Thats an outcome of our abilities.
It is only a recent change in the human behavior. we used to be much more adaptive than any other specie.
Today we simply dont need to be as we can change the environment instead.
Unfortunately it is also true.
Yep. as Metallica sing: Sad but true.
Yes, indeed. I wouldn't even go far by saying several thousands, rather a couple.
Yet it is the fact. This planet is what humans make of it.
Don't mix that with thinking i claim what we do with it is a good thing.
You are correct. Many people many years ago predicted the way we will destroy our planet.
But yes, we are getting smarter.
of course.
Indeed i did
I'll explain two things.
Why are we smarter?
I didn't say that people in the past weren't smart, i said "we" as a human society.
We live in a world where money is what matters. it is like so for ages.
As we become smarter (as a society) we understand the money is nothing important and that there are many things that are much more important than that.
If we were a smarter society in the past, we wouldn't have got to where we are today!
There were very smart people, of course, but as a society, the humans in the past were idiots.
25 years back, people were allowed to smoke in hospitals!
50 years back it was ok the hit your kids as a mean of education.
100 years back it was ok to rape woman for fun.
500 years back human life had no value at all.
You get the idea.
People always knew that hitting a kid is wrong, yet the society didn't really care.
People always knew that raping a woman is wrong, yet the society didn't care.
This leads to the fact that we are much better as a society today than the old ages. (we have many miles to go yet, but hopefully we will gt there at some point).
The second thing I'll explain is why we are better at the important things.
Like it or not, animals are strict to their nature. they cannot change reality by will.
We can.
You can!
One person can change the entire way we experience life.
The human "animal" has the ability to change its nature as it pleases.
No animal can do that. this is the most important trait a creature can have, it is called free will.
This means that no matter the situation you are involved in, you can choose how to react to it.
A hungry lion will never choose not to eat. A hungry person can choose to starve himself to feed others.
This is the most important thing humans have. it is also the most powerful.
Humans can see whats no there. this gives us the ability to do what i just wrote.
We are the only creature that can have an understanding of something that does not exist!
I can explain to you in details what a dragon is. no animal can have this understanding.
I can explain to you what happened 1000 years ago. no animal can have this understanding.
I can explain to you how your blood heals your skin, no animal can understand that.
Our brains might have the same mechanism as other species, but we have the ability to use this mechanism in ways no animal can!
This is what i've meant we are better.
An animal is not better or worse. it is just that, an animal.
There are no bad animals.
Animal cannot be wrong. it can not act in a wrong way, it can just act.
Humans can.