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Ask any questions about Islam!


Well-Known Member
DakotaGypsy said:
Thank you, Scott!

And, Alan.

The words of Mohammad, as opposed to the word of God.

Exactly! Muhammad lived a life. He must be given the right to speak as Himself from time to time.



Veteran Member
Premium Member
DakotaGypsy said:
Thank you, Scott!

And, Alan.

The words of Mohammad, as opposed to the word of God.

Dear DakotaGypsy, i disagree with my friend Popey in here for his confirmation for what you mentioned. If Prophet Mohammed "peace be upon him" may say somthing as opposed to the word of God so we could easily hijacked his entire teaching about Quran or anything else.

God said about prophet Mohammed in Quran:

[3] Nor does he say (aught) of (his own) Desire.

[4] It is no less than inspiration sent down to him:

[5] He was taught by one Mighty in Power, (Quran 53:3-5)

There is three types of inspiration,

1- The pure word of God in Quran.

2- "Qudsi" Hadiths: which is the word of Quran which don't supposed to be in Quran but it's a direct words to prophet Mohammed separately from the words of Quran.

3- The normal hadith of prophet Mohammed, which is the details of the teaching of Quran and what God has taught prophet Mohammed about.

Prophet Mohammed never spoke out of his experince because he has no knowledge except the one he was taught ONLY. Other than that might be like plans in war, dealing with people, etc, which is about prophet Mohammed's personality.

Peace .. :)


Active Member
The Truth, you misunderstood Popeye. I hope that it was not a deliberate misunderstanding.

Popeye was telling me that on the one hand the Koran is understood to be the word of God, but Mohammed himself spoke out on many things which were not necessarily the word of God because it was Mohammed the man speaking.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
DakotaGypsy said:
The Truth, you misunderstood Popeye. I hope that it was not a deliberate misunderstanding.

Popeye was telling me that on the one hand the Koran is understood to be the word of God, but Mohammed himself spoke out on many things which were not necessarily the word of God because it was Mohammed the man speaking.

The point i was mading is that Mohammed would NEVER ever give his own opnion about Islam if it wasn't from what God have taught him.


New Member
Why do you hold Muhammad above Jesus Christ?

Jesus did miracles- Muhammad did not. (Sura 3:49, 5:110)

Jesus was sinless- Muhammad sinned and needed forgiveness. (Sura 3:46, 40:55, 42:5)

Jesus was called "the Messiah" and was even born of a virgin, and yet Muhammad is revered as greater why? (Sura 3:45-57)

Why is there a concept of jihad? jihad can and often mean ones individual struggle to be righteous, but it is often used by Muslims both past and present to refer to military struggle or "holy war." Jihad is a direct contradiction of the 6th commandment given to us by Moses, Thou shalt not kill. Saying that jihad is simply a spiritual struggle ignores Islamic history and the actions of contemporary Muslims, like Osama bin Laden.


Well-Known Member
JesusIsGod said:
Why do you hold Muhammad above Jesus Christ?

Jesus did miracles- Muhammad did not. (Sura 3:49, 5:110)

Jesus was sinless- Muhammad sinned and needed forgiveness. (Sura 3:46, 40:55, 42:5)

Jesus was called "the Messiah" and was even born of a virgin, and yet Muhammad is revered as greater why? (Sura 3:45-57)

Why is there a concept of jihad? jihad can and often mean ones individual struggle to be righteous, but it is often used by Muslims both past and present to refer to military struggle or "holy war." Jihad is a direct contradiction of the 6th commandment given to us by Moses, Thou shalt not kill. Saying that jihad is simply a spiritual struggle ignores Islamic history and the actions of contemporary Muslims, like Osama bin Laden.

What do miracles prove to anyone who does not witness them? A miracle at second hand is hearsay, and quickly passes into myth and legend. Osiris performed many of the miracles Christ performed according to myth and legend including rising from the dead.

Adam was born with neither a father nor a mother, does that not make Adam greater still than Jesus by your criteria?

Like it or not the Arabic word for war is NOT 'jihad'. Jihad means the "struggle" and it is internal - the struggle to submit oneself to the will of God.

That Osama bin Laden calls terrorism "holy war" has not one whit of relationship to the teachings of Muhammad.



Well-Known Member
The Truth said:
The point i was mading is that Mohammed would NEVER ever give his own opnion about Islam if it wasn't from what God have taught him.

I agree. But the Prophet lived a life which required Him to make comment about the things of life, and such things are included within, but not exclusively making up the hadiths.



Angel slayer
JesusIsGod said:
Why do you hold Muhammad above Jesus Christ?

Jesus did miracles- Muhammad did not. (Sura 3:49, 5:110)

Jesus was sinless- Muhammad sinned and needed forgiveness. (Sura 3:46, 40:55, 42:5)

Jesus was called "the Messiah" and was even born of a virgin, and yet Muhammad is revered as greater why? (Sura 3:45-57)

Why is there a concept of jihad? jihad can and often mean ones individual struggle to be righteous, but it is often used by Muslims both past and present to refer to military struggle or "holy war." Jihad is a direct contradiction of the 6th commandment given to us by Moses, Thou shalt not kill. Saying that jihad is simply a spiritual struggle ignores Islamic history and the actions of contemporary Muslims, like Osama bin Laden.

Most Muslims hold the Prophets equal, no distinction is made between them.

Jesus is also mentioned more in the Quran then Muhammed.


New Member
You can't compare the actions of Muslims to the actual Islamic teachings. Muslims that put Muhammad above Jesus and others that murder in "the name of God" do not follow the teachings of Islam.

You're partly right. In the Qur'an it says not to kill, unless it is in the name of justice and of course Allah is the most justified so going to the war to defend Allah or executing a law breaker is justified.


Why is there a concept of jihad? jihad can and often mean ones individual struggle to be righteous, but it is often used by Muslims both past and present to refer to military struggle or "holy war." Jihad is a direct contradiction of the 6th commandment given to us by Moses, Thou shalt not kill. Saying that jihad is simply a spiritual struggle ignores Islamic history and the actions of contemporary Muslims, like Osama bin Laden.

U know.....we dont have the phrase "holy war" in islam...i dont remember it in any Hadith or in Qur'an..

I think i defined jihad before in a separate thread...but most peaple have a perception that it only concerns fighting, which is not true


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Orichalcum said:
Most Muslims hold the Prophets equal, no distinction is made between them.

Jesus is also mentioned more in the Quran then Muhammed.

Excatly ..

God said in Surah 2 verse 285:

The Messenger believeth in what hath been revealed to him from his Lord, as do the men of faith. Each one (of them) believeth in Allah, His angels, His Books, and His Messengers. "We make no distinction (they say) between one and another of His Messengers." And they say: "We hear, and we obey, (we seek) Thy forgiveness, our Lord, and to Thee is the end of all journeys."

Therefore, it's from the basics in Islam to believe in all prophets and messengers of God and we make no distinction between one and another.

If Moses "peace be upon him" for example was the one who hold the last message i would follow him. Remember that we believe of the second coming of prophet Jesus Christ, the Messiah, and we will follow him because prophet Mohammed told us to do so.

Moreover, we believe that all human beings sin but they weren't born with this sin.

Also, about miracles, we believe all messengers of God have miracles, prophet Mohammed also do have miracles but Muslims do not focus in it so much because these types of miracles, people see it as myth and it's usually for the people who saw that miracle by their eyes, and also, those messengers of God, they have no special power by themselves but they do all these miracles in the name of God, and the bible and the Quran are full of such a thing, when Jesus pray, then the miracle happen in the name of God.

Remember that we hold now the living miracle, Quran.

Peace ... :)


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Popeyesays said:
I agree. But the Prophet lived a life which required Him to make comment about the things of life, and such things are included within, but not exclusively making up the hadiths.


We have no problem with that dear Popey, prophet Mohammed lived his life and he was using his own mind to act in it but anything releated to islam, he doesn't have the right to comment in it but he only obey what God command him. :)


Veteran Member
Premium Member
DakotaGypsy said:
How is one sure if one is obeying what God has told him to do?

What if one is insane or delusional?


Do you know him?

Can you please click in the link below to read what the world (not Muslims) says about him?


Post # 2.

There are also another thread called, learn about Moahmmed, and here is the link for it too.


Peace ... :)


Active Member
You misunderstand me. What I want to know is whether or not religious extremists might be insane or delusional. Whether or not there is a God or Allah or whatever is beside the point.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
DakotaGypsy said:
You misunderstand me. What I want to know is whether or not religious extremists might be insane or delusional. Whether or not there is a God or Allah or whatever is beside the point.

We were talking about Prophet Mohammed, that's why i thought you meant him.

Anyway, to comment in your question, the crusade weren't insane at all and they were just people who thought that they are serving God in their own way. Therefore, some of those extremists are just like them and some others have specfic interest and a hidden agenda by using those uneducated young guys to do the dirty jobs for them.


New Member
DakotaGypsy said:
You misunderstand me. What I want to know is whether or not religious extremists might be insane or delusional. Whether or not there is a God or Allah or whatever is beside the point.

Most extreemists are lured to suicide and whatnot with promises of virgins in heaven, revenge for their families deaths, high places in heaven, and so on and so forth. Most of which are not mentioned in the Qur'an and if even hinted, exploited and manipulated until it fits their needs. I think to some point some are insane, but I don't believe that they think that God spoke to them.