That's is only faith based. You want it to be, but you have no evidence of such.
But I have to ask why would god copy mythology?
Academia see's Waraka possibly writing much of it, plagiarizing the biblical traditions he was known to pervert.
Peace be on you.
1=Teaching of Quran,
2=its preservation-as-promised,
3= prophecies during coming of Quran,
4= prophecies in farther times,
5= prophecies which are yet to be fulfilled,
6= grant of working blessings on true practitioners,
7= The demand of time, when it came as promised.
8= The man was totally book-illiterate and known servant of truth, he never leaned from others as there was no perfect teacher then.
Copying of mythology
History research is not fully done. There are many obstacles.
In previous-to-Quran Books, record of some events were man-handled, Quran corrected the one which God wanted to retain.
Stories and events in Quran have serious meanings, some are corrections and some are actually used a future prophecies.
If you please read Ahmadiyya Literature you will find true rational meanings of all these.
It is written somewhere above that Warqa knew only part of Torah, where did come rest from?
Besides Holy Prophet sa did not have much time spend with him.
One is sure if lot of Ahmadiyya-Muslim academia do research in history and archeology, much (which is already cleared in our literature) will be cleared more......That is one of the work of promised-reformer.