua/Jesus, John the Baptist and Paul the Apostle are Celibate.
You didn’t say if you are married… have you ‘touched a woman’?

I ask since you seem so convinced that a man should not touch a woman even if they are married!!


Well-Known Member
You didn’t say if you are married… have you ‘touched a woman’?

I ask since you seem so convinced that a man should not touch a woman even if they are married!!
Isaiah 13:11

11 And I will punish the world for their evil, and the wicked for their iniquity; and I will cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease, and will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible.

I Am A Christian Monk. Monks are the the Same as Nuns. Monks don't touch Women and Nuns don't touch Men.

If you read the whole of 1 Corinthians Chapter 7 Elohim/God might give you some Understanding. At present Elohim/God has Ordained that you, @Soapy, Will Perish. What Elohim/God Wills is Just Deserts Punishment.


Son of his Father: The Heir and Prince
Isaiah 13:11

11 And I will punish the world for their evil, and the wicked for their iniquity; and I will cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease, and will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible.

I Am A Christian Monk. Monks are the the Same as Nuns. Monks don't touch Women and Nuns don't touch Men.

If you read the whole of 1 Corinthians Chapter 7 Elohim/God might give you some Understanding. At present Elohim/God has Ordained that you, @Soapy, Will Perish. What Elohim/God Wills is Just Desserts Punishment.
Oooh, you’re so scary!!!

“The husband should fulfil his marital duty to his wife, and likewise the wife to her husband… … Do not deprive each other except perhaps by mutual consent and for a time, so that you may devote yourselves to prayer. Then come together again so that Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of self-control.” (1 Cor 7:3 & 5)

So, you’re a monk… Did you have a man Father and a woman Mother who ‘touched each other’ to produce you?

Are you just angry that as a monk you cannot touch a woman… frustrating, eh! I bet you get tempted, though!!!
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Well-Known Member
Oooh, you’re so scary!!!
To the Contrary, Heathen Atheists are Not Scared by Christian Monks. Heathen Atheists respond to Violence and the Earthly Yeshua/Jesus has the Monopoly and Dominion of Violence. The Nazi-KKK is the Earthly Violent Yeshua/Jesus.

This is the fruitage of the Catholic church - Jordan Maxwell

So, you’re a monk… Did you have a man Father and a woman Mother who ‘touched each other’ to produce you?
I posted replies for the benefit of other readers on these forums. Evidently you are a member that has inability to learn from others.

Readers can see that you, @Soapy, are either Stupid, A Liar or Both of these.

If a Married couple decide to have children than they have to touch each other for Procreation Purposes Only. A Married coupled must not touch each other unless for Procreation Purposes. Is that clear enough for readers on these forums.
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Son of his Father: The Heir and Prince
To the Contrary, Heathen Atheists are Not Scared by Christian Monks. Heathen Atheists respond to Violence and the Earthly Yeshua/Jesus has the Monopoly and Dominion of Violence. The Nazi-KKK is the Earthly Violent Yeshua/Jesus.

This is the fruitage of the Catholic church - Jordan Maxwell

I posted replies for the benefit of other readers on these forums. Evidently you are a member that has inability to learn from others.

Readers can see that you, @Soapy, are either Stupid, A Liar or Both of these.

If a Married couple decide to have children than they have to touch each other for Procreation Purposes Only. A Married coupled must not touch each other unless for Procreation Purposes. Is that clear enough for readers on these forums.
It seems great and appropriate that you are a monk so that the generation of you is ended.


Well-Known Member
It seems great and appropriate that you are a monk so that the generation of you is ended.
Romans 1:30

30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,

By Asserting the above you, @Soapy, have come clean being honest that you Hate Elohim/God and Hate Yeshua/Jesus. Usually Elohim/God Haters Disguise their Hatred for Elohim/God. Elohim/God has Ordained and Created the Elohim/God Haters.

Yeshua/Jesus is Christian Monk Being Unmarried Celibate. Christians Monks are Ordained and Protected by Elohim/God. Christian Monks and Other Monks are the Most Devoted to Elohim/God giving up Worldly Attachments. Elohim/God has produced Christian Monks and Other Monks over thousands of years in every generation.

The Niche Roman Catholic Religious Orders Society of Jesus (Jesuits), Opus Dei and Knights Templar are Christian Monks. Christian Monks follow the example of Yeshua/Jesus Being Unmarried Celibate in Total Devotion to Elohim/God. Elohim/God Protects Christian Monks from ending.
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Hebrew word nephesh or the Greek word psykhe
basically refers to people, animals, or the life that a person or an animal has

[COLOR=var(--du-color--textDefault, #292929)]"This is the word that Jehovah has commanded, ‘Pick up some of it, each one in proportion to his eating. YOU are to take an omer measure for each individual according to the number of the souls that each of YOU has in his tent."- Ex 16:16[/COLOR]

"Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God." Rom- 13:1

2. Animals
“Then God said: ‘Let the waters swarm with living souls..."Gen 1:20

3. Life of a person
“All the men who were seeking your soul, are dead.” Exodus 4:19

"I am the fine shepherd; the fine shepherd surrenders his life soul in behalf of the sheep.” John 10:11

Hebrew word ruach or the Greek word pneuma. Means breath, force

Note that the life(soul) without spirit dies.

“If you [Jehovah] take away their spirit [ruʹach], they die and return to the dust.” Psalm 104:29

"Indeed, just as the body without spirit is dead..." James 2:26

“I am going to bring floodwaters upon the earth to destroy from under the heavens all flesh that has the breath [ruʹach] of life.” Genesis 6:17

“The dust of his body returns to the earth, just as it was, and the spirit returns to the true God who gave it.” Eccl 12:7
spirit is a pagan word n it applies to paganism n is not useful to learn about cuz u cant see a spirit to know what it is doing as i not use spirits to make my will happen nor do i follow them to do their will but instead learn about what jinn are n consider that as close to spirit as u can understand but Christianity is littered with pagan practices as well as polytheisms that mostly go unnoticed until one comes n informs u as i promise u if u read the torah thoroughly u will never again listen to what nonsense ur pastor is telling u cuz u will be aware of the things that are done that is happening in such a way u will be able to reconize such occurrences n even be able to say something about them when u see them practicing their false idoltry with others despite scriptures specifically teaching against such performances in worship as they are not telling u the truth but spreading lies that appear to be prevailing but at the last moment when u are told all that u do n share in its recompense then may u find the truth that u never accepted to not only stand against u but to ultimately prevail against ur lies n may at that second may u reconize the truth that u didnt trust in n never accepted but clinged to ur falsehoods till they were no longer of any power n u find the folly of ur error to be seen by the world cuz u equated to god something that proved to be ur exact reason of such a loss that u may know the truth will prevail as its easy to understand while every lie will fall to the truth so trust in one god of abraham n u will find no loss in that n u will find it will remain firm n even bring u much victory over all the lies


spirit is a pagan word n it applies to paganism n is not useful to learn about cuz u cant see a spirit to know what it is doing as i not use spirits to make my will happen nor do i follow them to do their will but instead learn about what jinn are n consider that as close to spirit as u can understand but Christianity is littered with pagan practices as well as polytheisms that mostly go unnoticed until one comes n informs u as i promise u if u read the torah thoroughly u will never again listen to what nonsense ur pastor is telling u cuz u will be aware of the things that are done that is happening in such a way u will be able to reconize such occurrences n even be able to say something about them when u see them practicing their false idoltry with others despite scriptures specifically teaching against such performances in worship as they are not telling u the truth but spreading lies that appear to be prevailing but at the last moment when u are told all that u do n share in its recompense then may u find the truth that u never accepted to not only stand against u but to ultimately prevail against ur lies n may at that second may u reconize the truth that u didnt trust in n never accepted but clinged to ur falsehoods till they were no longer of any power n u find the folly of ur error to be seen by the world cuz u equated to god something that proved to be ur exact reason of such a loss that u may know the truth will prevail as its easy to understand while every lie will fall to the truth so trust in one god of abraham n u will find no loss in that n u will find it will remain firm n even bring u much victory over all the lies
soul is a formation that is deeper than ur flesh n even the mose of travel from one point to the next both inside n outside time as it will be ur soul that is given a pure formation that will allow u to be approaching god by in that u cant find god nor came u reach him without being called so the soul is the vehicle that travels carrying ur form that u find urself within at the current time as its the soul that moves by the form u are using but if u lose ur soul then u are no longer a part of whats happening cuz its the soul that is destroyed in next life that takes u away from being into outter oblivion where u will roam for eternity without relief n without ability to do anything nor be heard by any as outter darkness is farthest away from god as its absent of anything u can do to change what is happening as u wint have a body/flesh to use to do what u did but will have no form to be able to effect what ur seeing as u wont have a body as u had to make ur will happen n u will not be comforted nor heardnor seen but remembered only by what u did by what others remember u by n do by what u left behind that others use as u wont have anything except what the truth wills for u that u may know the merit in keeping treasures that dont come with u in next life as all u have here is lost to no avail but only a wise man knows what im saying