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Are The Trials Of Job Ahead Of Us?



Job 2:3 And the LORD said to Satan, "Have you noticed my servant Job, and that there
is no one on earth like him, faultless and upright, fearing God and avoiding evil?
He still holds fast to his innocence although you incited me against him to ruin him without cause."
4 And Satan answered the LORD and said, "Skin for skin! All that a man has will he give for his life.
5 But now put forth your hand and touch his bone and his flesh, and surely he will blaspheme you to your face."
6 And the LORD said to Satan, "He is in your power; only spare his life."

::What "cow dung" so GOD will punish you even if your good, that would confuse
anyone, you know who the author of confusion is? The same who wrote this bible.

::Here is the real GOD;

2En,31-6 I cursed not man, nor the earth, nor other creatures, but man’s evil fruit, and his works.

2En,32-1I said to him: Earth you are, and into the earth whence I took you you shalt
go, and I will not ruin you, but send you whence I took you.2Then I can again receive
you at My second presence.



Lord of the Badgers
The story of Job is about demonstrating faithfulness, Job kept his faith despite the torments he was subjected to.


The story of Job is about demonstrating faithfulness, Job kept his faith despite the torments he was subjected to.

This complete confusion!

Faithfulness is keeping the letter of the Law, this is hard enough as it is, once obtained the trials are over.
In Job he had obtained this faithfulness, the biblical god punished him for it, killed his wife, killed his kids,
sure he was blessed again in the end, with the memories of the trials of faithfulness, sure!!

Why did biblical god not test Adam in such way, or Enoch, or Noah, or anyone else?



Lord of the Badgers
Yeah, like WO said.
Think of it a bit like Aesops fables, each story doesn't necessarily rely on the others but have their own messages.
And there is evidence that the story of Job is adapted from a very ancient story of the region, not necessarily of the same peoples who wrote the genesis stories.


Well-Known Member
interpreting meaning in books not writen by yourself is like saying "te story of hary potter is ment to show drugs are bad", might be seen that way but it might not be ment like that.


Well-Known Member
This complete confusion!

Faithfulness is keeping the letter of the Law, this is hard enough as it is, once obtained the trials are over.
In Job he had obtained this faithfulness, the biblical god punished him for it, killed his wife, killed his kids,
sure he was blessed again in the end, with the memories of the trials of faithfulness, sure!!

Why did biblical god not test Adam in such way, or Enoch, or Noah, or anyone else?


There is no confusion from a Muslim perspective

The story of Prophet Job, (Ayoub peace be upon him) is mentioned in The Qur'an, and is given as an example for believers to have patience when faced with hardships

God tested His prophets in different ways, and the story of each one of them are case studies for believers to think about and benefit from the lessons learned in each case

Here is a summary of his story according to The Qur'an, if of interest:

Ayoub (Job)


Let's go racing boys !
NEWCASTLE the only confusion here is in what you are perceiving to be your own logic. If you don't understand it or don't believe it that is up to you. Many have tried explaining it to you but apparently you have a mind set that is beyond comprehension. They were just telling you what the scripture was teaching about patience, which you can't seem to grasp the concept.

We don't expect you to change your belief, but you for arguments sake at least could acknowledge the concept that we are presenting. Hosanna


NEWCASTLE the only confusion here is in what you are perceiving to be your own logic. If you don't understand it or don't believe it that is up to you. Many have tried explaining it to you but apparently you have a mind set that is beyond comprehension. They were just telling you what the scripture was teaching about patience, which you can't seem to grasp the concept.

We don't expect you to change your belief, but you for arguments sake at least could acknowledge the concept that we are presenting. Hosanna

What you fail to understand is that Laws are for everybody, not just Job.
When you begin to understand this, then maybe you can shed light for the lost.


Newcastle, do you view the God of the Old Testament (Yahweh) as the Demiurge?

I believe and know that book is satanicly inspired, nothing is put in order for anyone
to comprehend. Example, tower of babel, the supposed God came and confused the
people, "confused." who is the Author of Chaos?

The list is on going Darkness, hope you don't worship them, for they are many..


Liebe ist für alle da
I believe and know that book is satanicly inspired, nothing is put in order for anyone
to comprehend. Example, tower of babel, the supposed God came and confused the
people, "confused." who is the Author of Chaos?

The list is on going Darkness, hope you don't worship them, for they are many..

Funny, how can a book of the Jewish people be Satanically inspired, when they don't have a concept of Satan like you do...... so by this I'm guess you think the Jews are Satanic?


New Member
Job is one of my favorite books of the Bible. I read it once for encouragement-I know wierd, right? I did this because I had always heard the book of Job from a sugar-coated perspective. "Job lost all of his stuff, but then he got it back and he lived happily ever after...the end." But as I read, I realized that this was not the point of Job. Job has 30 something chapters of pure misery. I hated reading through all of that torment. And at the end he only gets a half a chapter of blessing. It doesn't seem fair does it? I can understand why a story like this is so hard to rationalize. But you know, I think the main point of Job is found in those few chapters where God speaks. Job asks God, "why." and God simply responds with the thought of "are you God?" and that is enough for Job, Job even repents for complaining and then proceeds to praise God. In my book, a faith that real and intense is more proof to me, than all the reason in the world. You see, The beauty of the book of Job is in the fact that Job never understood why the things that happened to Him happened, but yet he trusted anywyas. We are never given a reason as to why God allowed Job to be tested in this way, but neither was Job. I understand why something like this is so hard for someone with Him to grasp, it is the truth that even when your world comes crashing down around you, you are ok because you know that God is still God and He is still good. This truth changed my life and continues to every day. I know this is not the answer you want, nor is it the answer I typically give in debates, but it is the truth as I see it. This post isn't saturated in some theological reasons, because I can't give you those. We can guess and theorize all we want as to why the Almighty does what He does. But at the end of the day we are not given a reason, but more importantly Job didn't need a reason...so why are we so insistent on finding one.

"I know that you can do all things and that no purpose of yours can be thwarted...therefore I have uttered what I did not understand, things too wonderful for me, which I did not know" Job 42:2-3


Funny, how can a book of the Jewish people be Satanically inspired, when they don't have a concept of Satan like you do...... so by this I'm guess you think the Jews are Satanic?

In Judaism the book of Levititicus, speaks of Azazel, as the scapegoat, now also
of man’s sins, where a goat was to be sent out to him in the wilderness.
This is the basis for the practice still conducted today in Judaism as the ‘Day of
Atonement’ or ‘Yom Kippur’….now minus the goat.

1En,10- 6Again the Lord said to Raphael, Bind Azazel hand and foot; cast him
into darkness; and opening the desert which is in Dudael, cast him in there.
7Throw upon him hurled and pointed stones, covering him with darkness;
8There shall he remain for ever; cover his face, that he may not see the light.
9And in the great day of judgment let him be cast into the fire.

12All the earth has been corrupted by the effects of the teaching of Azazel.
To him therefore ascribe the whole crime.

Why would Holy GOD now ascribe a holiday to this Fallen Angel to his earthly children for worship?
Azazel's teachings were the cause of the first destruction, the Deluge and todays corruptions as well.

Satan also is a Fallen Angel..

And read the book of Job you'll find Satan there, just learn before you try to teach!!!


Job asks God, "why." and God simply responds with the
thought of "are you God?" and that is enough for Job, Job even repents for
complaining and then proceeds to praise God. In my book, a faith that real and
intense is more proof to me, than all the reason in the world. You see, The beauty of
the book of Job is in the fact that Job never understood why the things that happened
to Him happened, but yet he trusted anywyas. We are never given a reason as to why
God allowed Job to be tested in this way, but neither was Job.

If you don't know what your doing wrong how can you correct it??
If GOD doesn't tell you, how will you know??
How will you change??