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Atheists believe in miracles more than believers

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
A great deal of writing in Ancient Language survives and it is misinterpreted. I would refer you to this thread;
If this is correct, then why do you never post it. Only someone else's translation of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics that are not known to be 40,000 years old.

This is just more of your blaming others for not seeing what you see. That isn't the fault of others that are not given anything to see.

Every year, every day, more and more evidence accumulates ancient reality was distinct from ours;
And yet you have failed to explain what ancient reality is or provide that evidence. It can't be much if you can't show it to anyone.
the reality of homo sapiens was different than the reality of homo omnisciencis and THIS is why they spoke so differently that when they said the pyramids were mnemonics built with linear funiculars we see the pyramids are tombs built with ramps.
This has no meaning to me. It uses what I see as a fiction species to explain the actions of an actual species, because another person wants their contrived claims to be fact.
This is one difference of Biblical proportions; literally. If I couldn't read Ancient Language then I wouldn't know that the pyramids were mnemonics built with funiculars nor is it likely that every day there would be more evidence found to support it. Certainly the known facts would accumulate until someone made the connection despite the best efforts of Egyptology to not study the pyramids.
It is my understanding that you do not read or speak Egyptian and that Egyptian language, modern or of the past has not been established to be some ancient language going back 40,000 years. This has been pointed out to you many times, by many different people, both here and elsewhere.
It is a representative, digital, metaphysical language that was spoken by every human on earth until ~3200 BC when it became too complex for a growing minority. I could define it much further if you like but I've done that many times before and you still say it is "undefined".
More claims with substance. What every human on Earth spoke 5,000, 10,000, 20,000 or 40,000 years ago is not known. It is not known that there was some universal language spoken in what is now China, Mozambique, Australia, England, Greenland or anywhere.

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
I think everybody is going to need to get used to the idea that there are an infinite number of ways to skin a cat and that science is wrong about everything.
Are there really? How would you know? Do you think cryptic hyperbole is evidence for all your claims?
Nowhere is science more wrong than where they've failed to incorporate "consciousness" into experiment and theory.
I've no reason to think that. Nothing you have done would persuade me to that conclusion.
They have failed to even define it because... ...drum roll, please... ...it is impossible for reductionistic science to define anything that can't be reduced and consciousness can not be reduced. It has no parts that have been named or identifiable at this time. It is merely assumed to exist by our science and definitions.
Now it is just a ramble that seems there only to satisfy yourself.

I find it interesting when you start talking to yourself. Did you realize you start doing this with greater frequency when you encounter resistance to your revealed truths that recognizes your lack of evidence, but is full of facts of its own that others can actually review.

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
A great deal of writing in Ancient Language survives and it is misinterpreted. I would refer you to this thread;

Every year, every day, more and more evidence accumulates ancient reality was distinct from ours; the reality of homo sapiens was different than the reality of homo omnisciencis and THIS is why they spoke so differently that when they said the pyramids were mnemonics built with linear funiculars we see the pyramids are tombs built with ramps. This is one difference of Biblical proportions; literally. If I couldn't read Ancient Language then I wouldn't know that the pyramids were mnemonics built with funiculars nor is it likely that every day there would be more evidence found to support it. Certainly the known facts would accumulate until someone made the connection despite the best efforts of Egyptology to not study the pyramids.

It is a representative, digital, metaphysical language that was spoken by every human on earth until ~3200 BC when it became too complex for a growing minority. I could define it much further if you like but I've done that many times before and you still say it is "undefined".
I don't think you are interested in being understood or in providing a rational support of your claims. Equally, I don't think you care what anyone has to say about the natural world or your claims. Like many, I have tried. But just as they seem to have done, I have come to the conclusion that there is no point in trying further. You don't appear interested. You just seem to want your "facts" to be accepted as fact without question as if it were some sort of revealed truth that only you can see.

I continue to maintain that there is no point in trying to engage with you. I can't see how you are actually interested in that anyway.

The best that anyone can do is point out that you don't support your claims and there is no evidence to support them. They don't appear to have any basis in fact and trying to understand them is futile. Correction of those many claims is the only available outlet you leave anyone with.

You take care and have a wonderful day. ;)


Well-Known Member
It is my understanding that you do not read or speak Egyptian and that Egyptian language,...

Nobody on the planet can read, write, or understand ancient Egyptian unless I do. This is because it is superstitious gobbledty gook as defined by the translators themselves and by their own admission they can't really translate it but can only "circumscribe" the meaning. If I am right I am the only one who can "translate" it and I am telling you that it is impossible to translate a metaphysical language into a symbolic language.

It could be translated into a sort of flow chart in English but this flow chart would be almost indecipherable without extreme effort by most individuals. Simply stated we don't think like the pyramid builders did and trying is very difficult. I myself have spent 17 years building the models required to "translate" it. Since it can not be translated I've used relatively little source material in the effort.

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
Nobody on the planet can read, write, or understand ancient Egyptian unless I do.
I don't know that you do. I have read elsewhere that you do not. I've seen no evidence that you do.
This is because it is superstitious gobbledty gook as defined by the translators themselves and by their own admission they can't really translate it but can only "circumscribe" the meaning. If I am right I am the only one who can "translate" it and I am telling you that it is impossible to translate a metaphysical language into a symbolic language.
So you can't and you blame others. I see.
It could be translated into a sort of flow chart in English but this flow chart would be almost indecipherable without extreme effort by most individuals. Simply stated we don't think like the pyramid builders did and trying is very difficult. I myself have spent 17 years building the models required to "translate" it. Since it can not be translated I've used relatively little source material in the effort.
Still, you don't speak it or read it, so why should I agree with or accept anything you say about it?

I'm sure it is all fascinating, but it is of little interest to me and provides evidence for nothing you have claimed.

Again, we are at an impasse. You cannot support your claims. You don't seem interested in anything I have to say. I'm just a sun-addled, stinky-footed bumpkin compared to you in your view it seems.

Like I say good luck with that.

One question though, when you've put everyone that you can on ignore and all the rest have, like me, grown tired of the evasion, circles and rambling, what are you going to do? Who you gonna talk with then?
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Well-Known Member
Again, we are at an impasse. You cannot support your claims. You don't seem interested in anything I have to say. I'm just a sun-addled, stinky-footed bumpkin compared to you in your view it seems.

We're all stinky footed bumpkins with the scientific name "homo omnisciencis circularis rationatio". We have been confused since the "tower of babel". Ancient people were wise and powerful and our science calls them "homo sapiens".

It's impossible to escape being a stinky footed bumpkin because we experience reality only in terms of our beliefs. We don't even directly experience our own consciousness but rather experience our thoughts. I reason in circles at about the same RPM as everyone else but I started with a different set of beliefs than most people. I assumed everyone makes sense so I found sense in ancient writing where "everyone" before saw only nonsense. The sense I found affected my beliefs sufficiently to see the evidence that supported it. Everything is more complex than can be summarized in a couple sentences but this is the nature of reality and humanity.

There is only one thing that can prevent our species from reasoning all the way around to our assumptions; Experiment. THIS and THIS alone is the only reason that science works. When science takes shortcuts around experiment it lands right back at its assumptions. All experiment must apply to all observation all the time just as all things that have ever existed applies to all events in the here and now. Reality is far more complex than believers in miracles can imagine.


Well-Known Member
One question though, when you've put everyone that you can on ignore and all the rest have, like me, grown tired of the evasion, circles and rambling, what are you going to do? Who you gonna talk with then?

I've worried about that also.

I can only hope that most people are aware that words mean what the speaker means whether that meaning is the first second or fiftieth definition. Indeed, you can even use an entirely new definition if you choose. You can use the word "boat" to refer to trees if you want and the listener knows you are using a word "wrong". You can refer to boats as squiglets as in "every squilet floats by definition".

I'm here to communicate and if people change the meanings of my words (basis of science) then communication is impossible.


Well-Known Member
Are there really? How would you know?

There are no two identical things in existence so no two cats, no two knives, no two process, no two anything. It follows there are an infinite times an infinite times an infinite... infinitely number of ways to skin a cat. Since I believe there is no such thing as "infinity" and it is just an artefact of quantified logic (math) that there is in actuality an exceedingly large number of ways to skin a cat. This number is far larger than we can comprehend so I rounded it off to "infinite".

What are the odds of a monkey writing War and Peace (1: 42 x 10 ^ 807,000)? What are the odds of dying by stumbling into a vacuum on Times Square (far lower)?

Knowing the formatting of reality doesn't really answer any questions but it does show where to look.

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
if by pure reason you include logic philosophy personal experiences testimonial evidence and other things beyond the empirical method
Pure reason is philosophy, which includes logic, and mathematics.
I had the impression (wrong impression apparently) that you where an empiricist in the sense that you only accept knowledge that comes as a result of the empirical sciences and as a result of following the scientific method.
You were correct before. I don't call any idea knowledge that isn't demonstrably correct.
We are blinded by what we think we know.
Some are. Many have never learned to do better.
What are the odds of a monkey writing War and Peace
That depends on whether you take off for spelling.
It just means I don't stupidly elevate science, empiricism, or physicality to the absurd levels of importance that the anti-theism cultists around here do.
You don't understand the people you are posting to. You're in your own cult.
You think any objection to your godlike idealization of empiricism is a "crusade" against it.
Not every other objection by every other objector, but I do consider you a crusader and a cultist. You're like the Blues Brothers: "on a mission from god" to promote that cult and tilt at imagined enemies.
The whole "I demand evidence" is just a tactic to establish you as the judge of your own kangaroo court. And I won't play that silly game.
Your consent is not needed. You will be judged anyway.

Why are you so hostile and disagreeable? My guess is because you believe in gods and are offended by those who do not and question your means of arriving at such a belief.


Well-Known Member
It is a conclusion based on the evidence.

This doesn't make any sense.

This is what you call them for your own personal reasons.

By your secret definitions, but not by any reasonably evaluated evidence and definitions.

So they did leave evidence of their human intellect and you call them humans right in that sentence.

According to your belief, but not mine established on evidence and scientific evaluation.

On no evidence but your belief that this is so.

It does not and is not supported by any evidence. You offer none. Just claims of evidence and special knowledge of what defines humans.


It isn't and has never been established to be. You want it to be as you believe, but you can't demonstrate that your belief in this is fact. It is contrary to fact.

Not sprang up nor short time frame either.

You can propose whatever you like. You can't get me to accept it on your word, incomplete knowledge and circular beliefs that you 'know it' so it is fact.

Language does to that, but we don't know when this took place and there is nothing to indicate a speciation event on the development of language.

Only for those that don't want to look to see if their beliefs have any support.

Those markings don't indicate what you claim. They might indicate a language, but they do not show a universal language or that those symbols represent words. Taking those symbols and concocting a universal language is based on beliefs and desires that it be true and not on any facts.

It is always easy to write fan fiction from the basis of a few facts. Blind men describing an elephant based on what they believe does not lead to a fully useful description of an elephant.

That is your belief. I have no reason to consider it valid and factual. You can't demonstrate it. You won't even try.

Back to that wild empty claim again.

No it didn't.

It didn't. Starting and stopping recording a concert doesn't mean the concert ended and then suddenly began again. Looking at a bird, looking away and looking back doesn't mean the bird died and was replaced by another exact replica.

It may have changed, but that isn't a speciation event to anyone but you and we've already established your species concept is weak to point of being useless in determining species.

This is just your fanciful narrative to fill in the gaps with meaningless rambling that isn't fact on face value.

No idea what this is supposed to mean. It seems meaningful only to you and you don't seem to be capable of making it meaningful to others.

You seem to expect that everyone sees this, but I don't. I know many others that don't. I think it is you that sees what you want and then consider that view is a fact when it doesn't hold up.

You may. It seems like you do. I don't. I don't think they knew what we have learned since and wrote from a limited knowledge and thinking much as I see with what you post.

You have a very poor opinion of others and seem to think of them in terms that fall far from the facts.

This is what you believe, but you haven't convinced anyone else to believe it and can't address any criticism of it in any way that isn't just repetition.

I do think that. You show me that it is reasonable to conclude that.

I can't see evidence that is not offered. You don't offer evidence. You offer your beliefs as revealed truth. I've no reason to even consider it. This approach of yours leaves us with nothing to discuss. All that is open to anyone is to correct your claims.

I interpret your claims offered on the basis of belief without evidence as belief. Sure. What else is there?

I address your points. Others do to. ALL THE TIME! YOU just ignore that and jump right back on the same circle.

More pyramids and Peer conspiracies. If you have that evidence, then learn how to present it rationally so that others can evaluate that evidence and come to their own conclusions. Claiming constantly that you have something you never show anyone is going to keep you right where you are.

Nothing you have rambled on and claimed identifies any sort of problem with science, fundamental or otherwise. In all of your posting, many have identified fundamental issues and reported them to you, but you don't seem able to incorporate that, change and move forward.

I have evidence that you see what you want and anyone that rejects what you claim is wrong for fictional, fundamental reasons that you cannot ever seem to demonstrate. If what you say has any meaning, then it should be a matter of providing that. Yet, you never do.

We are Homo sapiens and no one, I MEAN NO ONE, has demonstrated that we are not. YOU haven't.

I want to see these funiculars and the motive power behind them. Were they human constructs or extraterrestrial and if so why wasn't the knowledge retained? So many questions, so few answers, but at least about pyramids, there is a physical reality to discuss. :)

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
We're all stinky footed bumpkins with the scientific name "homo omnisciencis circularis rationatio".
I'm not. As far as I know that is just a made up name that has no meaning beyond one particular person's personal meaning.
We have been confused since the "tower of babel".
I don't agree. No reason offered for me to agree. It is a just a claim about a vague, mythological story stating an alleged impact from alleged events on Homo sapiens. If you think the story is evidence supporting your claim, that is a further claim that you will likely not support either.
Ancient people were wise and powerful and our science calls them "homo sapiens".
Some of them probably were. Like us, they were Homo sapiens. You do realize that name was only applied to the existing species about of humans about 240 years ago. Based on what I know, it still applies to us. Not that this will mean anything to you. You ignore anything that doesn't sing the praises of your "science".
It's impossible to escape being a stinky footed bumpkin because we experience reality only in terms of our beliefs. We don't even directly experience our own consciousness but rather experience our thoughts. I reason in circles at about the same RPM as everyone else but I started with a different set of beliefs than most people. I assumed everyone makes sense so I found sense in ancient writing where "everyone" before saw only nonsense. The sense I found affected my beliefs sufficiently to see the evidence that supported it. Everything is more complex than can be summarized in a couple sentences but this is the nature of reality and humanity.
Whatever. Not at all interesting or useful to me.
There is only one thing that can prevent our species from reasoning all the way around to our assumptions; Experiment. THIS and THIS alone is the only reason that science works. When science takes shortcuts around experiment it lands right back at its assumptions. All experiment must apply to all observation all the time just as all things that have ever existed applies to all events in the here and now. Reality is far more complex than believers in miracles can imagine.
Again, whatever.

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
I've worried about that also.
You can just jump to another forum. Why not?
I can only hope that most people are aware that words mean what the speaker means whether that meaning is the first second or fiftieth definition. Indeed, you can even use an entirely new definition if you choose. You can use the word "boat" to refer to trees if you want and the listener knows you are using a word "wrong". You can refer to boats as squiglets as in "every squilet floats by definition".
I understand that you twist words to mean what you want them to mean without any concern for others. If you don't want to be understood that is your business, but it doesn't make much sense. I suppose it with the epistemic nihilism that @It Aint Necessarily So mentioned. Why a person would persist along those lines, I have no idea. I'm sure you won't enlighten me.
I'm here to communicate and if people change the meanings of my words (basis of science) then communication is impossible.
I don't believe you. It is you that change the meanings of words and confuse communication where it becomes pointless to try it with you.

If you think that it is others, we are back to what has been pointed out to you by many. This is not an us problem. It is a YOU problem.

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
There are no two identical things in existence so no two cats, no two knives, no two process, no two anything. It follows there are an infinite times an infinite times an infinite... infinitely number of ways to skin a cat. Since I believe there is no such thing as "infinity" and it is just an artefact of quantified logic (math) that there is in actuality an exceedingly large number of ways to skin a cat. This number is far larger than we can comprehend so I rounded it off to "infinite".
This makes zero sense to me and still you don't know.
What are the odds of a monkey writing War and Peace (1: 42 x 10 ^ 807,000)?
Don't know. Don't care. Probably better than someone demonstrating "Ancient Language", "Ancient Science", Homo omniscience, etc.
What are the odds of dying by stumbling into a vacuum on Times Square (far lower)?
A Hoover or one of the new Dyson models? According to your reasoning, vacuum does not exist. So, by your reasoning, it is zero.
Knowing the formatting of reality doesn't really answer any questions but it does show where to look.
Again, a claim without meaning or answer.

I'm getting bored.

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
I want to see these funiculars and the motive power behind them. Were they human constructs or extraterrestrial and if so why wasn't the knowledge retained? So many questions, so few answers, but at least about pyramids, there is a physical reality to discuss. :)
I'm not confident that the answers will be found here. I'm thinking an army of green alien women (like Star Trek) that kept having everyone move the pyramids around until the found the perfect spot for them.

Horus and Son's. Fine Funiculars since 40,000 BC.


Well-Known Member
I don't know that you do. I have read elsewhere that you do not. I've seen no evidence that you do.

So you can't and you blame others. I see.

Still, you don't speak it or read it, so why should I agree with or accept anything you say about it?

I'm sure it is all fascinating, but it is of little interest to me and provides evidence for nothing you have claimed.

Again, we are at an impasse. You cannot support your claims. You don't seem interested in anything I have to say. I'm just a sun-addled, stinky-footed bumpkin compared to you in your view it seems.

Like I say good luck with that.

One question though, when you've put everyone that you can on ignore and all the rest have, like me, grown tired of the evasion, circles and rambling, what are you going to do? Who you gonna talk with then?
Do you really think he has been banninated from all of the woo based boards already, I think we are just a detour on his road to complete understanding and his excursion here has only reinforced his opinions.
In your opinion.
But tell me, how is it ok for god to make a universe out of nothing without magic but it's not ok for science?
Science is a lie for most part, do some deep history on all those running this world and see what fruits they lack. They possess bad fruits and are full of deception. Jesus says judge those by their fruits.


Well-Known Member
I'm not confident that the answers will be found here. I'm thinking an army of green alien women (like Star Trek) that kept having everyone move the pyramids around until the found the perfect spot for them.

Horus and Son's. Fine Funiculars since 40,000 BC.
And if no two things can be identical (including the concept of two?) then 40,000 is meaningless, maybe it all happened since last thursday or even
Annette did it all at once and all the 40,000 were simultaneous.

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
I want to see these funiculars and the motive power behind them. Were they human constructs or extraterrestrial and if so why wasn't the knowledge retained? So many questions, so few answers, but at least about pyramids, there is a physical reality to discuss. :)
It is my understanding that the pyramids were constructed by a large host of skilled craftsmen. But that is obviously too mundane to accept that humans of that time could be skilled at anything. It had to be done by some extraordinary means that we can't even replicate with modern technology. No doubt aliens were involved. From what I hear humans are sleep walkers. How could sleep walkers build the pyramids. It has to be aliens. And if it is aliens, then I'm going with my favorite, previously mentioned aliens. If we can just claim anything without regard to validity, then I'm going with that. And robots.


Well-Known Member
It is my understanding that the pyramids were constructed by a large host of skilled craftsmen. But that is obviously too mundane to accept that humans of that time could be skilled at anything. It had to be done by some extraordinary means that we can't even replicate with modern technology. No doubt aliens were involved. From what I hear humans are sleep walkers. How could sleep walkers build the pyramids. It has to be aliens. And if it is aliens, then I'm going with my favorite, previously mentioned aliens. If we can just claim anything without regard to validity, then I'm going with that. And robots.
Did the aliens create the Robots, or was it a human time traveler that came back to us?