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Atheist looking for religious debate. Any religion. Let's see if I can be convinced.


Well-Known Member
You should not judge the Baha'i Faith by my opinions as I am just one person. That would be the fallacy of hasty generalization.

No, I'm judging your position by your opinions. I have found it logically inconsistent and contradictory.

I don't know any Baha'is who did not get the Covid vaccine and they all thought it was safe and effective and the right thing to do for the good of society. I am a special case because I have so little contact with the outside world so I am not in need of the vaccine and it would be of no benefit for me or anyone else. I do not want my healthy immune system messed with for no good reason. Despite what you believe the Covid vaccines have resulted in adverse effects and death and I have no reason to take the risk.

Again, you seem to be ignopring the science.

Why should I believe one prayer study? As I recall, another Baha'i, Tony, pointed out to you that there are other studies on prayer that had different results.

I was very clear that there had been numerous studies done over a period of nearly 200 years. They show very strongly that prayer has no effect. Perhaps if you weren't so intent on ignoring them you'd understand what they actually show.

You do not know what I believe about science unless I tell you. Moreover it is the fallacy of jumping to conclusions if you say i do not really believe in science just because I don't want a Covid vaccine or I don't believe in one prayer study.

Hang on, let's be clear here.

What you've said about the covid vaccine (they have an unacceptable risk of adverse affects and death) is NOT what the science says. And you are completely wrong about the prayer studies, since you think there was just one, when there have been many. If you actually DID understand the science, you would not be making these mistakes.

I told you what the Baha'i position on science, that it is just as vital to human life and progress as is religion, is and I adhere to that, but that does not mean I have to agree with every scientific study because there are always other scientists with a different study. There is no universal consensus in science even if you believe there is. You are clearly biased and I am more in favor of looking at all the research before making a decision as to what to believe and do.

You have repeatedly demonstrated that you do not actually understand science, and this further supports that.

I think you must have meant that what I said only makes sense if everything we see that I claim comes from the spiritual world has no other explanation except that it came from the spiritual world. In that case I would have to agree that the spiritual world would not be necessary to explain the effects. However, since there is no way to prove anything that happens on Earth came from souls in the spiritual world, that is just a belief I hold.

So "the spirit world exists" is just an opinion that has no actual evidence.

Okay, that kind of makes sense.

I know it does. I'm glad you agree with me.

I did not say God does not have an effect, I said the effect cannot be measured.

And as I said (and you agreed), an effect that can't be measured and an effect that isn't there at all are the same thing. If God's effect can't be measured, then it's identical to God's effect not being there at all.

It is similar to Pascal's wager but it is not exactly the same because I am not suggesting that you believe in God to be covered just in case God exists. That is what Pascal said to do, believe even if you do not believe, and I think that is wrong because it is insincere.

Yes, you did suggest exactly that. What do you think, "being caught with your pants down" means?

I have no burden of proof because I did not make a claim.

I specifically said NOT to start quibbling about that. You presented what you believe is correct. That's your claim.

Baha'u'llah made claims...

And by presenting those claims as truthful you are taking on those claims as well. Burden of proof is yours.

...so he had the burden and he met the burden.

No, it is CLAIMED he met the burden, but you've said many times that you can't actually prove it.

The worst thing you could do is believe that Baha'u'llah's claim is true just because I believe it. You have to do your own investigation to discover the truth for yourself.

And I've said many times how things that are really real don't work like that.

I really don't know why atheists do not understand this, after I have explained it over and over again. They want me to prove to them that my belief is true but that is impossible, no matter how good the evidence is, because all people have a mind of their own and they are going to see the evidence from their own perspective no matter what I say. Even if I wanted to convince people I don't have the ability to convince people and even if I succeeded in convincing someone it would not be their belief, it would be my belief that I convinced them was true. If people want to believe they have to prove to themselves that the belief is true by looking at the evidence and assessing it for themselves.

When atheists say that believers have the burden of proof what they really mean is "I want the truth delivered to me on a silver platter so I won't have to do anything to find out what it is." Don't you realize how ludicrous that is? Moreover, religion is not a court of law so believers have no burden to prove anything to atheists, not unless the believer wants to convince the atheist.

Don't confuse atheists disagreeing with you with atheists not understanding.

We understand exactly what you are saying. We just think that the method by which you convince yourself that your beliefs are correct is a deeply flawed one, and we refuse to use that method ourselves.


Well-Known Member
It is not my homework, it is your homework if you want to know what the UHJ said. I just don't understand why atheists expect me to do their homework. If they want to know about something it is their job to research it, it is not my job to research it for them. You are the one who brought this subject up, not me.

It's not my homework. I don't care what they said.

But when YOU are the one who makes claims about what they've said, then YOU are the one who has to support it. Not me.

I don't know if I will ever have time to watch it but I will let you know what I find out and where it is if I watch it.

If you don't know if it's in there, how do you know it addresses what I asked?

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
God can never fail because God is infallible. Only humans can fail because humans are fallible.
The Messenger system never failed because the messages were always delivered. What humans did with them AFTER that is not God's responsibility.
That is not a failure of the Messenger sya
What are the "messages" that got delivered? We don't know, because the messenger didn't write them down. His fault or God's fault?

As I said before, the Bible is not the original message from any Messengers because it was not written by any Messengers of God. It was written by men who claimed to be inspired by the Holy Spirit and since it came to us by way of oral tradition it cannot be exactly what any Messengers ever said. But that is the way God wanted it to be back in those days and it was suited for those times. However the Bible is not suited for the present times and tat is why God sent a new Messenger.
Ah, but there were oral traditions about the message and at some point those got written down. But who knows how accurate that is? And it must have been the way God wanted it? I guess because he can't make mistakes? So God wanted people to be the ones to write it down? And why would that be? Maybe to give doubters a reason to not believe the message?

There is also no evidence that the Bible contradicts other religions. Some but not all of the Bible contains a different message from other religions but difference are not contradictions.
The Bible says Isaac was taken to be sacrificed by Abraham. The Baha'is say it was Ishmael and I think they say that the Quran says that also. And that's not a contradiction?


Non-debating member when I can help myself
bff means bests friends forever, and I mean it! Who would have ever known I would find my best friend on the Planet Baha'i forum. That forum got me back in the straight and narrow so I am very grateful for that, but I lost track of all the other Baha'is after that forum shut down.
I have a very good friend in my wife, too. Hard to choose between you. I tell you some stuff to you that I don't tell her.

Occasionally I encounter Dale. I have read some books of his. He's another good friend. Did I tell you I met him in person twice? The last encounter was about 20 years ago. He also met Sara in the in the first encounter as it just so happened that we went on vacation to Baltimore that I was still attached to though I only lived there to almost 8 years old and Dale lived in that area. Ironically we went to see the Baltimore Orioles on that trip, and it's the Baltimore Ravens I'm attached to now. A few years ago I finally saw the Ravens in person when they visited Cincinnati. They did win the game, though. I can't say that I got more from it than watching them on TV. The fact that the crowd wasn't rooting for the Ravens didn't help.


Veteran Member
I have a very good friend in my wife, too. Hard to choose between you. I tell you some stuff to you that I don't tell her.
I have a good friend in my husband too. I talk to you about some things I don't talk to him about because he has heard it all before and gets sick of hearing it, stuff like how i don't like God or the idea of the afterlife. I tell him some things I don't tell you and I would not even tell my counselor, at least not yet.

I love both of you so thank God I do not have to choose between you. :D

rational experiences

Veteran Member
The religion of science...machines.

Machines built to transmit to machines as designed machines.

Machines used to transmit to humans as experiments by religious idealism man is a God. I will find God the man.

I will experiment my machine is God.

Machine science I want God.

Convince me scientist brothers that you are not evil.....wait a minute I will never believe you.

Reason why religion became a human subject. To argue scientific thesis human owned only.


Non-debating member when I can help myself
I have a good friend in my husband too. I talk to you about some things I don't talk to him about because he has heard it all before and gets sick of hearing it, stuff like how i don't like God or the idea of the afterlife. I tell him some things I don't tell you and I would not even tell my counselor, at least not yet.

I love both of you so thank God I do not have to choose between you. :D
Come to think of it, I can think of a specific dark thing about me I haven't told you that I got the courage to finally tell her. I wouldn't tell it here especially. Maybe in a private conversation. Matter of fact, why not tell you in private now? It seems dark to me, but I think you would not think it as dark as I do.


Veteran Member
Come to think of it, I can think of a specific dark thing about me I haven't told you that I got the courage to finally tell her. I wouldn't tell it here especially. Maybe in a private conversation. Matter of fact, why not tell you in private now? It seems dark to me, but I think you would not think it as dark as I do.
I think you know the darkest part me me... I mean hating God is pretty bad, but Lewis also know that side of me only too well. But I also hate other things I won't say out here. I'll check out your Conversation now.


Lightly seared on the reality grill.
You want to use logic to try to encapsulate God so you can delude yourself into thinking you can analyze God, but that is impossible because God is not subject to puny human logical analysis since God is infinite and unknowable. Logically speaking, such an entity cannot ever be encapsulated with human logic.

If god has set things up so that we can't use logic, reasoning, and evidence to find out then it exists, then it's hiding (from the rational, at least). Why should I care about a god that hides itself?
You can bet your bottom dollar it's not logic, because religious beliefs are not subject to logic.

See above.
I do believe (not assume) that my religion is true, so what I say is based upon my religion and religion in general, since religion is the only way anyone can know anything about God. There is nothing illogical about that -- go head, try to prove it is illogical.

It's a baseless assertion. That was easy.
There is no hide-and-seek.

You've basically just said that there is, and that's quite apart from the fact that just looking at the world and its disparate and contradictory religions, is enough to tell us that, if a god exists, it is hiding.
There is nothing illogical about a God who would expect humans to go looking for that information and in fact it would be illogical for God to hand out that information of a silver platter. Everything in this life that is worth having requires an effort so why should knowledge of God be any different? Why should it be effortless?

So can we use logic or not? Make up your mind!

As for why it should be easy to see the message from god, it's the same reason that it shouldn't be difficult for people to find out that there is a treatment for some nasty illness or a vaccine. Your god (according to your description) is doing the equivalent of somebody who developed the only COVID vaccine, not announcing it to the world but setting everybody puzzles that they have to solve and not telling them what they'd get if they solved them. It's comically absurd. If you happen to like rummaging around in old superstitions in case there might be some truth there, then you might find your god's message, but if you just make a rational judgement that there is no obvious message, then you won't.
However, given the that God created humans with a rational mind it is up to us to decide on the right path, that is not God's responsibility in any way.

Repeating the contradiction about logic. I've used my rational mind to reach the conclusion that a god such as you describe cannot exist because it's incompatible with the world we observe.
The is nothing logically incoherent about God creating humans with a will. Humans have a will even if we are not 'free' to do anything we might want to do. That humans have a will is indisputable because if we had no will we could not do anything at all. That is what is logically coherent.

We have will but it isn't at all free in the sense that everything we do has reasons (unless they are partly random), and chains of reasons (cause and effect) would stretch back to creation (again, unless there is some true randomness). We cannot possibly be free with respect to an omnipotent, omniscient creator. It would effectively have chosen our every thought and choice.
Whatever we do get from God is only by God's grace and mercy, not because we deserve it.

So your god made people so badly that they don't deserve anything from it? Unjust and incompetent.
You have everything backwards whenever you say that God owes you something.

I don't believe there is a god, but if there is, of course it would have a moral responsibility to its created beings.
An Almighty God does not owe anyone anything because He is not accountable to anyone. Thinking that God owes us something is common mistake in logic that atheists make.

This would be entirely true if god was amoral or immoral, it's a contradiction with a good and just god who would owe its creation a duty of care.


Veteran Member
What are the "messages" that got delivered? We don't know, because the messenger didn't write them down. His fault or God's fault?
It is nobody's fault.... Scriptures were conveyed differently back in the days of old, but it is all history now as this is a new Day of God.
Ah, but there were oral traditions about the message and at some point those got written down. But who knows how accurate that is? And it must have been the way God wanted it? I guess because he can't make mistakes? So God wanted people to be the ones to write it down? And why would that be? Maybe to give doubters a reason to not believe the message?
Who cares how accurate it is? I don't care because it is history and as far as I am concerned God does not want us to be referring to it anymore.

“Certain traditions of bygone ages rest on no foundations whatever, while the notions entertained by past generations, and which they have recorded in their books, have, for the most part, been influenced by the desires of a corrupt inclination. Thou dost witness how most of the commentaries and interpretations of the words of God, now current amongst men, are devoid of truth. Their falsity hath, in some cases, been exposed when the intervening veils were rent asunder.” Gleanings, p. 171-172

“Our purpose is to show that should the loved ones of God sanctify their hearts and their ears from the vain sayings that were uttered aforetime, and turn with their inmost souls to Him Who is the Day Spring of His Revelation, and to whatsoever things He hath manifested, such behavior would be regarded as highly meritorious in the sight of God…” Gleanings, p. 172
The Bible says Isaac was taken to be sacrificed by Abraham. The Baha'is say it was Ishmael and I think they say that the Quran says that also. And that's not a contradiction?
Since God sends updates in every new age, the most current is the most accurate.


Veteran Member
No, I'm judging your position by your opinions. I have found it logically inconsistent and contradictory.
That is too vague for me to do anything with.
Again, you seem to be ignoring the science.
No, I do not ignore science, I just do not need the vaccine for anything but I am not saying other people should not get it.
I was very clear that there had been numerous studies done over a period of nearly 200 years. They show very strongly that prayer has no effect. Perhaps if you weren't so intent on ignoring them you'd understand what they actually show.
I really don't care what they show. I have my beliefs about prayer and that is good enough for me.
Nobody can prove that God does or doesn't answer prayers, that is illogical because nobody can ever know what God is doing at any time. However, if the studies were based upon people asking for something specific I can see why the prayers did not have an effect ebcaue God is not a short order cook.
Hang on, let's be clear here.

What you've said about the covid vaccine (they have an unacceptable risk of adverse affects and death) is NOT what the science says. And you are completely wrong about the prayer studies, since you think there was just one, when there have been many. If you actually DID understand the science, you would not be making these mistakes.
You have your head right in the sand and you believe everything you are told about the Covid vaccines There certainly have been adverse effects and deaths from the Covid vaccines. This is well-documented. If you actually DID understand the statistics, you would not be making these mistakes. I have the statistics but I am not going to post them here since we are not supposed to talk about Covid in this forum since there is a forum just for that.
You have repeatedly demonstrated that you do not actually understand science, and this further supports that.
Again you have your head in the sand. There are always other scientists with a different study. There is no universal consensus in science even if you believe there is. Scientists do not agree on everything. You worship science like a God and you don't want your bubble to be bursted.
So "the spirit world exists" is just an opinion that has no actual evidence.
It is a belief for which there is evidence, but not the kind of evidence you would ever accept.
And as I said (and you agreed), an effect that can't be measured and an effect that isn't there at all are the same thing. If God's effect can't be measured, then it's identical to God's effect not being there at all.
No, I do not agree. God could be having an effect that humans cannot measure.
Yes, you did suggest exactly that. What do you think, "being caught with your pants down" means?
I said you will be caught with your pants down but that does not mean I am telling you to believe so you won't be caught with them down, because i don't think God wants fake believers who don't really believe..
And by presenting those claims as truthful you are taking on those claims as well. Burden of proof is yours.
I make no claims so i have no burden, but even if I did make claims I would not have the burden of proof unless I was trying to convince people that my beliefs are true.
No, it is CLAIMED he met the burden, but you've said many times that you can't actually prove it.
I cannot prove it to you or to anyone else and if you knew anything about human nature you would know why.
I can only prove it to myself and if you wanted to believe you'd have to prove it to yourself.
"The worst thing you could do is believe that Baha'u'llah's claim is true just because I believe it. You have to do your own investigation to discover the truth for yourself."

And I've said many times how things that are really real don't work like that.
Why don't they work like that? Why shouldn't God require you to investigate the truth for yourself? Why should someone else prove it to you? If someone else convinced you it would not be your belief, it would be theirs.
Don't confuse atheists disagreeing with you with atheists not understanding.

We understand exactly what you are saying. We just think that the method by which you convince yourself that your beliefs are correct is a deeply flawed one, and we refuse to use that method ourselves.
That is the method God wants you to use and there is no other method that works. You are atheists because you refuse to use follow God's instructions; instead you think you know more than God about how to search for truth. Your proposed method is a dead end road because it is designed for scientific truth, not for religious truth. Any logical person would know that the methods are different for discovering religious truth.


Veteran Member
It's not my homework. I don't care what they said.
It's not my homework because I don't care what they said.
But when YOU are the one who makes claims about what they've said, then YOU are the one who has to support it. Not me.
I made no claims.
If you don't know if it's in there, how do you know it addresses what I asked?
I don't know and I don't care. YOU were the one who brought up this subject because YOU wanted to know so YOU are the one who should watch the video if YOU want to know.


Veteran Member
If god has set things up so that we can't use logic, reasoning, and evidence to find out then it exists, then it's hiding (from the rational, at least). Why should I care about a god that hides itself?
God has set things up so that we can and should use logic, reasoning, and evidence to find out then it exists, so God is not hiding from the rational.

Religious beliefs are subject to logical reasoning but religious beliefs cannot be proven by logical arguments since the premise "God exists" can never be proven and thus no conclusions can be drawn.
It's a baseless assertion. That was easy.
It is not baseless since religion is the only source of information about God. Atheists only make themselves look ignorant and foolish when they deny the obvious.
You've basically just said that there is, and that's quite apart from the fact that just looking at the world and its disparate and contradictory religions, is enough to tell us that, if a god exists, it is hiding.
The disparate religions can be understood by logical reasoning and I have already explained why they exist. It is because God reveals a new and different religion in every age and that religion is suited to the age and people to which the religion was revealed. Religions do not contradict each other, they are simply different from one another. The religious believers have misinterpreted the scriptures so they 'believe' that their religion is the one true religion and that is why religious people are at odds with one another. This all makes logical sense IF you bother to think about it and you look at human behavior.

You just use what you see religious people do as an excuse to reject religion in general but that is unjust and irrational.
So can we use logic or not? Make up your mind!
I just explained that above. Of course we should use logic. God gave us a rational mind to use
As for why it should be easy to see the message from god, it's the same reason that it shouldn't be difficult for people to find out that there is a treatment for some nasty illness or a vaccine. Your god (according to your description) is doing the equivalent of somebody who developed the only COVID vaccine, not announcing it to the world but setting everybody puzzles that they have to solve and not telling them what they'd get if they solved them. It's comically absurd. If you happen to like rummaging around in old superstitions in case there might be some truth there, then you might find your god's message, but if you just make a rational judgement that there is no obvious message, then you won't.
That is the fallacy of false equivalence because you are comparing science with religion and they are not the same. Humans communicated to humans that there is a vaccine, but God is not a human so God is not going to announce that there is a religion He wants everyone to follow. You have to talk to other humans to find out about this religion, or go looking for yourself.

It is so absurd to expect God to hand you information on a silver platter just so you won't have to go looking for it. Do you think that developing the Covid vaccines was easy? No, scientists had to work hard to develop them and they had to use their rational minds. Atheists do not want to be required to think, they want God to do everything for them so they won't have to do anything at all. I consider this lazy.

God is supposed to announce that there is a message for everyone with a loud speaker in the sky. C'mon, give me a break. This is what is comically absurd.

Atheists don't do any rummaging around, they just complain that God should have done something differently because they don't like how God operates, through Messengers that establish religions. Atheists are like small children who wanted chocolate ice cream when mommy gave them vanilla. This is the psychology. It is not logic, it is illogic.

There is an obvious message but in order to find it you have to (a) get past your confirmation bias and (b) go looking for it. I already told you where the message is, it is in the Baha'i Faith, so that makes it a lot easier.
Repeating the contradiction about logic. I've used my rational mind to reach the conclusion that a god such as you describe cannot exist because it's incompatible with the world we observe.
How is the world we observe incompatible with a God existing? What would you expect to observe if God existed? To say you can you 'know' what you would 'expect to observe' is just a projection of human ego.
We have will but it isn't at all free in the sense that everything we do has reasons (unless they are partly random), and chains of reasons (cause and effect) would stretch back to creation (again, unless there is some true randomness). We cannot possibly be free with respect to an omnipotent, omniscient creator. It would effectively have chosen our every thought and choice.
That is completely illogical. Just because God knows what we will do that does not mean God causes us to do it. There is no connection whatsoever between God's knowledge and what happens in this world.

“Question.—If God has knowledge of an action which will be performed by someone, and it has been written on the Tablet of Fate, is it possible to resist it?

Answer.—The foreknowledge of a thing is not the cause of its realization; for the essential knowledge of God surrounds, in the same way, the realities of things, before as well as after their existence, and it does not become the cause of their existence. It is a perfection of God.......

Therefore, the knowledge of God in the realm of contingency does not produce the forms of the things. On the contrary, it is purified from the past, present and future. It is identical with the reality of the things; it is not the cause of their occurrence........

The mathematicians by astronomical calculations know that at a certain time an eclipse of the moon or the sun will occur. Surely this discovery does not cause the eclipse to take place. This is, of course, only an analogy and not an exact image.”
Some Answered Questions, pp. 138-139

To say that humans have no free will is just a cop-out, a way to try to abdicate responsibility. It is absurd and illogical to say that to even think that God chose our every thought and choice because if God had done that all people would be good and there would be no evil in the world. There is good and evil because people have free will to choose between good and evil.
So your god made people so badly that they don't deserve anything from it? Unjust and incompetent.
That is not what I said. I said that whatever we do get from God is only by God's grace and mercy, not because we deserve it, and there is a logical explanation for that. It is because God is fully self-sufficient and fully self-sustaining that God needs nothing from humans, so we can logically deduce that anything God gives us is only by His grace and mercy.

God has no needs that God does not have to give us anything at all unless he chooses to. Not all humans are undeserving but many are. The humans who have rejected what God has given them, His Messengers, are undeserving because they throw back in God's face what God gave them by His grace and mercy.
I don't believe there is a god, but if there is, of course it would have a moral responsibility to its created beings.
God has no moral responsibility because God is not a human. Only humans have moral responsibilities. God is good by His very nature, He does not have to try to be good.

God owes humans nothing but nevertheless God gives humans what they need. God made a Covenant with humans, which is a agreement that He would send Messengers for their benefit. However, the other side of that Covenant is that humans are responsible to recognize and follow the Messengers.
This would be entirely true if god was amoral or immoral, it's a contradiction with a good and just god who would owe its creation a duty of care.
God does not have to care about humans but God does care about humans, and that is why God sends Messengers in every age.


Lightly seared on the reality grill.
It is not baseless since religion is the only source of information about God. Atheists only make themselves look ignorant and foolish when they deny the obvious.

It's not at all obvious. There are plenty who claim belief in some sort of god but don't follow a religion. I'd even go so far as to say that I think it's far more likely (although still very unlikely) that a god exists that has nothing to do with any religion than that any of the obviously human-made religions contain any truth about it.
The disparate religions can be understood by logical reasoning and I have already explained why they exist. It is because God reveals a new and different religion in every age and that religion is suited to the age and people to which the religion was revealed. Religions do not contradict each other, they are simply different from one another. The religious believers have misinterpreted the scriptures so they 'believe' that their religion is the one true religion and that is why religious people are at odds with one another. This all makes logical sense IF you bother to think about it and you look at human behavior.

Yet again: it makes no sense at all unless you first accept your faith. This is not logic, it's blatantly begging the question by assuming your conclusion.
That is the fallacy of false equivalence because you are comparing science with religion and they are not the same.

So you don't understand what an analogy is. :facepalm:
It is so absurd to expect God to hand you information on a silver platter just so you won't have to go looking for it.

If god has an important message for humanity, it is entirely its moral responsibility to make sure all of humanity gets it. This isn't difficult.
God is supposed to announce that there is a message for everyone with a loud speaker in the sky. C'mon, give me a break. This is what is comically absurd.

Not as comically absurd as using 'messengers' as you believe.
How is the world we observe incompatible with a God existing? What would you expect to observe if God existed?

I've already explained this: #3759. There really is no point in a conversation if you can't keep track of it. I know you're talking to a lot of people, but the point remains. If you can't keep track, then don't talk to so many people.
That is completely illogical. Just because God knows what we will do that does not mean God causes us to do it. There is no connection whatsoever between God's knowledge and what happens in this world.

That wasn't my argument. Either everything (including minds) is deterministic, so the act of creation would fix everything, including our choices, or it isn't, which means it involves randomness, and randomness cannot give us more freedom nor can we be held responsible for it.
God does not have to care about humans but God does care about humans, and that is why God sends Messengers in every age.

Playing a cruel game with messengers is not a caring thing to do.


Veteran Member
It's not at all obvious. There are plenty who claim belief in some sort of god but don't follow a religion. I'd even go so far as to say that I think it's far more likely (although still very unlikely) that a god exists that has nothing to do with any religion than that any of the obviously human-made religions contain any truth about it.
Fair enough. I can see why it would not be obvious if one is looking at the religions of the past which have been corrupted by man. These religions are in their winter season.

“All that lives, and this includes the religions, have springtime, a time of maturity, of harvest and wintertime. Then religion becomes barren, a lifeless adherence to the letter uninformed by the spirit, and man’s spiritual life declines. When we look at religious history, we see that God has spoken to men precisely at times when they have reached the nadir of their degradation and cultural decadence. Moses came to Israel when it was languishing under the Pharaoh’s yoke, Christ appeared at a time when the Jewish Faith had lost its power and culture of antiquity was in its death those. Muhammad came to a people who lived in barbaric ignorance at the lowest level of culture and into a world in which the former religions had strayed far away from their origins and nearly lost their identity. The Bab addressed Himself to a people who had irretrievably lost their former grandeur and who found themselves in a state of hopeless decadence. Baha’u’llah came to a humanity which was approaching the most critical phase of its history.”
(Udo Schaefer, The Light Shineth in Darkness, p. 24)

Had I not become a Baha'i, I would have never had a reason to believe in God, and even if I had come to believe in God as a matter of logic, I would not have believed in one of the older religions. I would have been a non-religious believer.
Yet again: it makes no sense at all unless you first accept your faith. This is not logic, it's blatantly begging the question by assuming your conclusion.
You would not have to accept my faith in order to understand what I said, because it makes logical sense if you think about it objectively without bias, but it is certainly easier to understand it if you are a Baha'i since it is in the teachings of the faith.

It is not begging the question because I am not assuming the conclusion of an argument.

To beg a question means to assume the conclusion of an argument—a type of circular reasoning. This is an informal fallacy, in which an arguer includes the conclusion to be proven within a premise of the argument, often in an indirect way such that its presence within the premise is hidden or at least not easily apparent.[1]
So you don't understand what an analogy is. :facepalm:
I certainly do understand analogies but that analogy is not on logical ground because it is the fallacy of false equivalence whenever you are compare science with religion and expect the evidence to be the same and that it would be delivered in the same way.
If god has an important message for humanity, it is entirely its moral responsibility to make sure all of humanity gets it. This isn't difficult.
God did makes sure that all of humanity got the message of Baha'u'llah as it is available to everyone on the internet and in books, in over 800 languages, even in braille. It is not God's responsibility to make sure that people look at the message and believe it, that is a responsibility humans have if they want the message. God gives everyone a choice so God is not going to force His message on anyone.
Not as comically absurd as using 'messengers' as you believe.
I've already explained this: #3759. There really is no point in a conversation if you can't keep track of it. I know you're talking to a lot of people, but the point remains. If you can't keep track, then don't talk to so many people.
I looked at that post and I do not see the answer to the question I asked:
"How is the world we observe incompatible with a God existing? What would you expect to observe if God existed?" I was not referring to how God reveals Himself. I was referring to the way this world was created, how things operate, what we see in this world.
That wasn't my argument. Either everything (including minds) is deterministic, so the act of creation would fix everything, including our choices, or it isn't, which means it involves randomness, and randomness cannot give us more freedom nor can we be held responsible for it.
Of course the other option is that some things are determined by God through predestination and some things are caused by our free will choices and ensuing actions. That means we are not responsible for our free will choices but we are not responsible for what was fated (predestined) by God.

“Some things are subject to the free will of man, such as justice, equity, tyranny and injustice, in other words, good and evil actions; it is evident and clear that these actions are, for the most part, left to the will of man. But there are certain things to which man is forced and compelled, such as sleep, death, sickness, decline of power, injuries and misfortunes; these are not subject to the will of man, and he is not responsible for them, for he is compelled to endure them. But in the choice of good and bad actions he is free, and he commits them according to his own will.”
Some Answered Questions, p. 248

Man is compelled to endure death, sickness, decline of power, injuries and misfortunes because it is our fate, since God predestined these things.
Playing a cruel game with messengers is not a caring thing to do.
There is nothing cruel about it.

Can you tell me another way in which God could provide evidence of His existence?
Also, how else could God communicate actual messages as we see in scriptures of religions?

Atheists: What would be evidence of God’s existence?

Whenever I say that Messengers of God are the evidence of God’s existence atheists say “that’s not evidence.”

So if “that’s not evidence” what would be evidence of God’s existence?

If God existed, where would we get the evidence? How would we get it?


Lightly seared on the reality grill.
You would not have to accept my faith in order to understand what I said, because it makes logical sense if you think about it objectively without bias, but it is certainly easier to understand it if you are a Baha'i since it is in the teachings of the faith.

You seem to be confusing internal self-consistency, with a logical reason to believe something in the first place. You started by making a baseless claim: "It is because God reveals a new and different religion in every age and that religion is suited to the age and people to which the religion was revealed.", then added another two baseless claims: "Religions do not contradict each other, they are simply different from one another. The religious believers have misinterpreted the scriptures so they 'believe' that their religion is the one true religion and that is why religious people are at odds with one another.", then said: "This all makes logical sense IF you bother to think about it and you look at human behavior.". No, it only makes sense if I'm prepared to accept your baseless claims, that amount to accepting your faith.
I certainly do understand analogies but that analogy is not on logical ground because it is the fallacy of false equivalence whenever you are compare science with religion and expect the evidence to be the same and that it would be delivered in the same way.

The analogy was about the morality of getting an important message to people and why it should be easy to see it and not something we should be expected to work for. Not about science and religion, or the evidence for them.
God did makes sure that all of humanity got the message of Baha'u'llah...

I'm not going to go on repeating myself, it's pointless. I've addressed this countless times.
I looked at that post and I do not see the answer to the question I asked:
"How is the world we observe incompatible with a God existing? What would you expect to observe if God existed?" I was not referring to how God reveals Himself.

I was.
Of course the other option is that some things are determined by God through predestination and some things are caused by our free will choices and ensuing actions.

Free will, in that sense, is incoherent. We either do things entirely for preceding reasons, or we don't. If we don't, some part of our choice-making must be random. Think about rewinding time to a point at which you made a choice and ask yourself if you could have done differently. If your answer is 'no' then we would be deterministic and your sort of 'free will' doesn't exist. If your answer is 'yes', then, since absolutely everything is the exactly same (including all the contents of your mind), then any difference can't be for any reason (all the possible reasons are the same), so it must be for no reason. Something that happens for no reason must be random. Randomness can't give us freedom and we can't be held responsible for it, so your sort of 'free will' still doesn't exist.
Can you tell me another way in which God could provide evidence of His existence?
Also, how else could God communicate actual messages as we see in scriptures of religions?

I've addressed this countless times, too.