Many believe they are on a path, they long for Enlightenment, they spend their whole life trying to reach a place where they are already, we cannot go anywhere else, the path, the journey is all constructed by the ego wanting to keep us on the path, to keep us praying, chanting and all the other practises. These are tricks made by the ego, the ego never wants to Awaken, it will dig its heals into your mind making us believe we are doing the right thing.[/ quote]
then drop it ! ...go on I dare you , no good talking about it go on give it a try , ..
I'm not saying I have all the answers, there is no true answer,
yes there is just drop the ego , drop the striving , drop the desire for enlightenment ,...
I realise that whatever I say had to come through the mind, therefore whatever we say no matter who say's it, it will be contaminated in some way by the mind.
simple , ...drop mind , ...
So what I am trying to say is that we need to stop and think, do we really want Enlightenment, or are we happy just being on the journey, or arguing over scripture trying to be right, when we will always be wrong.
well give it a try , just drop everything , stop trying to think , stop wanting to be happy , ...
So we need to listen to what others are saying, not to label them and discard them, you may never know what will be if you did listen.
Ahh , ..but I did listen , ... you just think that I did not listen , ...
and I did not label or discard you , ....I am still answering the points you raise , you just think that it must be my ego trying to prove some point , ...but these teachings that I was speaking of , ...if one truely has Faith , ...and one puts down the Ego and all this desire and striving stuff, ...then one finds one self on another level where things seem so much clearer , cleaner and infinately easier , ...realy it is very plesant .
having Faith isnt interlectualy going backwards to some lower level , having Faith is the first level of true awakening