Well-Known Member
Are 'superior' and 'inferior' illusions and/or constructs of the human mind, or are they actual properties found in natural objects? If they are properties of natural objects, what is their physical composition or make-up? If they are emergent properties, what is their substructure?
Is an elephant in any way superior to a mouse? If you say an elephant's size renders it superior to a mouse, then precisely how does size convey superiority/inferiority?
NOTE: We are NOT using 'superior' and 'inferior' here as synonyms for larger or smaller, etc. This is not about comparatives! The question is, is there an intrinsic property of things that makes them superior (or inferior)?
And now for some nostalgic British ship ballast music....
Life happens. There is no such thing as superiority or inferiority.
Any intrinsic concept that allows one to survive could lead you to your demise.