Bob the Unbeliever
Well-Known Member
I am optimistic that the additional education available from the internet will help to end this ignorance. The one recent trend that might behind the recent failures is homeschooling. Home schooled children of fundamentalists tend to be shorted a bit in their education. Home schooled children do not tend to be taught critical reasoning. They are not able to fairly test ideas to see if they are right or wrong. The science education that they receive avoids anything besides the simplest of chemistry and physics. And if the parent teaching is lacking in math skills their children end up with the same handicap.
I wonder how many of our younger members here are victims of that sort of education. But even they cannot seem to avoid the internet.
Well, to be sure: There are far more service industry jobs than any other.
So long as the homeschooling teaches them to always smile, and ask, "would you like fries with that Big Mac?" their offspring will be an essential part of Tomorrow.
Somebody has to hand out the Value Meals to paying customers.