There are two Muslims in Congress in the United States.Sam Harris and others have pointed out that any attempt to inject secularism into Middle Eastern nations only meets with short-lived success. The problem clearly isn't lack of democracy, in light of increasing favor for a more religious law in secular Turkey.
The question is will the majority of the Middle East ever be ready for secularism? If not, what should be done to end this clash of ideals and prevent what is potentially a recipe for ongoing conflicts?
Both of them are extremely liberal Democrats. They're both part of the Progressive Caucus of Congress, which is the most liberal caucus in Congress. One of them, Keith Ellison, is the chair of the Progressive Caucus, so he leads the most liberal Congressional group.
When gay marriage came into effect in his state, he celebrated with a song:
So I mean, some Muslims are about as socially liberal and secular as you can get. That's rarely the case overall, but it's an example of some people mixing Islam with full secularism.