Imagine, you never truly experienced the things you remember
They never really happened to you
Your conscious experience actually started only a couple of days ago
You are a sprit or demon, possessing someone, but you don’t know this, you think you are them as by possessing them you have access to the memories stored in their brain - and you have no prior memories of your own existence
You are a spirit or demon who has displaced the original occupant of your body
But you don’t know this; you think you are the person you’re occupying
Your memories and sense of self are therefore bogus
And the original occupant of the body you occupy is no longer in control of it but are under the delusion that they are – they have no idea you are in control!
They experience your thoughts as their thoughts, your deeds as their deeds
Truly, they are possessed
Question: How can you know you are not a demon who is possessing someone?
They never really happened to you
Your conscious experience actually started only a couple of days ago
You are a sprit or demon, possessing someone, but you don’t know this, you think you are them as by possessing them you have access to the memories stored in their brain - and you have no prior memories of your own existence
You are a spirit or demon who has displaced the original occupant of your body
But you don’t know this; you think you are the person you’re occupying
Your memories and sense of self are therefore bogus
And the original occupant of the body you occupy is no longer in control of it but are under the delusion that they are – they have no idea you are in control!
They experience your thoughts as their thoughts, your deeds as their deeds
Truly, they are possessed
Question: How can you know you are not a demon who is possessing someone?