1. The external universe (EU) is made of physical material and bound by physical laws.
Although the physical laws on the Quantum level are different than those of the Atomic an above...
Also, There are stage things in the universe that contradict a lot of our understanding of the physical laws, things we are yet to learn and understand.
2. The internal universe (IU), such as the mind, imagination, abstract thought, etc, is not made of physical matter and not bound to by physical laws of the EU.
Assuming there is one (IU). But for the sake of the post, I'll agree.
3. So, the properties of the EU and IU must be different.
4. As the properties of the EU and IU are different, one cannot be reduced into the other.
Assuming the second is real and not some kind of an illusion, still, it doesn't mean that there is not reliability between the two.
The fact is that if the brain stops functioning.. we don't really know if the mind is still active or not.
For that matter, People who have brain abnormalities (Like autism and such) experience difficulties in things like emotions, feelings and such and a lot of times their mind works in a whole different level... This actually proves a direct connection between the first and the last.
5. Due to #4, the EU and IU must be separate things not reliant on each other.
See above...
Also, There is a direct connection between the two (Again, assuming there really is an IU), thus they are indeed very much reliant on one another.
6. Based on #1-5, the IU must be explained by something immaterial and not bound by physical laws. Further, there must be a logical explanation as to how the EU and IU became mixed as seen in human beings.
Nope.. See above
7. The EU shows no sign of conscious thought, as it is eternally bound to its laws.
As we don't really know what conscious really is, You can't state that as a fact.
Until not long ago, (And sadly, even today) people believe that animals are not conscious, which is of course.. BS...
8. Because of #3-6, the IU cannot rise within the EU, it does not arise by chance.
How do you know?
Maybe it did rise by chance?
But anyway, Evolution is not a "game of chance"...
The creation process of the universe is not a game of chance..
randomness is a factor, but it is not the only factor.
The development of our brain was and is a very slow process.. if you'll "look back" to the beginning of our evolution, it is not a question of whether we will evolve, rather a question of when..
The brain we have was bound to happen...
other animals have brains!!!
other animals have self awareness..
other animals have compassion and love
other animals have the ability to understand and integrate in their environment...
the only explanation (if you ask me
) to having such a variety of species and kinds, is the fact that life were not "Designed" to be as they are, rather evolved and "manipulated" itself to the form that we know today.
9. #8 implies that the mixing of IU and EU was intentionally caused by something (as per #6) immaterial and not bound to physical laws.
Why is this the only conclusion????
Let's assume there is an intelligent creator...
What if we are just a mistake of it?
What if it intended to do something else?
What if we got out of control?
What if we are nothing but a computer code? or a game?
What if we are nothing but a dream?
There are endless possibilities other than "Humans are the designed creation of a super intelligent being that intended for us to be exactly how we are".
What if this intelligent isn't really intelligent?? maybe it created everything wrong and we were meant to be entirely something else?
A Lot of amazing discoveries were a mere chance and luck rather than intelligent design....
10. A conscious thing that willfully interacts with the material world to create humanity as we know it, which is immaterial and not bound to physical laws, is a very common description of gods from every single tradition.
The easiest thing to say is that you can't prove something because it is un-provable.. therefore it exist!
Think of it...
The claim is that GOD is not part of our physical universe.. therefore there will never be a proof of it...how comfortable...
Now, based on theists, GOD controls the physical.. therefore, the physical is not really bound to laws rather to GOD's wishes..
This means that GOD controls the physical and the physical relies on the Non-Physical (Your 5th statement goes bye bye
If the physical relies on the non-physical, this means the physical is not real, rather an illusion made by the non-physical
And i can go on and on and have a great mind confusing statement, that non of them is actually true or can be proven...
Therefore, what people call god(s) must exist to explain the mixing of EU and IU, as neither can arise from the other and are separate substances.
See above
Below is the original argument.
1. Something that can go against the mechanistic flow of nature is unnatural.
2. The human mind can – to varying degrees – go against the mechanistic flow of nature.
3. So, the human mind – even if just an aspect of it – must be unnatural.
4. For nature to create something unnatural would be a logical contradiction.
Therefore, the must be something separate from nature to explain the human mind.
As we don't really know what the mind, or consciousness, or feelings, or love, or whatever things that are "non-physical" ..
we can't really claim that they are non-physical...
The fact is, that changes in the physical affect the non-physical and vice versa..
So maybe they are just the same... ???