I'm tiring of religion and theism being called 'irrational' or 'superstition' or such. There are many philosophers and theologians out there making rationally sound arguments for the existence of God.
An example would be helpful, if you can link or quote one.
I fail to see how seeing design and order in nature and coming to the conclusion that there is a designer is in any way irrational
Isn't that the 'argument from design'? It took a severe beating when evolution was accepted to explain variety, specialization, 'beauty', and so on in nature.
Of course the argument from design isn't limited to biology. The subjects studied by physics appear to behave in an orderly manner and at present we know of no clear counterexample to the proposition that the same orderly manner operates throughout the universe. But if the forms of biology are explicable, why is it rational to assume that the apparent orderliness of physics is not explicable, and requires a superbeing to explain it?
And doesn't the superbeing hypothesis raise many more problems than it solves? What real thing is a superbeing? Where did IT come from, and how did that Where come to exist? How did our superbeing come to possess the powers attributed to it? Why would it want to create a universe? Since we know of biology only on one planet in the entire universe (out of however many planets perhaps 20 septillion stars entail), and it didn't arise till the universe was maybe ten billion years old, why would we think the superbeing had biology in mind in creating the universe? Let alone one species ─ H. sap sap ─ that took another four billion years or more to evolve?
And we've found nothing from our reasoned enquiries into nature that might directly suggest the reality of such a being.
So is the hypothesis of a superbeing
really rational?