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Arguments Against Organic/Biological Evolution


Well-Known Member
I never hear "well, gravity is just a theory". Evolution is a scientific fact, the TOE is the explanation of evolution.
1. Evolution and abiogenesis are not the same thing.
2. You wont ever see a squirrel become a bat as they're not at all closely related.
3. Evolution is gradual and happens over a very long time.
4. It doesn't only happen by accident (mutation), but most of it happens by natural selection.
5. There are many transitional fossils.

Here's a video of a fish evolving into an octopus:
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Meow Mix

Chatte Féministe
Ok Alter2Ego. Let's dispel some misunderstandings here. I hope to demonstrate to you that wherever you're getting your misinformation from is not giving you the whole story.

1) Evolution is not a theory that "the first living organism developed from nonliving matter." The origin of life from non-living (but organic) compounds is the study of abiogenesis, a distinct field of study than biological evolution.

2) It's clear that you suffer from common misunderstandings of evolutionary mechanisms and a general idea of what scales evolution operates at. For instance, you write:

There is no evidence suggesting that humans evolved. No fossils exist that show evolutionary transition of one type of animal to an entirely different type of animal--for instance, a squirrel on its way to becoming a bat, or a bear becoming a whale. (Those are actual Darwinian claims.)

For you to assert that there is "no evidence suggesting that humans evolved" would require a massive level of ignorance concerning the data we have regarding hominid ancestry. I find it difficult to decide whether I should treat this outrageously deceptive claim seriously and provide the easily available data or whether I should simply point out that the data is, in fact, easily available anywhere on the internet.

As a compromise, I could simply point you to read the Wikipedia article on human evolution, which is more than sufficient to determine whether you're interested in a real dialogue on this subject or if you're just going to parrot ill-informed claims from creationist propaganda.

3) Evolution isn't a linear process. Squirrels don't "change into bats" and bears don't "change into whales." It's accusations like these that make it obvious to informed readers that you don't have a real understanding of evolutionary mechanisms -- maybe because all you've read has come from baseless creationist sources, or perhaps you haven't advanced very far in biology classes.

Evolution is a branching process. Whales do in fact have wolf-like ancestors, but that doesn't mean a group of wolves slowly transmutated into whales. Evolution doesn't work like a "ladder" so much as it does a branching bush: for instance, those wolf-like ancestors also have the same ancestors as modern cows; and in fact, modern cows are more closely related to whales than they are to horses because of this shared ancestry!

4) You remark (or rather quote) that Darwin was "embarrassed by the fossil record," but you fail to realize that a lot has changed since Darwin's time. Darwin was wrong on a great many particulars, so attacking Darwin to attack evolution is about as pointless as attacking Galileo in order to attack Einsteinian relativity. The point is that Darwin's mechanisms were on the right track, and his idea has been vindicated over time.

5) You're engaging in a fallacy known as "quote mining," where you quote a scientist out of context in order to make it appear as though they don't support a position that they actually do, or vice versa. For instance, you quote Steven Stanley and Niles Eldredge:

Alter2Ego said:
Scientist Steven Stanley spoke of "the general failure of the record to display gradual transitions from one major group to another." He went on further to say: "The known fossil record is not, and never has been, in accord with [slow evolution.]" (Source: The New Evolutionary Timetable, by Steven M. Stanley, 1981, pages 71 and 77)

Yet another scientist, Niles Eldredge, also admitted: "The pattern that we were told to find for the last 120 years does not exist." (Source: The Enterprise, November 14, 1980, page E9)"

The problem with these quotes is that both Stanley and Eldredge are evolutionary biologists that agree evolution has occurred and that descent with modification is true. What Eldredge and Stanley are talking about here is a disagreement over how evolution occurred (they support a mechanism called punctuated equilibrium, which you can look up if you desire).

That evolution happened isn't in question by any serious modern biologists. How it occurs is what these two were disputing, which is hardly as big of a deal as whatever creationist source you're quoting makes it out to be.


Hopefully this answers your objections and gets you to see that whatever sources you're quoting from are not being honest to you.


Woke gremlin

What are you getting all excited about? That's how Darwin told the tale, and that's how the tale is being told by the evolutionists in the scientific community today--as we speak.

What are you talking about? The theory of evolution today is vastly different to what Darwin was talking about back when he first supposed natural selection.

I'm simply repeating it and moving the story along by referring to the feet sprouting. I didn't say it sprouted immediately, I simply said it sprouted. If I have to do this in slow motion, starting with how the amino acids blended up in the ocean and became slime, which gradually turned into this or that, which then evolved into fins, and then feet, I could be here all day.
That's not the issue - the issue is with you using emotive and evocative language in order to misrepresent evolutionary theory as ridiculous or objectionable. It doesn't take long to explain the actual process (in fact, you just did it) without trying to sound dismissive and ignorant of it.

BTW: I notice you keep referring to "natural chemical processes and physical laws that already existed in the Universe." Pray tell, how did these "natural processes and physical laws" come into existence?
We don't know yet. What's your point? In the absence of knowledge, positing a random guess that "God did it" isn't a real answer. The people working on finding out the answer to that question are not people who sitting around saying "God did it", it's the scientists who are actually researching it and looking for the actual answers.

You do realize that what LAW means; don't you? It's the opposite of "accident" and indicates someone intelligent directed the outcome.
You do realize that the word "law" has multiple meanings, not all of which require they be formulated by intellience, right? As far as we are aware, there is no evidence whatsoever that the physical and scientific laws that the universe conforms to are the result of any kind of intelligent agency, nor do we have any reason to conclude that they can only be produced by an intelligent agency. That is a baseless assertion.

And what do you mean when you say all life didn't result from a single land dwelling animal? That's what Charles Darwin claimed. That's the going theory today in 2012.
I kid you not.
Find me a single, scientific source which claims that all live evolved from one, single animal as a-posed to a population.


New Member

First, welcome aboard!
Second, to call evolution a fact is a defendable position. Evolution as a physical process is something we can observe
in the fossil record, in the environment, & in the lab. As an explanation for the evolution we observe, evolution is a
theory which explains things so thoroughly & with such predictive value, that it's reasonable to argue that it rises to
the level of "fact".

I understand that some are enthusiastic about claims of evolutionary theory being a best representative of fact. It may be defendable, but only because of adaptation. Without adaptation there can be evolution. Evolution stands on the back of adaptation. Evolution has declared, tentatively at times,... that it is depending on things to bear itself out. Do you think people pointing out the lack of a fossil record that speaks definitively of evolution as fact are not scientific? You know a well as I there have been hoaxes, based on bones, teeth, etc. It's not like evolution is a hero with no chocolate smudged on its face. I beg to differ, what you say is well founded in findings is not above scrutiny. I don't think evolutionists really want to discuss the issue of fossils. I would say, merely referring to fossil proof, where's the data to give substance to your being convinced as you are. My position is the fossil record is not in support of evolution's claims. It isn't. We can deal with this in detail if you'd like. In that, along with what's being discussed on the organic side of the debate, evolution has no effective means to overcome certain observations. What's real, being fully aware of the implications evolution doesn't fair well when debated scientifically. You would think that would be evolution's strength. It isn't. Notwithstanding, it's bandied about as impeccable in its presentation. There are more holes in the theory than claiming it is the answer can tolerate. Evolutionists discount what the man on the street would shake his head and wonder? Sometimes, the man on the street has a better grasp on things with common sense than scientists who swear up and down this is true, because science says so. It depends whose sitting at the wheel my friend. You ought to know there's politics, positions in educational institutions, etc. with evolution. Evolution has an entire system behind it, yet it doesn't fare well at all under the weight of observation and scrutiny of its claims. We can discuss anything you feel has measure to affirm evolution as a standard to be captivated by.

Mutation, reproduction & survival of the fittest (ie, evolution) is used extensively by engineers in
designing new products & solving problems. Similarly, the theory of gravity is useful & factual, although in some
circumstances it is replaced with the theory of general relativity.

Your thought on what engineers use to design new products, solve problems, etc. are based on the mathematical construct that support the development of their creations. Mutation is tracked to mean transformation on a holistic level of an organism. Mutation is stretched a bit too much in that regard. Mutation is in adaptation, where the environment an organisms interact with affect. You lift weights you gain muscle, etc. You don't become another species by lifting weights for 50 million years. You'll still be what you are today with thick muscle. Your head will not change, etc. Mutation is a matter of adaptation, notwithstanding you can argue if you'd like that its evolution.

What is performed to create products, etc. is counter to evolution's claims. Evolution applies to chance entirely. Engineers know you can't build a jet engine with glass. Engineers know, no matter what there is no way to work glass to endure the pressures a jet engine generates. Evolution stipulates change over vast periods of time. That requires nature to correctly orchestrate outcomes of adaptation to change. The transformations would be all over the place to support the idea. In other words, all of the debris from purported changes of one species to another is absent. And, if organisms of single cell complexity become what we are by chance, whose going to buy the odds the same can be duplicated in 20,000,000 millions years or more. All the time the morphing was purportedly occurring would have to be developing capacities environment could not sponsor. Nature could not sponsor or prepare living creatures for anti-life. Diseases would have to be precisely balanced to maintain evolution's flow. What would you say if I asked, which came first the immune system or the disease? What would be your answer to that? Evolution does not fit the construct required for living creatures to endure the ravages of disease agents. Evolution would have to claim parallel development of enemy micro-organisms and the body's ability to ward them and their effects off. You know what they tell you about babies, "Do not expose them to the outer environment for a few months. Keep them wrapped, etc. It's the "Don't go near the water" dictim that was also true in the ancient ancient times. Evolution would have had to anticipate creating anti-organisms, in coincidence with what you think is the foundation of your existence. You're standing on shaky grounds. What I've just written is a bear to explain from an evolutionary point of view. If you'd like to try to debate what I've written on disease and defense in coincidence with one another. To say that would mean nature could anticipate a scenario beyond the mere generation of life, it would also be the architect of anti-life. That kind of thing is what you have to think about when telling me evolution is factually established. It is factually established in the minds of individuals who don't deal with items that are being presented in this string. I''ve read some of AlterEgo's material. She's writing fact like I'm writing fact. Folks who have problems with the facts come back with all kind of mental screwball antics. Some folks aren't overtaken by what folks in the dark on a matter have to say. Facts speak louder than words. What engineers do is fit together what can be fitted together. Engineers cannot create a product that is in opposition to itself. Disease and life are in opposition to one another. I'm not disposed to be leaning with the crowd who swear evolution was smart enough to create that dynamic. It's funny to me for folks to go that far in a shaky line of arguments.

The numbers have no opinion on the matter. But if you'd like to venture a probabilistic argument, please do.

You will need to remember numbers have relevance to all things in science. Numbers do have an opinion. You will not go against numbers when numbers are against you. Meaures are intrinsic to the language of Yahweh. The Great Pyramid is a wonder of measures. Some want to give the credit of the design and alogrithm to Egypt. Impossible. The structure did not come out of the mind of man. The measures tell and they foretell, they symbolize, in numeric terms the exact facts of our reality. One of those spectacular aspects is an error in its structural alogrithm. When you look at the structure it looks like a flat surface, from its base to its top. There is an error, not discernable to the eye, all the same it's there. This is in context of the structure's measures that typify the density of the earth, the diameter, circumference and radius of the sun, moon and earth. The error it the surface alogrithm mirrors the fact the earth is oval in shape, not circular. It has a bulge at the equator, the Great Pyramid emulates the shape of the earth in its math. All else that's in the measures can be discussed as long as you'd like. The bottom line is that no science, including evolution is not based in numerical values. What your thought fails to do is take into account what the numbers say. They say NO, so it has to be a matter of no relevance to you. The numbers say NO. What I wrote above on disease defense says no as well. I am more than ready to debate matters I've raised. The material on organic issues by AlterEgo is condemning as well. It's not like evolution has a easy ride with informed minds are pointing out its problems. Evolution does have problems doesn't it? Will you say it has no problems? I'd like to see somebody go that far.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Greetings, Astro.
I see no 'problems' with evolution.

Bye, Alter....I'd been concerned about your durability here.


New Member
Greetings, Astro.
I see no 'problems' with evolution.

Bye, Alter....I'd been concerned about your durability here.

To be true to your world view you have no choice but to see no problem. Evolution is a necessity for your world view. To see evolution lost to something you've lived to reject would be devastating. Some people are not composed enough to deal with a changing of their minds. Albert Einstein, arguably one of the world's greatest scientists could not endure word from astronomers of an expanding universe. Einstein was a Steady State adherent. The expanding universe meant there was a beginning. The Steady State surmised an eternal universe. Einstein created the Cosmololgical Constant to offset evidence coming in of heavenly bodies speeding away from one another. Some on the outer edge of the clusters are moving near the speed of light. The Steady State theory had nothing to account for that, just like evolution has nothing to deal with what I put to you on disease defense. Einstein finally came to the light about the expansion. He affirmed what observations of astronomers around the world were reporting. He would go on to lament the Cosmological Constant was his worst mistake. I've made one point on disease and defense. Your telling me you have no problem with evolution is in light of questions that are too tall for evolution to answer. You're more on the early Einstein side of dealing with matters than what came when his thoughts could not overcome what astronomers around the world were reporting. Evolution is in the same condition, so you have to go with "I've got no problem," knowing full well you see issues that are more than you can handle in a simple way. You are more than welcomed living your life on short supply in critical areas of thinking. On AlterEgo, I've read some of what she's posted. She's not in this alone, she'll be just fine. Those who have a mind to tell it like it is where evolution is concerned have items to add to her voice. You yourself know this is where the beef is in the discussion. When you can't interact on a real issue is where the problems in what you ascribe show in living color.
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Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
To be true to your world view you have no choice but to see no problem.

Astro2....is this you? The posting style is uncannily similar.

Evolution is a necessity for your world view. To see evolution lost to something you've lived to reject would be devastating. Some people are not composed enough to deal with a changing of their minds. Albert Einstein, arguably one of the world's greatest scientists could not endure word from astronomers of an expanding universe. Einstein was a Steady State adherent. The expanding universe meant there was a beginning. The Steady State surmised an eternal universe. Einstein created the Cosmololgical Constant to offset evidence coming in of heavenly bodies speeding away from one another. Some on the outer edge of the clusters are moving near the speed of light. The Steady State theory had nothing to account for that, just like evolution has nothing to deal with what I put to you on disease defense. Einstein finally came to the light about the expansion. He affirmed what observations of astronomers around the world were reporting. He would go on to lament the Cosmological Constant was his worst mistake. I've made one point on disease and defense. Your telling me you have no problem with evolution is in light of questions that are too tall for evolution to answer. You're more on the early Einstein side of dealing with matters than what came when his thoughts could not overcome what astronomers around the world were reporting. Evolution is in the same condition, so you have to go with "I've got no problem," knowing full well you see issues that are more than you can handle in a simple way. You are more than welcomed living your life on short supply in critical areas of thinking.
This will go nowhere productive if you're just arguing that my shortcomings cause my views.
Learn to play nice, please.


God Among Men
Here's a wild theory:

Astro and Alter... are the same person.

Creating another account to seemingly back up your original one is kind of sad and pathetic, if that's what you actually did.

Anyway, I thank the creationists for the massive lulz provided by this thread. If you wish to continue, please do so. I'll just be sitting here, don't mind me.



Woke gremlin
You will need to remember numbers have relevance to all things in science. Numbers do have an opinion. You will not go against numbers when numbers are against you. Meaures are intrinsic to the language of Yahweh. The Great Pyramid is a wonder of measures. Some want to give the credit of the design and alogrithm to Egypt. Impossible. The structure did not come out of the mind of man. The measures tell and they foretell, they symbolize, in numeric terms the exact facts of our reality. One of those spectacular aspects is an error in its structural alogrithm. When you look at the structure it looks like a flat surface, from its base to its top. There is an error, not discernable to the eye, all the same it's there. This is in context of the structure's measures that typify the density of the earth, the diameter, circumference and radius of the sun, moon and earth. The error it the surface alogrithm mirrors the fact the earth is oval in shape, not circular. It has a bulge at the equator, the Great Pyramid emulates the shape of the earth in its math. All else that's in the measures can be discussed as long as you'd like. The bottom line is that no science, including evolution is not based in numerical values. What your thought fails to do is take into account what the numbers say. They say NO, so it has to be a matter of no relevance to you. The numbers say NO. What I wrote above on disease defense says no as well. I am more than ready to debate matters I've raised. The material on organic issues by AlterEgo is condemning as well. It's not like evolution has a easy ride with informed minds are pointing out its problems. Evolution does have problems doesn't it? Will you say it has no problems? I'd like to see somebody go that far.

Boy, you sure do love to talk garbage, don't you?


New Member
[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/B]Astro2....is this you? The posting style is uncannily similar.

This will go nowhere productive if you're just arguing that my shortcomings cause my views.
Learn to play nice, please.

It is true that our shortcomings influence our views. This is not meant to be a personal attack, it's an observation of the reality that some people are limited to. Lets keep in mind that we all have shortcomings, everybody is short on something. In this area of endeavor it's not convenient to be unable to deal with issues that are raised on a message board. That's what a message board is for, to post a succession of messages that take a topic to its highest level of expression and consideration. If someone asks a valid question and you have no explanation that should be a thought you take very seriously. Men in war, when faced with what's perplexing do all they can to figure out what's happening. You get my point, you say you have no problems with evolution, yet you are unable to deal with valid issues that are major that are easily laid at its feet? That ought to be telling you something my friend, it says a whole lot to me.


New Member
Boy, you sure do love to talk garbage, don't you?

The issue is not writing, it's what's in the writing. If there is nothing in the writing no one will read. Whether one agrees or not, writing that says something is read. That's all that's important to me. The mind games and psycho-social trips some folks are riding on are primitive to me. It's about being about something that sticks to one's ribs. What's written will or will not stick. I don't worry about who my writing sticks to, there are too many tripped out thinking people in the world for me to care about that.


New Member
Here's a wild theory:

Astro and Alter... are the same person.

Creating another account to seemingly back up your original one is kind of sad and pathetic, if that's what you actually did.

Anyway, I thank the creationists for the massive lulz provided by this thread. If you wish to continue, please do so. I'll just be sitting here, don't mind me.


Your thoughts are yours to imagine. The suspicious are suspicious, what one represents is in their writing; except of course they are involved in deception, lies and other corrupt lines of verbal juggling. These are not difficult to discern, nor should it be a mystery who's writing what I write. I am myself if that will help you out. Enjoy your reading.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
..... you say you have no problems with evolution, yet you are unable to deal with valid issues that are major that are easily laid at its feet?
Tis not that I'm unable, but rather that I'm unwilling to do so with one too
full of anger & hubris, & too unfamiliar with the science which you criticize.
I'm here for fun...not to rise to every hostile challenge.

Meow Mix

Chatte Féministe
To be true to your world view you have no choice but to see no problem. Evolution is a necessity for your world view. To see evolution lost to something you've lived to reject would be devastating. Some people are not composed enough to deal with a changing of their minds. Albert Einstein, arguably one of the world's greatest scientists could not endure word from astronomers of an expanding universe. Einstein was a Steady State adherent. The expanding universe meant there was a beginning. The Steady State surmised an eternal universe. Einstein created the Cosmololgical Constant to offset evidence coming in of heavenly bodies speeding away from one another. Some on the outer edge of the clusters are moving near the speed of light. The Steady State theory had nothing to account for that, just like evolution has nothing to deal with what I put to you on disease defense. Einstein finally came to the light about the expansion. He affirmed what observations of astronomers around the world were reporting. He would go on to lament the Cosmological Constant was his worst mistake. I've made one point on disease and defense. Your telling me you have no problem with evolution is in light of questions that are too tall for evolution to answer. You're more on the early Einstein side of dealing with matters than what came when his thoughts could not overcome what astronomers around the world were reporting. Evolution is in the same condition, so you have to go with "I've got no problem," knowing full well you see issues that are more than you can handle in a simple way. You are more than welcomed living your life on short supply in critical areas of thinking. On AlterEgo, I've read some of what she's posted. She's not in this alone, she'll be just fine. Those who have a mind to tell it like it is where evolution is concerned have items to add to her voice. You yourself know this is where the beef is in the discussion. When you can't interact on a real issue is where the problems in what you ascribe show in living color.

What is your point on "disease and defense?" I'm not seeing it in any of your posts.

It would be helpful, though, if you at least broke your posts into paragraphs for ease of reading. It's difficult to wade through a giant post with giant text that isn't organized into pieces.