Hi everyone,
My name is Tuan, like Juan with a T. Where I'm from, it's much easier to describe my name that way. I live in San Jose, CA. I'm 40 years old, Vietnamese, married, have 2 lovely kids and another on the way.
I joined about a year ago. The reason was to better understand religion's stance against homosexuality. My first post was about the main religions and why its was so homophobic. And, frankly, I still don't understand it. It's a head scratcher, but whatever.
I'm a very straight-forward person. I don't believe in walking on egg shells so I try to be as transparent as possible to let any relationships settle quickly. I have no problems with people disliking me because I've learned to accept imperfection. I had depressions years ago over self-esteem and confidence issues, but after accepting my core identity everything just smoothed out. Kind of like smoking a blunt and letting it loose. Go with the flow so to speak.
I'm a SW engineer and I love what I do. I used to be a manager but the political side was too much to bare so I went back to development.
I also love sports and competition. I play soccer and basketball, but more into soccer lately. I think its great to build teamwork and personal skills. I love electronic music and dancing. Went to raves and clubs years ago but had to retire in my glow sticks now that I have a family to take care of.
Now, I just bicker with you folks. LOL