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Are You a F.R.O.G ???


Veteran Member
Do you fully rely on God ???


A debate in another thread led me to take a "leap" of faith and start this thread.

What does it mean to rely on God ???

We do all we can do in this life to take care of and save ourselves physically and spiritually and then at some point we need to "let go and let God" do the rest.

There are some things in this life that only God can fix, like a broken heart, a damaged (beyond human repair), disfigured, or a terminally diseased ridden body, etc.

At what point should we fully rely on God ???

Can we ask God in faith to heal us spiritually and physically or should we always rely on man to fix what God has divinely made ???

This scripture keeps coming to mind, which refers to not only spiritual weaknesses but physical ones as well.

Ether 12: 27
And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them.
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Premium Member
I always pray whenever I make any decision, so I guess you can say I consult Him on all my decisions. I also pray when I am having troubles- the troubles always work themselves out. I also pray to thank God for all He has done.

But relying on God may also mean relying on someone else, too. God may send help in the form of another person. :)


Student Nurse
I don't really see much of a difference in leaving things up to God and leaving things up to chance. Of course we should take care of ourselves and be responsible. When we run into situations where what happens is out of our hands some trust in God and some trust in fate. It seems just as likely for it to be Gods will for a person to live or be healthy as it is to just flip a coin or leave it up to chance. Whatever happens after the fact will be attributed to God's will, God is testing you or it was just your time to go. Is God any more benevolent or less cruel than flipping a coin?


Ether 12: 27
And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them.
I actually disagree with this scripture. Grace is about reliance, not transformation. Grace does not strengthen our weaknesses. It teaches us to rely COMPLETELY on God. Now, if you're talking about faith, faith is transformational. We endure because of faith, faith teaches us to be strong and grow. This is not the purpose of grace. Grace is a choice that is freely given and provides only the benefit of salvation.


And where exactly is the line between relying on God and putting God to the test?
Well, according to the Bible, we really should never test God, because it doesn't really accomplish anything. The point of reliance is recognition that our plans and our deeds are always insignificant failures compared to what we can accomplish through God.


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
I - hopefully - (well, by my morals and beliefs) try to behave as I think God would wish me to (even though I fail miserably).

I had never thought about it, but I suppose I do rely on "God" - I believe that it is his will that I am here, and though I am always reluctant to ask him for things for myself (in prayer), I do ask him for "direction"; I guess I do look upon what happens as "his will"..........(even though I make the decisions).


Pan. All. If God is All
(including my Self-and every thing, all things existant and potential and not)
then I wholeheartedly say yes.

Who or what else would I then rely on?

I do not rely on other people,
and their illusory constructs,
or any mass marketed constructs.
I rely on the Source of Life that is me.
(and everything else)
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Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I think I saw a shirt with that logo on it. It caught my attention enough to remember seeing it, but not where.


Veteran Member
[4:79] Whatever good, (O man!) happens to thee, is from Allah; but whatever evil happens to thee, is from thy (own) soul. And We have sent thee as a Messenger to (instruct) mankind. And enough is Allah for a witness.

soul is ego, not Spirit of God. so, we always depend on God. we try to protect ourselves and our families, we work to make money..well we do whatever we can to be happy. but if there is success, it is from God. God let it happen. if God did not let it happen, there is no higher power to make that happen. therefor even if you did best you can, you know that does not guaranty to reach your target. there may not be success without effort, matter of fact that is a rule. there must be effort of individual. we should know that what we get, even if it was not what we wanted, is always what's best for us.



Veteran Member
And where exactly is the line between relying on God and putting God to the test?
We should not be reckless.

We are saved physically and spiritually, "after all we can do" (Book of Mormon).

We should do all we can to keep ourselves physically and spiritually well, meaning we need to eat whole foods and avoid other harmful substances such as coffee, caffeinated teas, tobacco/cigarettes, illegal drugs and alcohol and we should only watch and listen to things that build our knowledge and faith in God (spiritual knowlede) and those things that will also save us physically (secular knowlede).

Saying to one's self, "I'm strong enough, I can eat, drink, smoke, watch and/or listen to whatever I want," is putting God to the test, and considered rebelious and reckless living, and to such a person as this, there is no promise.

Fully relying on God means keeping his commandments to the full extent that we are able to in this life.
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I try to rely on God. I am so blessed with my life, and I know He has given me those blessings. I hope I act as He would have me, but I know I'm not perfect!


Veteran Member
I don't really see much of a difference in leaving things up to God and leaving things up to chance. Of course we should take care of ourselves and be responsible. When we run into situations where what happens is out of our hands some trust in God and some trust in fate. It seems just as likely for it to be Gods will for a person to live or be healthy as it is to just flip a coin or leave it up to chance. Whatever happens after the fact will be attributed to God's will, God is testing you or it was just your time to go. Is God any more benevolent or less cruel than flipping a coin?
We all have certain divine destinies that can be played out in this life and/or throughout the eternities, if we are faithful to God, otherwise there is no promise.


Veteran Member
I try to rely on God. I am so blessed with my life, and I know He has given me those blessings. I hope I act as He would have me, but I know I'm not perfect!
This is definitely the right attitude we should all have, God bless you.
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Mr. Hair

Renegade Cavalcade
I'd say I am as reliant on God as I am on gravity, and in the same manner. I'm not sure how many broken hearts gravity has fixed though...

Although I've heard that Newton was particularly intrigued by the, shall we say, fairer fruits, so there may be hope yet...

We all have certain divine destinies that can be played out in this life and/or throughout the eternities, if we are faithful to God, otherwise there is no promise.

Doesn't the concept of destiny kinda remove the various 'can's and 'if's from the scenario though? I'm flipping through a few online dictionaries, and words such as "inevitable" and "predetermined" are appearing quite a lot.

Oh, and what reasons do you have for saying that alcohol is necessarily harmful?

(Not to pick on you specifically FFH; your responses just interested me :))
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Veteran Member
I'd say I am as reliant on God as I am on gravity, and in the same manner. I'm not sure how many broken hearts gravity has fixed though...
All God's laws are constant/fixed, he cannot change them. Whatever laws we choose to obey, we will also reap the constant/fixed reward.

Doesn't the concept of destiny kinda remove the various 'can's and 'if's from the scenario though? I'm flipping through a few online dictionaries, and words such as "inevitable" and "predetermined" are appearing quite a lot.
We can predetermine our blessings by obeying God's laws, otherwise we have no predetermined/fixed blessings.

Oh, and what reasons do you have for saying that alcohol is necessarily harmful?
Sclerosis of the liver is just one harmful affect of alcohol on the body.

Our bodies are God's temples, we should take care of them, otherwise we have no predetermined/fixed promise, but are rather inevitably cursed.
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Guitar's Cry

Disciple of Pan
Once, I did completely rely on God. When that reliance failed, I felt cast out to sea without an anchor.

But it expanded my vision enough to see God and contemplate It fully. It lead to a more powerful relationship.


Let's go racing boys !
Every good and perfect gift comes from God. I always try to thank God for all my blessings because I do fully rely on him. The Bible tells us that blessed is the person who perseveres under trial because they have stood the test. We should count it as joy when we face trials I try to praise God in every situation and rely on Him for everything.
God didn't tell us that we wouldn't walk through difficult times, but He said He would be there with us....I can rely on that. :frog:I'm F.R.O.G.
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