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Atheists and their jargon of insults


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
There was a time when I didn't know anything about people with photographic memory. When I realize that capacity in some persons my mind just exploded. I'll say it is SUPERNATURAL.
Why would you make such an assumption? First of all, very, very few people have anything like a "photographic" (or eidetic) memory. A number of people claim to have eidetic memory, but science has never found a single verifiable case of photographic memory. Eidetic imagery is virtually nonexistent in adults. Most people showing amazing memory abilities use mnemonic strategies, mostly the method of loci. This includes all winners of the annual World Memory Championships and most of the known scientific cases of excellent memories, like Solomon Shereshevsky. Regardless, the following list contains people who have claimed photographic memory.

But even so, I have memorized quite literally several thousand lines of Shakespeare (including many that I have written into a one-man show which I have only performed before a couple of friends). Let me tell you, there was nothing supernatural about the hard work it took to memorize all of that. Worse, I notice, over time, that some portions change -- a word or phrase here or there morphs -- and I have to re-memorize to get it right again.

But all this proves is that a large part of my brain (and yours and everybody else's) is devoted to the business of storing memories, sometimes in precise detail. Similarly, all of our bodies are capable of running, of jumping, or throwing and moving or singing or playing instruments and any number of other physical activities. Some of us do many of these things much better than others, some not nearly so well as even the average person. Think sports stars, champion figure skaters, brilliant dancers or opera singers. Why should memory be any different?


अहं ब्रह्मास्मि
Staff member
Premium Member
"Magic", they say. ;)
They say "miracles", "supernatural", etc etc etc ... they even say "spaghettis" and in their minds is an insult. So they are. :p

What is really "miracle" or "magic" or "supernatural" in an atheist mind?
IMHO, they are just things they cann't explain with their current personal knowledge ... and there is soooo much happening in the world right now that most people cann't explain, that I would say miracles are happening all the time and atheists cann't negate it. Insulting is the way their brains deal with it. :cool:
Pot. Kettle. Black.

Have a good night. :yellowheart:

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
Some atheists in this forum are pretty aggressive with believers.
Some theists are offended by atheistic dissent or the very existence of atheism. Just saying, "I don't believe what you do because I have other standards for belief" is offensive some. They frame this as attack and attempt to retaliate. It's popular to try to insult atheists by calling their beliefs a religion, or to proclaim that they don't have enough faith to be an atheist. They depict atheists as empty vessels and they like the implied threat, "You'll find out some day." Many describe atheists as inherently immoral, rebellious, and wantonly hedonistic.

But that's how their taught. Many Christians reject that depiction, but many are made atheophobic, and after reading the opinions of atheists, defensive and hostile. They want the world to know how offended they are, how hurt they are to have beliefs they consider sacred discarded as valueless by others.

I'm not looking to provoke any, but my opinions frequently do that. What's the skeptic's responsibility to such people to avoid triggering hurt and angry responses? Should I censor my responses so as to not offend the kind of theist I just described?
I don't think that is educative in any way.
I don't think that you're here to learn. You're here to preach and now to air your grievance about atheists.

Even those theists who aren't as defensive or emotional aren't usually teachable. Except when discussing young people, those that can learn already have - the so-called theistic humanists, which are the people who share the same values, methods, and agenda as the atheistic humanists, but tell you that they have a god belief and maybe even like to go to church regularly. These are the people least informed by their religions and most informed by secular education. The ones on RF are mostly scientific professionals.

But then there's the rest, and whether friendly or hostile, they are ineducable. And yes, I understand how that can cause some to become angry and take offense, but that opinion is carefully considered, sincerely believed, and constructively offered, and those that disagree are encouraged to try to falsify it if they think it's incorrect. That's what is done in academic communities, in courtrooms, and in scientific peer review, and anybody entering the marketplace of ideas in a mixed audience that includes critical thinkers will be subject to those standards. For many, it's a culture shock, and they take umbrage.
that kind of atheists change their behavior and focus on debating topics and not persons.
Most believers don't know how to debate, just to disagree with or without including their own beliefs that they cannot support. Debate involves resolving differences of opinion through dialectic, where ideas are presented and then contradicted by those who disagree, but with counterargument (rebuttal) rather than a wave of the hand or simply repeating themselves without having addressed the counterargument. Let's see how you react to this comment.

Do you know what is being asked of you or what that looks like? If not, I'll tell you. It's you explaining why something you just read there cannot be correct in your opinion as I did when rejecting your claim that theists are here to debate. Incidentally, this is me trying to educate you. Let's see how it goes from here. I'm pessimistic, but ready to be pleasantly surprised.
treating all types of people with dignity is very important. I have never denigrated any atheist on this forum or any other.
This thread was an attempt to depict atheists as rude. You said you love atheists, but you don't, at least by my humanist definition of love. Yours may vary as with the "love" shown by many who love the sinner but hate the sin, or the love of a deity that requires blood sacrifice in order to tolerate the presence of those who are willing to obey it to avoid perdition. Neither of those qualifies as love to me, and it is that context that I understand your love of atheists. Once again, however offensive you might find those words, once again, they are carefully considered, sincerely believed, and constructively offered, and you have the choice of reading them in that light or framing as a hostile attack on your sacred beliefs. Your choice.
Your views about the supernatural, from what I have seen, are repeatedly couched in the language of, "This is just what I believe, I'm not trying to convince you." I suspect that makes you less ideologically threatening to atheists than some other theists.
I agree with you about @Sgt. Pepper's demeanor being very acceptable to a skeptical audience, but not your last words. I don't find any other poster ideologically threatening to my atheism. Her demeanor is appropriate for discussion, which is all that I require to respect her and enjoy discussion with here - not that we agree. She's not easily offended and doesn't become hostile or defensive when disagreed with. She won't be starting any threads about how offensive she finds the atheists who don't accept her claim of having engaged with the spirit world.
most atheists believe there is no God.
Not in my experience. It seems that we have one or two such strong atheists for every ten agnostic atheists. I don't believe that there is no god. Nor do I believe the opposite.

The problem for the believer is that both kinds of atheists live the same life without gods or religions and reject the claims of theists using the same arguments, so they can't tell the two apart unless they ask each atheist if he or she merely rejects the claims that gods exist (I call this unbelief) or goes further to declare that they don't exist (let's call that disbelief).


Veteran Member
I think it's more a hope that someday, albiet fleeting, that more people will be able to refine their sense of discernment as to what's actually real and happening and whats not as it applies to the waking world, and the world in their minds.
The world that is not in our minds is completely 'dark' to us. And by definition, will always remain that way. We like to imagine that as our "enlightened" world gets bigger and more complex, that 'dark' world shrinks and becomes less mysterious. But that's just part of the fantasy that we humans like to hold onto. It makes us feel smart, and safe, to think we're "figuring it all out".


Here until I storm off again
Premium Member
"Magic", they say. ;)
They say "miracles", "supernatural", etc etc etc ... they even say "spaghettis" and in their minds is an insult. So they are. :p

What is really "miracle" or "magic" or "supernatural" in an atheist mind?
IMHO, they are just things they cann't explain with their current personal knowledge ... and there is soooo much happening in the world right now that most people cann't explain, that I would say miracles are happening all the time and atheists cann't negate it. Insulting is the way their brains deal with it. :cool:
They have nothing else to say. I mean just try asking an atheist to defend their views and you will get a meltdown about faith and burdens of proof and defense mechanisms. The best they have against theism is to attack low hang fruit or outright just insult the theist.


Here until I storm off again
Premium Member
Yeah. I think you're projecting @Eli G . Most atheists are trying to help you see the world for what it is; to get your mind away from wandering around in a fairy dreamland, where everything is magic and unicorns and candy rainbows. :hearteyecat:
Lol we are talking about the believers in physicalism right?

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
I don't think that you're here to learn. You're here to preach and now to air your grievance about atheists.

That, I believe, is true of many of the Abrahamic theists on this forum, especially when it involves Christianity and Islam (preach and proselytize).

I agree with you about @Sgt. Pepper's demeanor being very acceptable to a skeptical audience, but not your last words. I don't find any other poster ideologically threatening to my atheism. Her demeanor is appropriate for discussion, which is all that I require to respect her and enjoy discussion with here - not that we agree. She's not easily offended and doesn't become hostile or defensive when disagreed with. She won't be starting any threads about how offensive she finds the atheists who don't accept her claim of having engaged with the spirit world.

I see no reason to quarrel and debate with atheists or be upset when they don't accept my personal beliefs about anything I consider to be supernatural.


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
"Magic", they say. ;)
They say "miracles", "supernatural", etc etc etc ... they even say "spaghettis" and in their minds is an insult. So they are. :p

What is really "miracle" or "magic" or "supernatural" in an atheist mind?
IMHO, they are just things they cann't explain with their current personal knowledge ... and there is soooo much happening in the world right now that most people cann't explain, that I would say miracles are happening all the time and atheists cann't negate it. Insulting is the way their brains deal with it. :cool:

Oh look, another hate the atheist thread, so much animosity. And you wonder why you get so much flack from atheists, it's heartbreaking.

I see only one solution...


Here until I storm off again
Premium Member
Oh look, another hate the atheist thread, so much animosity. And you wonder why you get so much flack from atheists, it's heartbreaking.

I see only one solution...
You guys might want to learn to take what you can dish. Atheists have this funny habit of taking offense when the theist complains about New Atheism, yet you've all done nothing to eliminate New Atheism. It's like if theists wouldn't condemn bad fellow theists.

Little Dragon

Well-Known Member
"Magic", they say. ;)
They say "miracles", "supernatural", etc etc etc ... they even say "spaghettis" and in their minds is an insult. So they are. :p

What is really "miracle" or "magic" or "supernatural" in an atheist mind?
IMHO, they are just things they cann't explain with their current personal knowledge ... and there is soooo much happening in the world right now that most people cann't explain, that I would say miracles are happening all the time and atheists cann't negate it. Insulting is the way their brains deal with it. :cool:
Maybe supernatural entities of varying degrees of power and influence exist, from poltergeists to Godlike things.

It is an untestable supposition though. So outside of the realm of the measurable, and instead part of the world of the metaphysical or hypothetical.

Atheists and agnostics see no good reason to put faith in untestable hypothesis found in holy books, and in the dangerously stupid concept of absolute truth.


Here until I storm off again
Premium Member
Maybe supernatural entities of varying degrees of power and influence exist, from poltergeists to Godlike things.

It is an untestable supposition though. So outside of the realm of the measurable, and instead part of the world of the metaphysical or hypothetical.

Atheists and agnostics see no good reason to put faith in untestable hypothesis and in the dangerously stupid concept of absolute truth.
Out of curiosity, why is it untestable?


Well-Known Member
Oh look, another hate the atheist thread, so much animosity. And you wonder why you get so much flack from atheists, it's heartbreaking.

I see only one solution...

A lot of people don't like to have their belief systems attacked. But even those atheists who don't hold atheism as a belief often attack theists.

Most people simply exclude ideas that attack their basic beliefs even as they parse the words in which they are framed. Most believers in no God failed to take the meaning of the last sentence and are afraid to go back and try again!!!

Most theists are respectful of atheists but there isn't as much reciprocation. Religious people tend to be seen as anachronisms and confused individuals who have succumbed to fairy tales.

Religion and science have far more in common than there are differences. We're all a bunch of blind men trying to describe an elephant.

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
They have nothing else to say. I mean just try asking an atheist to defend their views and you will get a meltdown about faith and burdens of proof and defense mechanisms. The best they have against theism is to attack low hang fruit or outright just insult the theist.

Ironically, your description doesn't reflect my overall experience with the atheists on this forum. Maybe it's because I'm not hostile to them and don't give them a reason to be hostile to me. I don't make fun of them, accuse them of being sinners and rebellious against God, threaten them with hellfire for not accepting a specific god, or act as if I'm morally superior to them simply because I believe it's possible that deities could exist and they don't. My general experience with a few Abrahamic theists, on the other hand, has been quite the opposite, to the point where I felt compelled to put them on ignore for a while and eventually cease replying to their replies to me entirely. To be honest, my interactions with these Abrahamic theists have confirmed my opinion that they are some of the rudest, most unpleasant people I've ever met online. With the exception of a couple of theists, I'd rather converse with atheists.
Last edited:


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
You guys might want to learn to take what you can dish. Atheists have this funny habit of taking offense when the theist complains about New Atheism, yet you've all done nothing to eliminate New Atheism. It's like if theists wouldn't condemn bad fellow theists.

I have been abused by theists since being a teenager, i feel i have every right to reply to the **** they give out?
And what has new atheism got to do with the price of fish?

Little Dragon

Well-Known Member
Out of curiosity, why is it untestable?
The existence or not of supernatural phenomena, is a question which lies just outside of the scientific method of inquiry, which requires a certain rigour, when it comes to methodology, for example establishing laboratory conditions, which are required, so any experimentation is independently reproducible and therefore verifiable, as is required.

A few videos and photos of your pots and pans flying about of their own accord, is interesting, and is evidence, but it is not by itself nearly enough. To form any kind of scientific theory on the phenomena, no starting points, and so, science ignores the paranormal. Having more pressing concerns, of things which are testable. Like fusion power.


Here until I storm off again
Premium Member
Ironically, your description doesn't reflect my overall experience with the atheists on this forum. Maybe it's because I'm not hostile to them and don't give them a reason to be hostile to me. I don't make fun of them, accuse them of being sinners and rebellious against God, threaten them with hellfire for not accepting a specific god, or act as if I'm morally superior to them simply because I believe it's possible that deities could exist and they don't.
Are you suggesting ive done any of this?
My general experience with a few Abrahamic theists, on the other hand, has been quite the opposite, to the point where I felt compelled to put them on ignore for a while and eventually cease replying to their replies to me entirely. To be honest, my interactions with these Abrahamic theists have confirmed my personal opinion that they are some of the rudest, most unpleasant people I've ever met online.
Yeah and as reflections of abrahamic monotheism I think most atheists end up acting the same. It brings up two problems:

1. Having an emotional reaction to one's birth religion isn't exactly a good argument against theism as a whole.

2. Our focus on theism vs atheism instead of RHP vs LHP


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
A lot of people don't like to have their belief systems attacked. But even those atheists who don't hold atheism as a belief often attack theists.

Most people simply exclude ideas that attack their basic beliefs even as they parse the words in which they are framed. Most believers in no God failed to take the meaning of the last sentence and are afraid to go back and try again!!!

Most theists are respectful of atheists but there isn't as much reciprocation. Religious people tend to be seen as anachronisms and confused individuals who have succumbed to fairy tales.

Religion and science have far more in common than there are differences. We're all a bunch of blind men trying to describe an elephant.

See my post #36

Respectful???,not in my experience of many theists


ᛋᛏᚨᚾᛞ ᛋᚢᚱᛖ
Op doesn't describe me and my beliefs but instead builds a strawman and tears it down. Different atheists have different ideas on different things. They aren't a monolith

The only unifying thing required to be an atheist is to find god propositions unconvincing. Anything beyond that and whether or not the atheist is gnostic or agnostic is tertiary


Here until I storm off again
Premium Member
I have been abused by theists since being a teenager, i feel i have every right to reply to the **** they give out?
Okay? And **** those people who abused you. Now I guess I wonder why you're fine with the abuse of theists by atheists, why not oppose all abuse?
And what has new atheism got to do with the price of fish?
New Atheism is what's in question here, please don't pretend you don't know what the term means.


Here until I storm off again
Premium Member
The existence or not of supernatural phenomena, is a question which lies just outside of the scientific method of inquiry, which requires a certain rigour, when it comes to methodology, for example establishing laboratory conditions, which are required, so any experimentation is independently reproducible and therefore verifiable, as is required.

A few videos and photos of your pots and pans flying about of their own accord, is interesting, and is evidence, but it is not by itself nearly enough. To form any kind of scientific theory on the phenomena, no starting points, and so, science ignores the paranormal. Having more pressing concerns, of things which are testable. Like fusion power.
So because spiritual reality isn't bound to deterministic material reality, it can't be real? Everything must be explainable by human science?