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Atheists believe in miracles more than believers


Well-Known Member
I said; "I certainly get the impression you believe anything I say is false unless you can cite an expert whom agrees."

You replied;
I have no reason to consider anything you claim to be factual. You can't provide any support for your claims that isn't itself in need of support.

This is exactly the problem not only with our discussion but virtually every discussion in confused language. We not only pick and choose how to interpret evidence but we pick and choose what is or isn't evidence. Homo omnisciencis circularis rationatio. I use different evidence than you because I have different beliefs than you. I don't recognize as relevant much of what you believe is factual and properly interpreted.

I believe I started with better assumptions and I reasoned to beliefs that are closely tied to experimental results. Darwin's faulty reasoning led to centuries of beliefs in survival of the fittest where my faulty reasoning led to a paradigm which better approximates the logic of reality and the means by which ancient people invented agriculture.

The nature of modern confused language precludes sound reasoning.


Well-Known Member
No, you don’t understand, that the evidence is both the test and the observations.

You are so utterly ignorant, that the evidence ARE THE TESTS!

It is the evidence that are needed TO THE HYPOTHESIS or TO TEST THE THEORY…

The evidence are used to determine whether a hypothesis is science or not science.

And the evidence will determine whether a current existing theory should be amended/updated or should be replaced by better theory.

Evidence are evidence. And a scientific theory is only valid as science, if the theory is based on the evidence, and not the other way around.

That‘s what you don’t understand. Your ignorance are just staggering…and that you refused to see that you repeating the same errors and make the same faulty claims, make it blind ignorance.
Yes but how can we determine objectively if something counts as evidence or not?

For example how can we know if the result of a test/experiment/observation should be considered evidence?

No, you don’t understand, that the evidence is both the test and the observations.

Ok but obviously not all tests nor observations are evidence for a hypothesis.

How can we know if an observation should be considered evidence or not? What standard do you propose?


Veteran Member
Belief is defined as either acceptance (conclusion) or faith/confidence/trust (question to be answered).

Yours is the former whilst mine is the latter.
The problem is that faith is faith, not belief. And belief is belief, not faith. The fact that people often don't think and so confuse and conflate the two terms doesn't change the fact that they are two different terms that refer to two different states of mind.

Dictionaries only record our linguistic foolishness, they do not justify it.

Many people here think "faith" only refers to some religious dogma or other, and they fight with me when I explain that faith is a choice, not a dogma, mostly because they don't want to acknowledge the actuality of faith as a valid intellectual activity. (Even though they practice it themselves every day of their lives.)


My own religion
The problem is that faith is faith, not belief. And belief is belief, not faith. The fact that people often don't think and so confuse and conflate the two terms doesn't change the fact that they are two different terms that refer to two different states of mind.

Dictionaries only record our linguistic foolishness, they do not justify it.

Many people here think "faith" only refers to some religious dogma or other, and they fight with me when I explain that faith is a choice, not a dogma, mostly because they don't want to acknowledge the actuality of faith as a valid intellectual activity. (Even though they practice it themselves every day of their lives.)

That is all very well. The problem is that in effect I have a different faith than you and thus we are not a we of the same faith. That is where it ends.


Active Member
The problem is that faith is faith, not belief. And belief is belief, not faith. The fact that people often don't think and so confuse and conflate the two terms doesn't change the fact that they are two different terms that refer to two different states of mind.

Dictionaries only record our linguistic foolishness, they do not justify it.

Many people here think "faith" only refers to some religious dogma or other, and they fight with me when I explain that faith is a choice, not a dogma, mostly because they don't want to acknowledge the actuality of faith as a valid intellectual activity. (Even though they practice it themselves every day of their lives.)

I will attempt to understand your frames of reference.

The basis of faith is first accepting an unknowable God that cannot or has not been realized. I agree this is an intellectual decision.

People who then “know” or “realize” God no longer have faith, they have belief. They accept a knowable God that can be realized.


Veteran Member
I will attempt to understand your frames of reference.

The basis of faith is first accepting an unknowable God that cannot or has not been realized. I agree this is an intellectual decision.

People who then “know” or “realize” God no longer have faith, they have belief. They accept a knowable God that can be realized.
That last is a good point, as knowledge comes from direct experience. And when people act on their faith, and gain the hoped for results, they take this experience as knowing. But in truth, it's not. Not really. It's belief masquerading as knowledge.

Let me give an example.

I am a farmer in desperate need of rain. I choose to put my hope and trust in the idea that my God will make it rain if I honestly and sincerely implore His help. So I pray for this aid every day for a week and finally the rain comes. So I am now convinced by my experience that my God answered my prayers, because I have had a direct personal experience of God doing so.

I will call this knowledge, but in fact it's really just my belief, because I can't actually know that the rain was a divine answer to my prayers. We make these kinds of presumptions often. We think we know things that we in fact only believe we know, but can't truthfully know. And that's what belief is ... that presumption of knowing when we don't truthfully know.

Whereas faith was just our choosing to trust in an idea that we hope to be true, but don't know to be true, enough to act on it. And in so doing, we may actually make it true. Or we may not. The key difference being that with faith, we understand that we DON'T know. But that we are just choosing to trust in and act on our hope.

I do not believe that God exists because I do not and cannot know this to be so. But I can choose to act on the hope that a God of my grandest imagination does exist, and to live my life according to that hope. And in so doing, I find that my experience of life is much improved. But that does not make me a believer in anything but the fact that faith can work for us when nothing else can.
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Well-Known Member
No @leroy, it is not support for your alien interference argument. It is another poorly written blurb that is open to your misinterpretation.

What it says is that DNA itself has evolved to favor guard mechanisms as well as repair mechanisms and they are not surprisingly most active where they are most useful. The new guard mechanisms are a new discovery but not any sort of reworking of descent with modification and environmental selection.

Plant evolved to protect itself

The scientists found that the way DNA was wrapped around different types of proteins was a good predictor of whether a gene would mutate or not. “It means we can predict which genes are more likely to mutate than others and it gives us a good idea of what’s going on,” Weigel said.

The findings add a surprising twist to Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection because it reveals that the plant has evolved to protect its genes from mutation to ensure survival.

As it says, it is a twist in how we understand DNA replication. It is not evidence of some sort of external causal factor.
Water, via the water and oil effect is why DNA wraps around histone packing proteins. Histone packing protein are very oily and by wrapping these with DNA, which is more polar and water friendly, the composite lowers the surface tension in the cell's water. In the diagram below notice all the methyl groups on arginine and lysine which are dominant in packing protein, These give packing protein that oily effect.


Other factors are methylation and acetylation where extra oily methyl groups or water friendly acetyl groups are added or taking away from the packing protein, making DNA pack tighter or weaker. These also occur via equilibrium effects in water in response to environmental stresses. This drives evolution. Dice and cards science does not provide sufficient logic, since it is stuck at the organic GUT interface of life. Science needs to leave that black box and look inside with the lid open.

Histone acetylation occurs at lysine residues and it increases gene expression in general. (B) Histone methylation: Methylation is catalyzed by histone methyltransferase. Histone demethylase reverses methylation. Methylation activates or represses gene expression depending on which residue is methylated.

If we add more methyl group to a packing protein it becomes even oilier. If we take it away and add an acetyl group, it become more polar and the DNA has less need to bury it, allowing the DNA to unpack easier. Enzymes will respond to equilibrium need and add or remove as needed,

The histones by being oily are forced to pack together; eight units, to lower the surface area with the water. But that is still not enough and requires the DNA wrap around these to shelter the water from the oil effect. By adding methyl and acetyl groups the water can fine tune this even more, by relaxing or tightening the wrap. This leaves a finger print in the water for enzymes to see. They also respond to water and oil equilibria.



Veteran Member
The same is true with testimonies, you can ask the witnesses about the ghost, I can ask them, Joe can ask them………….etc. we can all verify and see if the witness is reporting the same experience
And if the witness is delusional or mistaken, what then?

That is why evidence is required to verify that the claim is accurate. Otherwise, we'd be stuck believing every claim every person ever made.
The evidence needs to be something that is demonstrable, testable, repeatable, verifiable, etc. to everyone and anyone who may accept the claim.
So if we're sticking with the ghost thing, it's not evidence for John to just say over and over "I saw a ghost." He would need evidence to back that up, because it's just a claim. The evidence could be a photograph of the ghost, or some sort of measurement of the ghost's energy or something, I don't know. But it's a whole lot more than just John claiming he saw a ghost and then repeating it again to various different people.


Well-Known Member
And if the witness is delusional or mistaken, what then?

That is why evidence is required to verify that the claim is accurate. Otherwise, we'd be stuck believing every claim every person ever made.
The evidence needs to be something that is demonstrable, testable, repeatable, verifiable, etc. to everyone and anyone who may accept the claim.
So if we're sticking with the ghost thing, it's not evidence for John to just say over and over "I saw a ghost." He would need evidence to back that up, because it's just a claim. The evidence could be a photograph of the ghost, or some sort of measurement of the ghost's energy or something, I don't know. But it's a whole lot more than just John claiming he saw a ghost and then repeating it again to various different people.
Ok, but how can we determine is something is evidence?

or some sort of measurement of the ghost's energy
lets say that we meassure some energy...............then what? what criteria would you use to determine if it is evidnece

And if the witness is delusional or mistaken, what then?
The same could be true with the author a scientific paper......what then?

From previous post you have said that evidence is something demonstrable, testable, repeatable, verifiable, that supports a hypothesis/proposition/theory etc. that is not a just not a claim …………is this your complete defection of evidence? Or would you add something else?

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
And if the witness is delusional or mistaken, what then?

That is why evidence is required to verify that the claim is accurate. Otherwise, we'd be stuck believing every claim every person ever made.
The evidence needs to be something that is demonstrable, testable, repeatable, verifiable, etc. to everyone and anyone who may accept the claim.
So if we're sticking with the ghost thing, it's not evidence for John to just say over and over "I saw a ghost." He would need evidence to back that up, because it's just a claim. The evidence could be a photograph of the ghost, or some sort of measurement of the ghost's energy or something, I don't know. But it's a whole lot more than just John claiming he saw a ghost and then repeating it again to various different people.
I have tried to help believers in the supernatural with their claims. They will often claim to have evidence when it is clear that they only have confirmation bias. The sad thing is that they may actually have evidence (though I highly doubt it) in the various data that they have recorded. There are methods that they could use to separate the wheat from the chaff so to speak, but they do not appear to want to even try to do that. This indicates that they do not want to know. They only want to believe. One example is they often claim that ghosts can be heard in the background white noise of recordings. There is a way to test that. One only needs to remove all outside cues. In other words, people could not be told or even hinted as to what they will hear, and there would also need to be supposed non-ghost tapes mixed in. If a statistically substantial number of people heard the same messages from a double blind sample then one would have actual evidence. You simple cannot tell someone "listen for this" going in to a listening session. That taints the process.

But those helpful ideas are for some odd reason rejected outright. Almost as if they knew that their beliefs are false.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Ok, but how can we determine is something is evidence?

Wow!! A reasonable question. I will gladly answer it. One follows the scientific method. That means one makes observations. One tries to form an explanation that covers the data. And then one puts one's explanation into a testable form based on predictions that the explanation makes. If the idea is not refuted in this process then one could claim to have evidence from those tests that it passed. And supporting observations would also be evidence at that point.

Remember, to even have evidence one first needs to have a testable idea and one has to test it in at least one way first.
lets say that we meassure some energy...............then what? what criteria would you use to determine if it is evidnece

See above. If one does not have a testable hypothesis then one only has an ad hoc explanation and those are not valued in the sciences at all. One has to be bold enough to put one's claims to the test.
The same could be true with the author a scientific paper......what then?

One has to do that in a scientific paper.
From previous post you have said that evidence is something demonstrable, testable, repeatable, verifiable, that supports a hypothesis/proposition/theory etc. that is not a just not a claim …………is this your complete defection of evidence? Or would you add something else?
Do you mean "definition"? By the way, your version is not quite accurate. The event does not need to be repeatable. The observations of evidence need to be repeatable. And there are quite a few ways that can be accomplished.


Veteran Member
Ok, but how can we determine is something is evidence?
I just told you:

"That is why evidence is required to verify that the claim is accurate. Otherwise, we'd be stuck believing every claim every person ever made.
The evidence needs to be something that is demonstrable, testable, repeatable, verifiable, etc. to everyone and anyone who may accept the claim.
So if we're sticking with the ghost thing, it's not evidence for John to just say over and over "I saw a ghost." He would need evidence to back that up, because it's just a claim. The evidence could be a photograph of the ghost, or some sort of measurement of the ghost's energy or something, I don't know. But it's a whole lot more than just John claiming he saw a ghost and then repeating it again to various different people."

lets say that we meassure some energy...............then what? what criteria would you use to determine if it is evidnece
Does it verify the claim being made? Can someone else produce the same evidence using the same methodology? Is there any other evidence available that would add to it and help to verify the claim?
The same could be true with the author a scientific paper......what then?
Are you even reading what I'm writing?

The same could not be said about the author of a scientific paper because a scientific paper includes both the claim and then the EVIDENCE for that claim. Scientific papers aren't just scientists making declarations about things and then deciding they're true because they said so.
From previous post you have said that evidence is something demonstrable, testable, repeatable, verifiable, that supports a hypothesis/proposition/theory etc. that is not a just not a claim …………is this your complete defection of evidence? Or would you add something else?
I think I've more than thoroughly explained what evidence should look like.


The Lost One
Yes but how can we determine objectively if something counts as evidence or not?

For example how can we know if the result of a test/experiment/observation should be considered evidence?

Science is about testing a new hypothesis or an existing theory, whether they are science or not.

So the hypothesis or theory has to be testable or falsifiable.

The tests come from either acquiring the or do experiments. Another word for TEST is OBSERVATION.

These evidence or experiments should yield some information about them, which are often called DATA. The data themselves are “observations”. Data (or information) would include measurements (eg dimensions, distance, time, mass, volume, density, velocity, momentum, force, energy, electrical current, etc, all of these are quantitative measurements), the physical characteristics or properties, if the evidence are matters, then the information could be molecular structure or chemical composition, etc.

So in Natural Sciences and in Physical Sciences, observations come in 3 types:
  1. Evidence
  2. Experiment
  3. Data (data are acquired from “evidence” & from “experiment”)
Scientists don’t get pick or choose which evidence or experiments they like or prefer…because that would be biases. The purpose of the Scientific Method, especially testing the hypothesis, is to mitigate biases as much as possible, with these tests.

You keep saying the silly question, over and over again -

“Yes but how can we determine objectively if something counts as evidence or not?”​

- only demonstrated that you don’t understand the Scientific Method.

When testing a new hypothesis, it is these tests, these evidence and experiments - that objectively determine the “scientific” validity of the hypothesis, NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND, as what your silly question you’ve been asking.

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
After the Tower of Babel 1.0 everyone was confused and ancient science was lost in its entirety. The universal Ancient Language was the very metaphysics of ancient science. Cavemen were certainly able to deduce and observe the cause of rain and evaporation and they said so;

1140c. (he is dried) by the wind of the great Isis, together with (which) the great Isis dried (him) like Horus.
1146a. N. is the pouring down of rain; he came forth as the coming into being of water;
1146b. for he is the Nḥb-kȝ.w-serpent with the many coils;

"Nehebkau" was the hydraulic cycle as seen from the inside. We can't see it because we can't think as they did. Bees probably have a fair understanding of the hydraulic cycle.
That, written in response to, "The Bible writers didn't know where the rain came from or where the sun went at night, nor that bats aren't birds nor that insects are hexapods," was unconvincing. These are just fantastic claims, and not from the writers of the Bible. The Bible writers thought that the rain was leakage from a great body of water resting on a dome with holes for it to leak through.

Nor are those words the testimony of cavemen. Cavemen didn't write. Writing appeared with civilization. Those words were written by civilized, ancient Egyptians.
I have no idea on what your personally mean by evidence.... I can't know if there is evidence for god nor for anything
Let's distinguish between what is evidence (discussed in this section) and what can we conclude from any piece of evidence (coming up next).

I will define the former, because that is what you are asking: what is evidence. Evidence is anything evident to the senses. Evidence is the noun form of the adjective evident.

And it's not limited to the external senses (sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch - also called objective evidence because it is available to all, although more can be said about the use of the word objective in this context). We also receive sensory input from within the body such as a leg cramp (somatic or outer body), heartburn (visceral or inner body), or thirst (chemistry) - also called subjective evidence.

By this reckoning, all of conscious content is evidence, including feelings, thoughts, memories, and desires. We can call this latter group evidence from the brain, distinct from external evidence, somatic evidence, visceral evidence, and chemical evidence.

And I'd like to comment on the phrase "valid evidence," which I consider a category error. Evidence can't be valid or invalid. What can be valid or invalid is the reasoning leading to whatever inferences have been drawn from that evidence.

Also, terms like scientific evidence don't make sense to me. What does that mean - what a scientist sees through a telescope? What is it when I look through that telescope? Lay evidence? It's all just evidence
I am asking for an objective metric , presisly because I what to avoid answers such as "it's not evidence because I say so"
The standard for evaluating what evidence is evidence of is the rules of critical thought or valid reasoning combined with memory (knowledge acquired through prior experience). Your premise is the evidence. If the reasoning connecting it to your conclusion is valid, i.e., fallacy free, that conclusion is sound, i.e., correct, and testing it will produce the desired result: successfully anticipating future outcomes.
I am asking in general for an objective standard that would allow us to determine if something is evidence or not.
Hopefully, you can now see why this isn't a well-formed idea. We don't determine if something is evidence. We experience evidence and determine what it is evidence of. We begin with a bare apprehension. First, we realize that we are looking at a human face (for example). Then comes the cognitive and affective content. Realizing that it is a face is the first cognitive conclusion arrived at. We understand that another person is in eyeshot. This might be followed with recognition ("I've seen this face before"), then memories such as "This is my friend Bill" and "We're meeting for lunch."

Then the affective content - how you feel about this. Maybe you're happy to see him and anticipating a nice lunch, or maybe you're annoyed because he's 30 minutes late, another cognitive conclusion derived from the memory of your agreed upon meeting time and the evidence your watch provides, which also has to be interpreted from bare apprehension (lights on my wrist) to conclusion (they mean it's 12:30 PM).

You asked about a metric for validating this process. Your metric is the relative success of your conclusions to lead to desired outcomes, which confirms the soundness of one's conclusions. If it rains 7 times out of 10 when the weatherman says that there is a 70% chance of rain. that confirms that his methods of going from whatever evidence he is using (weather measurements) to prognosis is valid. That's your metric.
So testimonies of people having seen ghosts support the claim that Ghost exist…………therefore these testimonies are evidence for the existence of ghost…………agree?
Yes, but the evidence is too weak to support belief in ghosts. It does, however, support the belief that people think they've seen ghosts.
I personally Remember my 10yo self , saying “íll believe in god just in case” which is a childish version of PASCL WAGER.......................in my opinion it is a reasonable conclusion
If you don't mind a little help with English - not your first language as I understand it - the word you want is childlike, not childish. The first is the word you use when you approve or are indifferent, as with "childlike innocence." Childish is generally used for behaviors one doesn't approve of, as with a "childish tantrum."

Another pair of words with a similar relationship are simple and simplistic. The former (in the literal sense; the word is also used as a euphemism for unintelligent) is generally neutral to positive (a "simple recipe"), whereas simplistic is generally used derogatorily, as in too simple (a "simplistic solution")
You are making the dishonest “debate” strategy of asking many complex questions, because you know that it is impossible to address everything in a proper way
This is perhaps your least endearing quality - understanding your deficiencies in terms of malice and character flaws in others. You'd do well to eliminate that kind of language. I assure you that she is not being dishonest nor playing games with you. She's doing exactly what I'm doing. Hopefully, you don't experience my arguments here as dishonest, but if you do, it is a mistake to express that if you might be wrong, and you shouldn't trust your judgment in such matters. You should question it and keep it to yourself.
In that case PW would apply
And here's another habit that you might want to reconsider: the use of non-standard abbreviations. I had to backtrack to figure out that this was Pascal's Wager. Yesterday, I saw you use DM, and it was the same. I had to go back a few posts to determine that you meant dak matter. Generally, my attitude is that if the person can't be bothered to write out a couple of words for the sake of clarity over taking a shortcut, I lose interest and scroll on. Take that for what it's worth. Maybe none of that matters to you.
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Well-Known Member
Why does fake news get to make statements without evidence? All the Liberal who teach science methods should be challenging this. Should we apply the methods of science to fake news and require they provide solid evidence before we drink the kool-aid?

Shouldn't the methods of science be expanded to life and even politics? Why do people who support science, suspend the method when it comes to fake news and politics? Could such people, if they were scientists do that in science, if politics are involved in science? I would like assume a real scientist is always a scientist and applies the methods of science to life and fake news, but that is not always the case.

For example, climate change tries to ignore and factor out natural climate change even though there are dozens of occurrences that can be supported by science dating back a billion year ago. Manmade is on its first cycle, if true and has not yet been repeatable, yet a consensus of science runs with it? We need to critique this science for the skipping of steps. Doesn't this falsify it? That is not real science if they skip the steps. It smells like a political exception; cheat.

Those who are teaching the methods of science should now be critics, since we have an example of a cheat. There are far more claims of people seeing ghosts, than of humans claiming to control climate, in the past. Moses did some on a small scale. Science will not accept that as evidence for man made being repeatable or even possible.

If we stick to the facts of the US economy under Biden-Harris versus Trump, the data favors Trump, even with COVID. This is a simple application of the methods of science to life and reality. Yet so many scientists are willing to suspend their science method and skill based on emotional thinking and fake news cheer leading. If a scientists suspends his or her scientific principles for politics, will they also do it in science, if politics enters science? A real scientists always wears that hat and challenges fake news with the method, since this how you define reality.

Climate change is divided down political lines, so the suspension of the method is within the realm of possibilities. Empirical and Statistical science with fuzzy dice data allows the fudge to make it look official to the uncritical eye, since reason is suspended via the black box.
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Well-Known Member
Well, here is an eduction site for science:
from the source


Test results and/or observations that may either help support or help refute a scientific idea. In general, raw data are considered evidence only once they have been interpreted in a way that reflects on the accuracy of a scientific idea. evidence - Understanding Science
The only problem that I see with that defection is that it is restricted to “scientific ideas” which would render the defitnion useless if we what to test a non-scientific idea………….like god, or ghost or historical facts, etc.

But sure, if you what to insist on that definition, I would simply admit that by defection there can´t be evidence for God………………..but there wouldn’t be evidence for anything else ether because all current “scientific theories” where non-scientific ideas at some point in the past.

So the decision is yours, do you take that definition (and accept the implications) or would you twick the definition a little bit, so that it is no longer restricted to “scientific ideas”

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
Should we apply the methods of science to fake news and require they provide solid evidence before we drink the kool-aid? Shouldn't the methods of science be expanded to life and even politics?
Yes. The method science uses is skepticism and empiricism (nothing should be believed without sufficient empirical supporting evidence), which has applicability in daily life.
climate change tries to ignore and factor out natural climate change
No, the climate scientists do not do that. They recognize that the natural component is small, uncontrollable, and occurs over centuries, and that the anthropogenic component is significant, is occurring over decades, and can and should be reduced.
Manmade is on its first cycle, if true and has not yet been repeatable ...

You seem to be implying that man needs to make these mistakes, correct them, then make them again to understand what's happening now.
... yet a consensus of science runs with it?
Yes. The claim of anthropogenic climate change occurring and leading to increasing devastation and misery is correct beyond reasonable doubt, just like the theory of evolution and the net benefit of the Covid vaccine are correct beyond reasonable doubt.

All of these can be doubted, but not using reason applied to evidence. One must resort to faith, which is the alternative path to belief - the one that bypasses evidence and reason making such beliefs unreasoned and unreasonable.
If we stick to the facts of the US economy under Biden-Harris versus Trump, the data favors Trump, even with COVID.
This is incorrect. The facts speak to Biden outperforming Trump. Yours is the fake news, and if you really believe it, you do so by faith.


Well-Known Member
Wow!! A reasonable question. I will gladly answer it. One follows the scientific method. That means one makes observations. One tries to form an explanation that covers the data. And then one puts one's explanation into a testable form based on predictions that the explanation makes. If the idea is not refuted in this process then one could claim to have evidence from those tests that it passed. And supporting observations would also be evidence at that point.

Remember, to even have evidence one first needs to have a testable idea and one has to test it in at least one way first.

See above. If one does not have a testable hypothesis then one only has an ad hoc explanation and those are not valued in the sciences at all. One has to be bold enough to put one's claims to the test.

One has to do that in a scientific paper.

Do you mean "definition"? By the way, your version is not quite accurate. The event does not need to be repeatable. The observations of evidence need to be repeatable. And there are quite a few ways that can be accomplished.
Wow a direct clear and unambiguous answer---------, please someone contact the site administrator………………somebody obviously hacked @Subduction Zone s account.

By the way, your version is not quite accurate. The event does not need to be repeatable. The observations of evidence need to be repeatable. And there are quite a few ways that can be accomplished.
you even corrected an other atheist @SkepticThinker this is obviously not you

Lets use the example of dark matter

Observation: there is not enough visible matter to account for the gravity needed to keep the stars attached to their galaxy.

Explanation/hypothesis: there is a type of “substance” that is invisible but has a gravitational force

alternative hypothesis: the stars are attached for some other reason that has nothign to do with gravity

Tests: we measure and see if there is gravitational lensing following the equations and predictions of general relativity…….if there is no gravitational lensing then whatever is keeping the stars attached has nothing to do with gravity

Evidence: there is gravitational lensing // which means that there is something with gravity

Conclusion: therefore the existence of gravitational lensing supports the claim that gravity is keeping stars attached, therefore it is evidence for the dark matter hypothesis.......

Am I understanding the concept of evidence correctly? Am I missing something?