Did your dream "really appear?" If you enjoy a cookie before you go to bed, and then you fall asleep and dream, and in that dream have two cookies, can you wake up the next morning and say, "I ate three cookies?" Of course not. You only ate one. The other two didn't really appear, though you thought in your dream state that you ate them. You thought this because your dream character was ignorant of the dreamer lying in bed asleep and dreaming of cookies.
If you are really awake always, how can the dream really happen? If there is an Absolute reality always, how can Relative Reality appear? If there is only Rope always, how can Snake appear?
It's only one's ignorance to say that "there is a dream, and in that dream I thought of eating 2 cookies, in that dream I played and danced in a form of a character, etc.".
Truly, there is no dream at all and one is awake always.
Relative reality and dream reality are both appearances in Brahman. Neither is more real than the other. Guadapada validates this in chapter 2 of the Mandukya Karika.
The Mandukya Upanishad is 12 verses on AUM Mantra. Gaudapada's Karika is commentary relating to those 12 verses.
I'm sorry. That's where I see the difference between Gaudapada and Vasistha. Vasistha never tried to give meaning upon Ignorance, but Gaudapada tried and that's why Shankara too had such conception. Gaudapada tried to create a conception upon Ignorance/Maya/etc., where it is not even necessary to do that and it misleads, and that's how he differ from Vasistha, and that's what the difference between their disciples - Shankara and Rama.
What Vasistha says "There is just Brahman, nothing else. Fix that in your mind, and remain peaceful". But, what Gaudapada tried is "Maya/dream/appearance is an aspect of Brahman, Snake is an Appearance of Rope, etc., and remove such snake from your mind and attain Rope." As Shankara have Vairagya and much trust in his guru's guru, become Enlightened of this way of perception, but it is no different from Buddhist disciple attaining Enlightenment by trusting words of Buddha. Also, nowadays, Nondual seekers gets confused/entangled by such concepts and never remain peaceful of such concepts about Relative Reality "How/why it came", and never try to understand what Sages/Vasistha/etc., try to point out that there is no Relative Reality at all and just shun your Ignorance and wake up.