That tells us noting, since that is a claim without evidence or description.Darwin had the exact same assumptions as almost every educated person in the mid-19th century.
Another claim that tells us nothing.Most of these assumption were acquired while sitting on their parents' laps and derive principally from our confused languages.
Maybe. Maybe not. How am I to know?They believed in things like "I think therefore I am" and that God created the universe.
Some people may have. What does this tell us about the assumptions Darwin used to formulate the theory of evolution?They believed all of reality and the entire cosmos was like a giant clockwork and every aspect could be calculated when man learned enough and acquired enough data.
There is no evidence that trees possess consciousness and that of salamanders is not the same as ours. So far, we have your say so, but nothing else.They believed oak trees and salamanders were not even conscious.
Until this creationist belief was refuted by the use of science.Most believed in spontaneous generation
Perhaps. Your summation is your own and not evidence of itself.and all believed (pretty much still do) that everything fit cleanly into categories and types and there were enormous numbers of virtually all things in existence.
How is this meandering agenda fulfilling the request to list the assumptions of Darwin and demonstrate they are wrong?It would never occur to them that all things are unique and no two identical things exist in reality. They believed a rabbit is a rabbit is a rabbit and they can be counted just like snowflakes. They believed progress was linear because all advancement must take place in terms of what was already known. They believed that mathematics applied to all reality by nature. They believed all cycles and processes were harmonic at root.
That is the point. You repeat this without any reason for anyone to accept the claim. You are doing that here as another example.All of Darwin's beliefs appear in his work and all of his beliefs are false.
Nothing to do with demonstrating Darwin's assumptions are wrong. It a religious comment irrelevant to the theory of evolution.Perhaps God really does exist but it is unprovable by science.
I'm betting that you think you addressed the request to list the assumptions Darwin used to formulate the theory of evolution and have demonstrated they are wrong. But you have not. You seem rather to have avoided doing that with this rambling monologue of your beliefs about people of the 19th Century.All individuals are as much a product of their time and place as Eliza Doolittle. It's not a single belief that creates individuals but rather it is countless thousands of them and every single one of Darwin's beliefs have been shown to be erroneous. The world can never turn out another Darwin because there will never be another 19th century Britain. It is simply irrelevant that Darwin was insightful and gifted because he reasoned in circles from bad assumptions. It doesn't matter that he was the best mind of the era in biology because he was wrong about everything just as most of science appears to still be wrong especially in life sciences, anthropology, and archaeology.
I'm willing to elaborate, support, or clarify any part of this post but experience tells me most won't even read it and the few who do will not respond relevantly.
The modern world is a mere extension of the 19th century and 19th century scientists are wrong across the board. They're the greatest scientists the world has ever known but they were all wrong (for the main part).
I'm not asking for your beliefs or repeating of claims.
How is that you are unable to meet this simple request and extrude what you have here in its place?