I'm sorry if this is an offensive thought to some, but I'd like to express an idea somewhat out of the box this thread has enclosed itself in.
If we assign a gender to god, it should be with a practical purpose. God for most of us is undefined by human or, better yet, biological attributes. And yet for some of us, acknowledging this, we choose to interact with god through the gateway of biological & human consciousness in addition to, and as a means of, understanding that God is ultimately uncircumscribed by our concepts.
So, that said, if we are as spiritual pragmatists to assign a gender to God, for what reason are we doing so? And I'll contend that the reason is sexual (whether erotic or not, it concerns God's creative, reproductive nature) - mother and father, husband and wife, daughter and son.
I say reproductive nature specifically because some contend that man is a microcosmic reflection of God - made in God's image, and as a God herself. God is reproducing himself.
So, we are assigning a gender to God to relate with her in a way defined by sexual reproduction. Some of us choose to treat God as a parent, others as a lover, and some even as a child.
Perhaps these are not so different from Freud's idea of superego, ego and id.