I stated a parallel which I believed most people could understand; where tyranny and oppression (in the parallel case, a husband abusing a wife)
is not excused by, at times showing grace, mercy and forgiveness
(In the parallel case, giving his wife a kiss and hug)
Most people understand that the kiss and hug don’t make up for the abuse.
Therefore bringing into question whether occasional “grace, mercy, and forgiveness”
makes up for “tyranny and oppression”.
Sadly, it happens far too frequently.
Apparently you’ve not heard of
Battered Woman Syndrome?
Additionally, repeated cycles of violence and reconciliation can result in the following beliefs and attitudes:
- The abused thinks that the violence was their fault.
- The abused has an inability to place the responsibility for the violence elsewhere.
- The abused fears for their life, and/or, the lives of loved ones whom the abuser might or has threatened to harm (e.g., children-in-common, close relatives, or friends).
- The abused has an irrational belief that the abuser is omnipresent and omniscient.
I feel I have enough knowledge to judge that:
1. Owning humans as property is never acceptable.
2. Declaring one class/group of people as being fair game for ownership as property,
and another class/group of people as being forbidden from being owned as property,
as God showing favoritism towards the 2nd group and against the 1st as
@osgart stated.
Contrary to your assertion that it’s the opposite.
When you put emotions aside, you can’t see that to make that judgment?