From your own personal perspective, what is the value of love?
I think love is quite valuable - as social creatures, it's the primary motivation of most people. It keeps us in communities large and small, working together toward common goals. It keeps us mating and ensures that the species will continue. It goes hand in hand with altruism. Love is powerful stuff.
How do you respond to romantic notions such as "love never dies" or that "love conquers all"?
I think it's a lot of bullpucky, to be honest. Some loves never die, but many and most loves do - we see it all the time. If love never died, divorce wouldn't run rampant. As for love conquering all, while a nice sentiment, it is also too often untrue. Love can conquer all, but it usually doesn't.
Does love have a historical source? Does love even exist at all?
Of course it exists.
It exists like any emotional state exists. As for love having a history, we can easily view love's origins in our nearest relatives - Apes. It starts as altruism, which greatly benefits creatures who live in close-knit societies.