Hi Seyorni,
My question was how did life start for man and you could include animals too. Most other life is static and animals and we are very different in that sense.
We are energy (as is all life)and somehow through some process with energy, we are in a body that grows yet I believe (my personal belief) that we are fundamentally energy and once we ' die ' in this life we as energy go back to where we came from, maybe to even return through reincarnation again. I think we are here to learn lessons for our progress in what some call the spirit world, afterlife, heaven etc. I believe this material world is just something we can relate to through the senses we have in human form, to some extent the world is an illussion and in our natural form of energy we can't touch,smell and taste etc.
I believe there is a god that created everything as everything is in my eyes energy that through its different processes or reactions causes things to look the way they do or be the things we give different names in life ie flowers, water, trees, humans, cows, rock etc etc.
I don't think god is some bloke in a beard who lives at 43 whereever street up in the heavens.
I think that the basis of everything is its energy and that the energy is conscious and has different levels of intelligence and that we are all learning and for a bigger reason than what intellect is used for here on earth in the sense of getting better jobs to have more comfort in this material world, I think there's far more behind our being here than that.
I also think that 'god', is the highest form of conscious energy and that this energy is something we are all a part of and have been from before this life in the material world.(us being attached to this main source of energy, 'god' ,but moving through different levels as we progress in life here and maybe also in the 'afterlife' )
One way to put it across is like god being the centre or core of a circle and us on the outskirts getting closer and closer to the centre with our development. This isn't how I think life is I'm just using that to try and explain us being attached to god and progressing in development closer to 'him' and the knowledge god has acquired.
Thats just my view and I expect it change more and more as I go on through life as I experience new things and learn new things.
Where did 'god' the first and highest form of energy come from, I haven't a clue but I do believe we are off shoots of this energy. Considering the state of the world I can only presume we are a nigh on eternity away from reaching 'gods' knowledge.
The question was to atheists mainly because religions tend to have their ideas of what their god did to create the world, they just don't seem to express how their god was created. I left the question open to all others to see what other people of other religions would offer as there belief to how man got here.
So that was my question, how did man get here?
As you now know, my belief is conscious energy is the source of everything and that the highest form of this energy is commonly referred to as god, its just some people think of god as manly in form, as we are said to be made in his image. That image to me though is the image of our natural form, whats in this body, the energy form.
I know just as little as anyone else and no one can credibly describe who created god, at least not anyone I've heard or had the pleasure of reading. If you indeed can, I'm all ears and as I said I love to learn so please share your theories with me.
I personally believe we'll never know for sure the answers to the how or who questions until we 'die' in this life but its very interesting to listen and learn of everyone's theories.