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Are there Two Gods?


Active Member
Are we debating religion or philosophy? Religion is concerned with right and wrong, while philosophy is concerned with the truth. On an ideal level, one could equate the concept of god with the concept of truth; and ask the question, what creates duality?

Symmetry. God is not self-aware because such awareness derives from there being other than self; while man is self-aware. If god created two god-like men, each one would would be aware of himself, the other, and the god of the reality created both between them and containing them. Dualities and trinities are illusion created by self-awareness combined with the philosophy of cause and effect; while god is a concept that cannot be divided. Truth exists, symmetry exists; everything else is open to debate. :D


Except that good is embodied in God -- not evil.

So what do you call the evil God? Satan?

According to the Bible, Satan is a fallen angel, not a God.

Here's one of the major problems with religion in general. It says one thing and then contradicts itself, time and time again. I am not even going to get into fate. That's for another thread.

So IS man created in the likeness of God or not?

If yes, then there are TWO GODS NOT ONE, a God of good and a God of evil.

If not, then who is man created in the likeness of????


Are we debating religion or philosophy? Religion is concerned with right and wrong, while philosophy is concerned with the truth. On an ideal level, one could equate the concept of god with the concept of truth; and ask the question, what creates duality?

Symmetry. God is not self-aware because such awareness derives from there being other than self; while man is self-aware. If god created two god-like men, each one would would be aware of himself, the other, and the god of the reality created both between them and containing them. Dualities and trinities are illusion created by self-awareness combined with the philosophy of cause and effect; while god is a concept that cannot be divided. Truth exists, symmetry exists; everything else is open to debate. :D

Very well put! So you are saying that man was NOT created in the likeness of God.

This symmetry that you speak of was also mention in the TD experiment. This is getting weird...


Question Everything
26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
(Old Testament | Genesis 1:26 - 27)

not let "me" make them, let "us" make them.
Not "my" - singular image. "Our" image.

not just male - the image of the gods is "male and female"

Elohim is a plural word. a combination of the words ēl and Eloah. "m" ending in Hebrew is equiv of our "s". "m" ending makes a word plural.

We have a Heavenly Father and Mother - two separate beings.


Question Everything
So IS man created in the likeness of God or not?


Philip. 3:21 our vile body ... fashioned like unto his glorious body

God has a face, feet, fingers, mouth, back, flesh and bones, hands, striking family resemblance between God and His Son.
Gen. 32:30 I have seen God face to face
Ex. 24:10 they saw the God of Israel, there was under his feet
Ex. 31:18 (Deut. 9:10) written with the finger of God
Ex. 33:23 thou shalt see my back parts: but my face shall not be seen
Num. 12:8 With him will I speak mouth to mouth
Luke 24:39 for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have
Acts 7:56 the Son of man standing on the right hand of God
etc. etc. etc.

This body is just a house for our spirit - and our spirit is where we get into trouble. The general form of our body - legs, arms - humanoid - is like that of God. Our spirit/character/mind is obviously not.

Why not? Our spirit was not "created"....
We are as old as God... just not as glorious ;).
God is cleaning up a mess He did not make.


Its only a Label
Friend mixond,

Are there Two Gods?
What has been pointed out regarding the Tempt Destiny Experiment is that science and religion do agree on one thing, that nature consists of pairs. That being the case, if we refute the TD experiment findings which are based on this universally accepted foundation then we are in essence admitting that nature is wrong and we are right?

Each time I go over this article, I find more reason to believe that if God created man in his own image as a pair (man-women), and if what the Bible tells us is true, then there are actually two Gods. The God of good and the God of evil, not one God.

Correct me if I am wrong in this understanding.

The energy is ONE, it can divide itself limitlessly. two being the first step.

Love & rgds


Active Member
Very well put! So you are saying that man was NOT created in the likeness of God.

This symmetry that you speak of was also mention in the TD experiment. This is getting weird...
Symmetry is nothing less that a form of "divine wisdom." It is found in the Hermetic philosophy of "as above, so below," in Christian philosophy as "in heaven as in on earth;" and in the relation between the pure concept of number with nature, first expressed as the Sacred Arts of Geometry and Numerology, but now expressed as "the queen of the sciences" in the form of mathematics.

The first time that theory came before empirical evidence in creating new science occurred with Paul Dirac's formulation of the basis of quantum electrodynamics; yet it is telling to note that he predicted antimatter, but assumed he somehow got the equations wrong and described the proton, and science did not proceed until the positron was "seen" in a cloud chamber. Symmetry is now seen as a mathematical concept useful in science to make predictions; and the discovery of other particles by "seeing what is missing" before empirical evidence was available validates such a philosophy.

Even now, it is predicted that the LHC just may uncover a neutralino next year; and the questions of gravity, dark matter, dark energy, and string theory may find unification in the theory of supersymmetry.

So, as a matter of philosophical debate; I would perhaps suggest that the ancient wisdom still applies. That the extrapolation of "as above, so below" combined with "acts of creation" observed by science in these dualities would predict that "god does not create." There is no conflict with "being" the image of god, there is no conflict with god who states, "I am the Being, or, I am that I am," there's no conflict when one considers that scripture is the words of the prophets. The words "god created man in his image" only creates problems when man goes off in search of a creator - and puts the state of becoming before the state of being.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
So what do you call the evil God? Satan?
There is no "the evil God."
Here's one of the major problems with religion in general. It says one thing and then contradicts itself, time and time again.
Examples, please?
So IS man created in the likeness of God or not?
If yes, then there are TWO GODS NOT ONE, a God of good and a God of evil.
But the Bible says that we were created good. Good human/good God. We reflect the love that is God in our most intimate relationships.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
(Old Testament | Genesis1:26 - 27)

not let "me" make them, let "us" make them.
Not "my" - singular image. "Our" image.

not just male - the image of the gods is "male and female"

Elohim is a plural word. a combination of the words ēl and Eloah. "m" ending in Hebrew is equiv of our "s". "m" ending makes a word plural.

We have a Heavenly Father and Mother - two separate beings.
That is not Biblical. There are several scholarly treatments of the plural found in Genesis, none of which reflects a duality of sex.


26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
(Old Testament | Genesis 1:26 - 27)

not let "me" make them, let "us" make them.
Not "my" - singular image. "Our" image.

not just male - the image of the gods is "male and female"

Elohim is a plural word. a combination of the words ēl and Eloah. "m" ending in Hebrew is equiv of our "s". "m" ending makes a word plural.

We have a Heavenly Father and Mother - two separate beings.

OK, so which one is good and which one is evil?