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Arguments or evidence for god(s)

But it clearly isn't. So, what is the value of asking why people believe without evidence?

Well sorry if it's not clear, i am not an English speaker, but it is why i am doing this.

I want to show theme that believing some thing without evidence is wrong, because you might believe in some thing that is really false, and your false believe might even have dear consequences.
If you believe that a car will not hit you if you jump on the road because your god is protecting you, them you will get hurt


Premium Member
Well sorry if it's not clear, i am not an English speaker, but it is why i am doing this.

I want to show theme that believing some thing without evidence is wrong, because you might believe in some thing that is really false, and your false believe might even have dear consequences.
If you believe that a car will not hit you if you jump on the road because your god is protecting you, them you will get hurt

Anyone who reads the Four Gospels would know that Jesus said not to put God to the test when doing things (jumping off a cliff and such). Or at least I hope they would. :)

St Giordano Bruno

Well-Known Member
I think there is a better argument for the existence of unicorns and dragons than God for the simple reason living creatures can evolve in to creature closely resembling such creatures without violating the laws of physics. There may no evidence of any unicorns on this earth but who's to say there are other planets in the universe where unicorn like creatures could and do exist. On that planet they too could have a mythical animal with horns growing out of their noses which we take for granted as rhinoceros but there they are creatures of fantasy like we have with unicorns. Dragons of the non fire breathing variety could close resemble the dragons of mythology particularly prehistoric dinosaurs and pterodactyls which ancients had little concept of their existence when they conjured up the concept of dragons centuries ago, or perhaps there way of explaining ancient fossils millennia ago in ancient China. Gods and other deities on the other hand is very different to life as we know it on Earth there is no mechanism we know of which can generate their existence such as evolution giving rise to unicorns like creature on other planets or rhinoceros on this one


Hello, dose any one have an argument or evidence for the existence of god? Preferably original.
1. "love thy enemy" is a piece of philosophy too radical to have been conceived of by a bunch of goat herders.

2. There is a verifiable miracle available to see if you look hard enough with certain reasonable assumptions.

3. In a 13.7 billion year history, it is too coincidental that we are living in an era where world freedom is within reach (and many other things like nuclear weapons that can destroy the planet, the internet so that the ordinary person can speak and meet each other). It is more likely that the future has already happened, insofar as we have already invented artificial intelligence and have very powerful computers that can run simulations, and we are already living in such a simulation.

4. With all of our technology, we can't create life deliberately. There is thus a big question mark over whether life can be created naturally.
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Well-Known Member
Can't find (or perhaps VERY difficult to find) a physical proof for something that is supernatural like God or gods, IMO.


I want Khilafah back
Hello, dose any one have an argument or evidence for the existence of god? Preferably original.

do you have an argument or evidence that god doesn't exist? christians and muslims make about 3 billion of the world population who all believe in god, now add jews, hindus, etc etc, you get about 6 billion doesn't matter that we all have different concepts of God. it's only a few atheists out there who think that god doesn't exist. so prove it, all faiths say that god always existed, atheism comes along about 200 years ago, and according to atheists everyone's been wrong up until that point. so again, please prove with evidence that god doesn't exist.


do you have an argument or evidence that god doesn't exist?
It's not possible to prove a negative. The onus is on theists to provide evidence.

christians and muslims make about 3 billion of the world population who all believe in god, now add jews, hindus, etc etc, you get about 6 billion
That is the argumentum ad populum logical fallacy.

doesn't matter that we all have different concepts of God.
It seems to matter to those who are killing each other because of their religion. Atheists don't do that sort of thing.

it's only a few atheists out there who think that god doesn't exist.
A few? There's plenty of atheists in the world, and it's especially prevalent in the scientific community, which are the ones who make the breakthroughs that improve civilization.

so prove it, all faiths say that god always existed, atheism comes along about 200 years ago, and according to atheists everyone's been wrong up until that point.
Almost everyone is in their current religion purely because they were indoctrinated into it as a child, and don't possess the brainpower required to throw off that indoctrination.

so again, please prove with evidence that god doesn't exist.
Reverse burden of proof. It's YOU that needs to prove that God does exist if you want to make such a claim. You can also have a go at explaining why a benevolent god allowed Iraqi men to have their tongues cut out by Saddam instead of intervening to protect those poor people.


New Member
God do exist, thats why we do exist. And, I also agree that God is here and is looking upon us that what negative things we are doing to this beautiful creation "Earth".


I want Khilafah back
It's not possible to prove a negative. The onus is on theists to provide evidence.

That is the argumentum ad populum logical fallacy.

It seems to matter to those who are killing each other because of their religion. Atheists don't do that sort of thing.

A few? There's plenty of atheists in the world, and it's especially prevalent in the scientific community, which are the ones who make the breakthroughs that improve civilization.

Almost everyone is in their current religion purely because they were indoctrinated into it as a child, and don't possess the brainpower required to throw off that indoctrination.

Reverse burden of proof. It's YOU that needs to prove that God does exist if you want to make such a claim. You can also have a go at explaining why a benevolent god allowed Iraqi men to have their tongues cut out by Saddam instead of intervening to protect those poor people.

as far as i know atheism came to exist about 200 years ago, you guys made claims that God doesn't exist. so 200 years and counting i haven't seen any evidence to back up that claim.


Woke gremlin
as far as i know atheism came to exist about 200 years ago, you guys made claims that God doesn't exist. so 200 years and counting i haven't seen any evidence to back up that claim.
Actually, atheism is most broadly defined as the "absence of belief in a God", not the claim nor belief that God does not exist (although such beliefs would qualify someone under the broad definition as well). By this definition, atheism has most definitely been around longer than 200 years - longer even than theism has existed. Most atheists on this site (though certainly not all) operate under the broad definition, and therefore make no claims to the effect that God does not exist. Therefore, the onus is on the person making the claim that a God exists to demonstrate their claim to the atheist.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
4. With all of our technology, we can't create life deliberately. There is thus a big question mark over whether life can be created naturally.
This makes no sense.

If anything, wouldn't our failure to create life deliberately put the question mark over whether life can be created deliberately?


I want Khilafah back
This makes no sense.

If anything, wouldn't our failure to create life deliberately put the question mark over whether life can be created deliberately?

not at all. God is referred to as the supreme being, an intelligent being who can create life. in other words he is the Creator of everything that exist, humans on the other hand cannot create life, the Qur'an actually challenges those who disbelieve in God to give life to something as small as a fly. so what kerravon has stated is quite true and logical too. we are bound by the laws of nature, God is not bound by anything.


I want Khilafah back
Actually, atheism is most broadly defined as the "absence of belief in a God", not the claim nor belief that God does not exist (although such beliefs would qualify someone under the broad definition as well). By this definition, atheism has most definitely been around longer than 200 years - longer even than theism has existed. Most atheists on this site (though certainly not all) operate under the broad definition, and therefore make no claims to the effect that God does not exist. Therefore, the onus is on the person making the claim that a God exists to demonstrate their claim to the atheist.

how can atheism be older than theism, when all abrahamic religions say that Adam was the first created man and he was a prophet, atheism came very long after like 200 years ago. you need to provide evidence that atheism is older since you are making a claim, just like atheists are making a claim that God doesn't exist, i am yet to see their proof.


Woke gremlin
how can atheism be older than theism, when all abrahamic religions say that Adam was the first created man and he was a prophet,
Well, all the evidence says that they are wrong. Humanity evolved millions of years ago, and as far as we are aware primitive man had no religion, nor no concept of God. Therefore, early man lacked a belief in a God and can be put under the broad definition of being atheistic. I would argue that such a claim is irrelevant to the debate between atheism and theism, nontheless it is still true.

atheism came very long after like 200 years ago.
As I've already explained, that is false.

you need to provide evidence that atheism is older since you are making a claim, just like atheists are making a claim that God doesn't exist, i am yet to see their proof.
The proof is in the definition. For example, would you define people who came before politics existed as apolitical? Since politics didn't exist, by default we can claim that they were apolitical, therefore apoliticism existed before politics, therefore it stands to reason that before theism existed people were atheistic - that is, unless you want to make the suggestion that the first human beings evolved to be theistic. In which case, I'd be happy to review your evidence.


, when all abrahamic religions say that Adam was the first created man and he was a prophet,

Do they really? its a allegorical legend that was never ment to be read literal. Only later people with no clue what so ever of what the original authors context was perverted this.

There are no created men, all men evolved and this isnt up for debate.

atheism came very long after like 200 years ago

every person on the planet is born atheist, until someone teaches a child about religion, one would remain atheist.

humans are 200,000 years old, the abrahamic deity is only 3,200 years old, FAIL try again.

just like atheists are making a claim that God doesn't exist, i am yet to see their proof.

No the exact opposite

you claim god exist, there for it is you who need the proof to back the imagination required to believe certain faiths.


Your beloved eccentric Auntie Cristal
how can atheism be older than theism, when all abrahamic religions say that Adam was the first created man and he was a prophet, atheism came very long after like 200 years ago. you need to provide evidence that atheism is older since you are making a claim, just like atheists are making a claim that God doesn't exist, i am yet to see their proof.

Doesn't the Bible, the OT, mention unbelievers? I think it does.

A lack of belief just happened to be named around 200 years ago. The newness or oldness of an idea does not validate or invalidate the idea any way.


Your beloved eccentric Auntie Cristal
A) I do not make the claim there is no God.

B) If some one tells me they believe there is a God. This is fine. It is a belief.

C) If some one tells me they are absolutely certain there is a God, just like there is a mountain, and that there is proof of such God, they should be so kind as to provide said proof or I can' not take their claim serious.