There is a lot of speculation going on with this. The more I read it the less I’m compelled to believe the comparison between what Ezekiel said and what’s going on in modern politics. Are the fires that destroy gog missiles of some kind? Doesn’t it say that god himself will destroy gog with fire? Let me know what you think. Thanks again for your insight.
It says that 'God commaned the seas to bring forth life'
Did God create life or did the seas create life?
It says that the Babylonians sent the Jews into captivity.
So did God send the Jews into captivity for their sins?
The Romans destroyed Israel and sent the Jews into exile.
Did God seek vengeance against a people who 'knew not
the time of their visitation' or was it Rome?
It's both.
Ezekiel 36 is clearly about an exiled and hated people, of
whom a remnant will one day return to a land long neglected
and where the Jewish landmarks were now just ruins. I fail
to see how this is NOT our current age.
Love how the bible says the Jews will remain a people when
most other nationalities are gone (think Amonites, Edomites,
Romans, Amalakites, Philliistines etc..) and despite being
numerous in 'biblical times' they will remain a tiny remnant,
a people who are a 'blessing to the wo
Gog, Magog are mysteries. Some suggest they are the slavs.
But they live in the 'uttermost north' of the world. Yet they are
attacked by the 'islands' or 'coastlands' and 'from the north.'
In a nuclear war there will be a polar corridor for missiles
between Russia and America. A corridor, BTW, that's never
been tested (!)
There seem to be a lot of things wrong with these chapters beyond just prophecy. I know it’s easy to look back and retroactively apply events to other events but usually this is done by historians I think? Do you know if the consensus among historians is that this is true? I’m gonna look at your breakdown of the events some more later. But I remember the chapters from school. Interesting history. Would be wild if it was true. Still don’t think I would be a Christian but I’d believe the Christian god was real lol.
Historians would not touch this stuff with a ten foot pole.
It's future history. But importantly, it applies to Israel
I do believe it's meant for Israel. In the boook of Isaiah
he writes to the Jews in that terrible Babylonian time
that they would return to Israel 'a second time.' I could
imagine Jcaptive ews reading this in bewilderment.