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Atheists believe in miracles more than believers


Veteran Member
And you stand by its use as appropriate within the context of a single, not multiple, outcomes?
Occam's Razor is not controversial. It is a tool that critical thinkers use to weed out improbable alternatives in favor of more probable answers. It's commonly used against believers who put forth non-factual beliefs.
Should read can’t be realised

Wrong about what?
OK, you made an error in a previous post.
You are projecting how you approach reality.
Yes, like any critical thinker I won't accept claims without adequate evidence that they are true. The more outrageous the claim, like religious claims, them more evidence is required. Theists fail to provide even a small degree of evidence that their beliefs are true. This is why they often fall back on faith as the reason they believe.
If you were a theist you would do the same.
Which is why I'm an atheist, because I can't honestly deceive myself this way.

So being a theist suddenly makes a fallible mortal the "authority that can create a God, but only for yourself."? This is an example of magical thinking, where the fallible mortal can create "reality" by simply imagining it. Critical thinkers avoid this illusion. They are capable of imagining and illusion, but they have the discipline of mind to understand when they are forming an illusion versus being confused that the illusion is real.
You would understand it in such a way because you also understand the reason why you engage in a religious forum, which is for a dopamine hit seeing your words on a screen as a form of accomplishment.
So are you admitting that your religious activity is for the hormone hit in the reward center of your brain? The thing is if I'm getting a similar hit my debating why do you opt for activity where you have to convince yourself that illusions are real?
It’s not. But you will be back for the same circular mindless belligerent conversation.
And there's that emotional reactance coming back. This occurs when someone feels threatened.
It’s my truth. It’s not for you.
Anyone has the freedom to create their own "truth", even when it isn't true at all. Those who seek truth want it to be objective and based on facts and sound reasoning.


Lightly seared on the reality grill.
I read it. You were clearly determined to refuse to recognize any logic but your own. So there was no point.
I raised logical and philosophical objections. None of the alternative points of view I put forward were actually mine personally, so your claim simply doesn't stand up.

It is you who seems determined that your personal view, and yours alone, must be correct, without regard to millennia of philosophical thought, including from theists, and modern science, and despite that fact that your own view that everything is subjective entirely undermines it.

All must bow down to the towering intellect of @PureX!

I am not here to fight with other people's biases.
Just desperately cling to your own. :rolleyes:

If a sphere spins in place, on it's axis, for all eternity, do you think that constitutes 'change'?
Relevance? Nobody is talking about a spinning sphere, or anything like it.

Do you think time passed just because it was spinning?
No. In the eternalist view, time doesn't really 'pass' at all. It's a dimension. The passing of time seems to be subjective. :D ;)

An endlessly repeating 'change' changes nothing. An endlessly repeating moment records nothing. Yet this is the condition of an eternity.
But nobody is suggesting a simple moment repeating. I'm not even suggesting an infinite time (yet again, eternalism, is not eternity), I'm agnostic about it. You seem to think an infinite time is incoherent but can't provide any logical support.

And it is not the condition we observe existing.
How would you know if this was part of an endlessly repeating cycle or not? Maybe we've had this conversation an infinite number of times already (hell, it seems that way as it is). We can only be aware of a finite amount of time.

Why would extending it out to infinity change the finite part we are aware of? It's not like there's even a trend you're following. Would there be less change here if time extended 14 trillion years into the past, rather than just 14 billion? How about 10¹ ⁰⁰⁰ ⁰⁰⁰ ⁰⁰⁰ ⁰⁰⁰ ⁰⁰⁰ ⁰⁰⁰ ⁰⁰⁰ years back? Any less change here?

But now your mind is already desperately seeking some way to object, and to counter, and dismiss...
If you think I'm "desperately seeking" reasons to object, you're sadly mistaken. I've thought a lot about this, not to mention read a lot about it and looked at many different points of view, it's the typing it out that takes time and effort.

Your personal certainty is, quite frankly, just absurd.

And, of course, all this is an argument about objective, external reality which you constantly deny when anybody else tries to refer to it. One rule for you.......


Lightly seared on the reality grill.
Or to state it like an adult, it would not be illogical to presume the source IS manifesting fusion via the stars.
Ah, so when it's cognition it's "the mystery source of the universe (God) would also manifest cognition" but when it's fusion it's not 'also', it's just doing it via the stars. Got it. One rule for things you like, something else for anything you don't.

Now you're just becoming a toddler.
Insult is always a way to run away from an inconvenient point you have no answer to... :rolleyes:

This is seriously getting comical.


Veteran Member
You are factually wrong.

I'm not.

But just change dark matter for anything else (say common ancestry)

1 If you claim that common ancestry is the best explanation for genetic similarities in chimps and humans

2 and I reject your claim and claim that you are wrong…………I would be tacitly claiming that I have a better alternative

3 you would expect me to provide an alternative explanation and support it……………agree? (yes)

What is so controversial about those 3 statemenst?

False equivalence. Common ancestry is an actual explanation (a genetic fact, actually). Not the name of a yet to be solved problem.

AGREE but that is a strawman

It's not. The problem is that you refuse to understand what physicists refer to when they talk about dark matter, even though plenty of people here have tried to explain it to you. As usual, you just stick to your falsehoods and ignore any and all corrections of your mistakes.

This is a you-problem.

I'm skipping the rest of your post, because all it does is continue to build on the same falsehood.


Veteran Member
By Jove, I think he's starting to get it! :)

Yes, the proposition is that God TRANSCENDS the limitations of existence (space, time, matter, etc.). Which would be quite logical if God were being proposed as the SOURCE of existence. Which it is. In fact, this makes more logical sense than proposing that the existence that we experience in every way as finite, and evolving, is actually eternal (infinite and perpetual), or that existence somehow managed to enable itself into being.

Just sayin'.
The "source of existence" logically would not be part of "existence".

Do you see how this makes no sense?


Veteran Member
that is quite a strong and positive claim of knowledge,.............. can you show that Speceless timeless inmaterial things cant´excist?

I will as soon as you show me that undetectable cookie monsters can't exist.

I'll go with "how to shift the burden of proof" for 500 dollars.

................or is it true just because you say so?
Or let me guess, for some strange reason, you don’t have to support your assertion

That's right. The person who has to support the assertion that such things CAN exist, is the person who posits the existence of such things.
I await without holding my breath.


Veteran Member
Ok,. So if there is no evidence for God, then you shouldn’t have any problem in proposing and supporting an alternative for the origin of the universe.

That makes no sense at all.
Pointing out that a certain assertion has no evidence at all, does not require one to provide an alternative assertion.

What nonsense............

That is just a meme that you keep repeating

Yeah, asking for evidence to support an assertion is a "meme", sure. :facepalm:

If you want evidence for God then explain exactly what you mean by evidence and provide an objective metric that would allow us to test if something qualifies as evidence or not………….it is very easy to simply repeat “there is no evidence”
It's upto the one making the assertion to describe it in such a way that an objective metric is even possible, and if it is possible, what it looks like.
That's your job, not ours.


The Lost One
Logic is evidence.

No, it isn’t.

Logic is a person’s use of reasoning, justifying his or her argument, through some premises to reach a valid conclusion.

Formal logic is often using artificial structure in language, such as those used in mathematical equations to solve problems, hence this type of formal logic is often referred to mathematical logic. Other formal logic can be frequently found in many computer programming languages.

Informal logic are logic applied to arguments that are addressed in natural language.

In sciences, scientists would include combinations of both formal and informal logic in their explanatory models & in their predictive models…meaning they will include mathematical equations or formulas (formal) as small parts of larger explanations (informal).

Some people are better at logic than others.

What you don’t seem to understand, PureX, is that logic don’t mean it is correct, especially in natural sciences, because the explanation or argument can be correct or incorrect, depending on whether the evidence support or don’t support the explanation or argument.

So if the evidence don’t support the logical explanation in the model, then the evidence has refuted the model, which would mean the logic in the hypothesis is wrong. In science, it is the evidence that decides whether the logic is true or false.

Do not confuse logic with evidence, PureX…they are not synonymous. Evidence are independent of any one person’s logic.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Atheism is the rejection of the reasons given by theists as to why we should take their God-concepts at all seriously.

'God' therefore falls (in many cases, anyway, some God-concepts can be falsified) into the fantastical but unfalsifiable category.

It cannot be disproved, but there is simply no reason to take it seriously. Saying we were undecided would be misleading. We've decided there is no reason why it deserves serious consideration, unless or until somebody comes up with more credible reasoning or evidence.
It's been explained to him a thousand times, but he insists on reasoning from his strawman definition - which he has to know is not the definition being used here.


Veteran Member
No logic is the structure that we use to determine the validity of an argument, evidence feeds into that.
No logic; no "evidence". Therefor, the presence of logic IS the evidence. But by all means, keep fighting about it.


Active Member
Logic is evidence.

No. Logic (as in formal logic, propositional logic) gives you the rules on how to connect several premises to arrive at a conclusion. The evidence lies outside of it.

E.g. "All green chairs are sentient. This neutron star is a green chair. Therefore, this neutron star is sentient." is perfectly valid logic, but it is still wrong, presuming you agree with me that the premises are not backed by any evidence.


My own religion
Meets a criteria or it doesn't.

Yeah, that is not what I get when I google it. Or how I learned it in a book about logic.

There are 2 criteria at play and not just one. And even that is as per @gnostic post to simple.

So here:
"A valid argument need not have true premises or a true conclusion. On the other hand, a sound argument DOES need to have true premises and a true conclusion."
You can google other explanation, but it doesn't seem you understand valid and sound.


The Lost One
No logic; no "evidence". Therefor, the presence of logic IS the evidence. But by all means, keep fighting about it.

Again, no.

Logic cannot exist without a person thinking, without him or her reasoning. Whether the reasoning is correct or not, it doesn’t without exist making the argument.

logic doesn’t exist independently of the person’s reasoning.

Right now, I personally don’t think your reasoning is logical.


Well-Known Member
It's been explained to him a thousand times, but he insists on reasoning from his strawman definition - which he has to know is not the definition being used here.
Along with any number of other words that he insists on his own definition of in spite of correction which makes it nearly impossible to understand his "logic". :)


Veteran Member
I raised logical and philosophical objections.
And I explained why they were logically flawed.
None of the alternative points of view I put forward were actually mine personally, so your claim simply doesn't stand up.
Irrelevant. You posted them as something you thought were viable alternatives. They weren't.
It is you who seems determined that your personal view, and yours alone, must be correct, without regard to millennia of philosophical thought, including from theists, and modern science, and despite that fact that your own view that everything is subjective entirely undermines it.
We are discussing the source of existence. No one has any idea what is "correct". All we can do is imagine the possibilities and debate them logically. The eternal existence and the self-enabled existence propositions are not logical.
Relevance? Nobody is talking about a spinning sphere, or anything like it.
See, you don't even try to understand. It's a waste of time.
But nobody is suggesting a simple moment repeating. I'm not even suggesting an infinite time (yet again, eternalism, is not eternity), I'm agnostic about it. You seem to think an infinite time is incoherent but can't provide any logical support.
Time is an increment of change. No change. No time. You are trying to propose an eternity of change. But this is a contradiction of terms. And I posed the spinning sphere to try and show you why the idea is inherently self-contradicting. Change that doesn't change is not change. A universe that endlessly repeats itself is not changing any more than a perpetually spinning sphere in space is changing. If you were standing on the sphere for a quarter of it's revolution it would be "changing", to you. But when the field of possibility is expanded to infinite rotations, there is no change taking place at all.
How would you know if this was part of an endlessly repeating cycle or not?
You declared it eternal. Therefor it has to be an endlessly repeating cycle of change that isn't changing. This is logically incoherent.
Maybe we've had this conversation an infinite number of times already (hell, it seems that way as it is). We can only be aware of a finite amount of time.
Maybe anything. The question is not is this possible. The question is; is it logical. Change that doesn't change is not logical. Time that measures no change is moot.
Why would extending it out to infinity change the finite part we are aware of?
We are not discussing the finite part that we are aware of. We are discussing the eternal part that you proposed.
It's not like there's even a trend you're following. Would there be less change here if time extended 14 trillion years into the past, rather than just 14 billion? How about 10¹ ⁰⁰⁰ ⁰⁰⁰ ⁰⁰⁰ ⁰⁰⁰ ⁰⁰⁰ ⁰⁰⁰ ⁰⁰⁰ years back? Any less change here?
An eternity is infinite. Your numbers are irrelevant. And this is also why time is irrelevant within an eternity. The increments of "time" are irrelevant because they are measuring an eternity. It's simply illogical to measure an eternity of time. It's like trying to quantify perfection.
If you think I'm "desperately seeking" reasons to object, you're sadly mistaken. I've thought a lot about this, not to mention read a lot about it and looked at many different points of view, it's the typing it out that takes time and effort.
Then I apologize for saying otherwise. But all I have to respond to is what you post.
Your personal certainty is, quite frankly, just absurd.
I am certain of nothing. But I write with authority.
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