Oh yes, absolutely, Satan demands justice for all our unrepented sins. Satan cries our for justice to be poured out in it's due measure according to each particular sin commited. He cries out to God in the heavens and God must satisfy justice for sins commited. When we turn from our sins justice/Satan must still be satisified so God sent his only begotten son in the flesh, Jesus Christ, to satisfy Satan and the demands of justice for sins we have commeted. Christ took the hit of Satan's wrath/justice for all the sins of mankind, if they would but repent (turn away from sin) Christ will not take the hit for unrepented sins and we will have to suffer for them in one way or another, either in this life or the next....
Doctrine and Covenants 19: 17-18, 20
But if they would not repent they must suffer even as I;
18 Which suffering caused myself, even God, the greatest of all, to tremble because of pain, and to bleed at every pore, and to suffer both body and spirit—and would that I might not drink the bitter cup, and shrink—
20 Wherefore, I command you again to repent, lest I humble you with my almighty power; and that you confess your sins, lest you suffer these punishments of which I have spoken, of which in the smallest, yea, even in the least degree you have tated at the time I withdrew my Spirit.
FFH footnote: I have felt a small portion of Satan's wrath for sin and it's not fun, but helped me to realize the severity of mental and physical pain that we will endure if we do not keep all the commandments...We will pay for every unrepented sin either in this life or the next...
No, because Satan/justice demands a physical and spiritual punishment upon a mortal human being for sins commited...He does not care who, just that someone suffers for sins commited...
Satan cries out for justice and justice must be served...
Satan's wrath/justice for sins commited was poured out on Jesus Chirst on behalf of all those who had or would repent of their sins....
Whatever sins we repent of/turn away from, those sins will be forgiven...all of those past sins that pertain to that sin will be wiped away....
Whichever sins we choose to turn away from, those and only those past sins will be forgiven...the rest we must suffer for ourselves...
To avoid all justice/punishment/wrath of Satan we need to turn from all sin...God cannot satisfy Satan's wrath/justice for sin without an acutal mortal human being taking the hit. This would be robbing the demands of Satan/justice..
Mercy (God) cannot rob Justice (Satan)
Satan demands justice to be poured out upon us if we do not repent, and if we do repent he demands justice for our past sins to be poured upon someone who is without sin, that's where Christ becomes necessary and where mercy (God) steps in.
Satan (justice) is satisified, when an individual's punishment for sin, who has turned from sin, is thrust upon another, providing that person has never sinned. The only person, according to the laws of justice and mercy, who can take the punishment for sin, on our behalf, is one who is without sin. This is a part of the law of mercy (God) which justice (Satan) cannot go against...
These are just the rules God and Satan must adhere to and they are eternal laws that have always existed and they cannot or are unable to violate them... They must be affixed eternal laws, like those which govern the universe and keep it in perfect order...