That's too broad a definition. Every false and unfalsifiable statement fits that description. The latter can be called superstitions, but the former includes errors.Superstition is ANY belief not supported by reason or experiment.
"Superstition : a belief or practice resulting from ignorance, fear of the unknown, trust in magic or chance, or a false conception of causation. b. : an irrational abject attitude of mind toward the supernatural, nature, or God resulting from superstition. 2. : a notion maintained despite evidence to the contrary."
By that definition, your claim that science is based only in experiment, being false, is itself a superstition. I'd call it error, not superstition.
That's what great scientists do. They see further than their predecessors. It took a lot of imagination to come up with the idea of an interaction between living populations and their environment powering the evolution of the tree of life from a single ancestral population, but not much imagination to understand or accept the idea as plausible.They imagine a scenario in which all those millions of supposed changes were happening, one by one over millions and millions of years. An objective mind immediately realizes that it takes a lot of imagination to suppose that such a scenario ever unfolded
The theory of biological evolution unifies mountains of data from a multitude of sources, accurately makes predictions about what can and cannot be found in nature, provides a rational mechanism for evolution consistent with the known actions of nature, accounts for both the commonality of all life as well as biodiversity, and has had practical applications that have improved the human condition in areas like medicine and agriculture.What is tangible in all this imagery?
What tangible support or results do you have for its alternative, creationism, or in your case, biblical creationism? None, right? You can't give me an analogous paragraph summarizing its contributions to scholarship and the human condition. All one can do with that is just keep passing it on from generation to generation, where the idea continues to accomplish nothing for people over millennia except to distract them from the contradictory science.
The church likes to depict Satan as the great deceiver waiting in the bushes to distract us from its truth and send us down a path of lies, but who is really the great deceiver here? Who's lying to whom?