Guy Threepwood
Mighty Pirate
I have to admit that I'm still not sure what your stance on this issue is. I've seen you make reference to dinosaurs going extinct 65 million years ago, so I know you accept an old Earth. Are you a theistic evolutionist of some kind? Progressive creationist?
I don't really give myself a label, I'm certainly a skeptic of evolution as taught
I think I'd agree with Darwin, that evolution driven by God isn't evolution at all. The whole essence of evolution, is that the diversity of species is driven primarily by accidental changes, not design- that would seem to be the most wide angle- fundamental difference to me- wherever the mechanisms, details, and labels go from there.
I consider natural history is something else again, it covers the more empirical observations of life that existed in various forms, without getting into conjecture of how they came to be that way