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Atheism is incompatible with intelligence

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
increase in Atheism is decrease in intelligence.
I'd say that the opposite is the case, at least in the case of Abrahamic theists, which is the variety that populate my world the most and with which I am most familiar. The more religion one imbibes - the more zealous the Abrahamist - the more it holds him back in his intellectual and moral development.

You can also see it if one takes a look at humanity over time. As man evolves intellectually and morally, he chooses atheistic humanism more frequently. The proportion of unbelievers to believers is rising.


Veteran Member
I'd say that the opposite is the case, at least in the case of Abrahamic theists, which is the variety that populate my world the most and with which I am most familiar. The more religion one imbibes - the more zealous the Abrahamist - the more it holds him back in his intellectual and moral development.

You can also see it if one takes a look at humanity over time. As man evolves intellectually and morally, he chooses atheistic humanism more frequently. The proportion of unbelievers to believers is rising.
I'd say such should just be ignored


Veteran Member
If to know all, you will know that there is God. Why? God knows all.
But we are mortals, not gods. So what you claim about a God knowing all is irrelevant to we humans.

And let's note that there are no gods known to exist, nor any properties about any God that is observed and factual, so your assertion is a belief, not knowledge. And you offer no basis for your belief, so it is rejected.
Therefore, increase in Atheism is decrease in intelligence.
This isn't a valid conclusion, as you didn't present any valid premises. It's a curiosity that you bring up intellignce and how it correlates to atheism/theism yet make such an avoidable error as a strong theist.


Well-Known Member
If to know all, you will know that there is God. Why? God knows all.
Therefore, increase in Atheism is decrease in intelligence. Look:

Belief in God makes one more humble and therefore less ego centric. The ego is what makes smart people dumb, since the ego tries to manipulate the situation for the ego's sake, and will even ignore it own common sense. A good example, is President Biden has not look optimized for some time. The Liberals needed much more of a shock; debate, to figure this out, compare to the religious people who were more humble and opened minded early. Your big heads; egos, were not even aware you were being lied to.

Many of you guys are still in denial, since your ego is connected to all the bull, you have been believing and selling and cannot give up, to save ego face. If truth comes before the ego, one can be more objective, even when it is not polite or ego massaging to do so. Ego-centric people tend to be shallow and therefore do not use their full intellectual potential; emotional thinking. You can be smart and still do dumb things. Ego pride comes before the fall. Identify politics is all about the ego.What is the sense of limiting yourself to a mask?

Mock Turtle

Oh my, did I say that!
Premium Member
Belief in God makes one more humble and therefore less ego centric. The ego is what makes smart people dumb, since the ego tries to manipulate the situation for the ego's sake, and will even ignore it own common sense.
Nah, just a convenient excuse not to actually explore reality, since when one does (and necessarily often disregarding that which doesn't have reasonable provenance - like most religious texts) then what one finds tends to go against any God being present. And why we still have so many trying to dispute the evidence of science as to the age of the universe, the Earth, human life, and all life rather than accepting such and realising that religious doctrines most likely are just made-up human projections.
Many of you guys are still in denial, since your ego is connected to all the bull, you have been believing and selling and cannot give up, to save ego face. If truth comes before the ego, one can be more objective, even when it is not polite or ego massaging to do so. Ego-centric people tend to be shallow and therefore do not use their full intellectual potential; emotional thinking. You can be smart and still do dumb things. Ego pride comes before the fall. Identify politics is all about the ego.What is the sense of limiting yourself to a mask?
Yes, that is the way - ignore what your brain tells you and simply believe some particular religious text. So why aren't you a Muslim? :rolleyes:

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
I'd say such should just be ignored
I'm not sure what you're saying should be ignored, but I like to correct errors like the one in the OP and the one's below, where believers make false claims about their own goodness and intelligence and false claims about people like you and me.
Belief in God makes one more humble and therefore less ego centric. The ego is what makes smart people dumb
Yet belief in the god of Abraham has left a lot of "dumbness" in its wake in people that were never smart to begin with. And none of the atheistic (or theistic) humanists I encounter have ego problem or are "dumb."

I'm sure that your religion teaches you things like that. I heard the same in my church years. Your ego seems pretty well developed, and there was nothing humble about your comment.
the religious people who were more humble and opened minded
Faith closes the mind. Open-mindedness is a characteristic of dispassionate critical analysis.

You're a religious person, right? There was nothing humble about your comment.
Identify politics is all about the ego.
Maybe from your conservative perspective. Your complaint is based in the right's reaction to the left's efforts to expand human rights and increase tolerance. For me, identity politics is about expanding human rights. The left works to empower the groups that the bigots want to hold down. Isn't that what you're objecting to with that comment?

And your religion doesn't seem to be any help there. Adherents call it a religion of love, but MAGA with all of its bigotry is replete with self-identifying Christians who also aren't humble.

Love isn't just words or feelings. It's action - action intended to benefit the wellbeing of another. That's what humanists do. That's what so-called identity politics is about: enabling people through education and social and economic opportunity. And that's what the right objects to.

Did you hear Trumps comment about immigrants stealing black jobs? Trump sees them competing for jobs that white people don't and shouldn't work. Here's a reaction to that.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
So many believe they're superior...smarter...better...than unbelievers.
They dress in finery. They pontificate.
They build monuments to their glory.
And then boast of their humility.
This is intelligence?
You wrote more evocatively than I would have. I'll just add that the one finds a serious number utterly egotistical self-centered preachers in news reports.


Admiral Obvious
If to know all, you will know that there is God. Why? God knows all.
Therefore, increase in Atheism is decrease in intelligence. Look:

I watched it until the blatant quote mining started.
Since quote mining is at best dishonest I completely lost interest in whatever it is the Liar For Jesus has to say.


Veteran Member
If to know all, you will know that there is God. Why? God knows all.
Therefore, increase in Atheism is decrease in intelligence. Look:

That video is sarcasm, isn't it? The rapid fire of logical fallacies suggests so, but I'm not quite sure. Maybe the author really isn't aware of his irrationality. A case of Poe's law. I found it to be entertaining.


הרב יונה בן זכריה
I haven’t done this in several years so….. In deciding how to respond to the OP might I suggest one watch the trial scene from the Marx Brothers movie, Duck Soup, and listen to Groucho’s description of Chico, here playing Chicolini?


Well-Known Member
So many believe they're superior...smarter...better...than unbelievers.
They dress in finery. They pontificate.
They build monuments to their glory.
And then boast of their humility.
This is intelligence?

Yeah, we all like to think we’re smarter than the next guy. Humility is in short supply among humans of all persuasions


Veteran Member
If to know all, you will know that there is God. Why? God knows all.
Therefore, increase in Atheism is decrease in intelligence. Look:
This comment is made from a viewpoint of arrogance ... "human beings are able to know all"

Arrogance for sure blinds a man to Wisdom, esp. Spiritual arrogance like "my Religion trumps all other Religions which are inferior"; which belief mostly is found in Christianity and other Abrahamic beliefs, at least that's what they try hard to convince me of.