Veteran Member
It is not a claim, it is a belief. Claims can be proven, beliefs cannot be proven.
Im sorry but I have to disagree.
It seems like many of us tend to go by some kind of word understandings, but not from a holistic picture or even understanding of certain words that we use that would depend on the topic.
In theology, the word belief is used as a feeling that is based on confirmed facts. Maybe it is not factual, maybe it is absolutely false, but still the person "believes" it is fact. For example, the Buddha in his time is said to have visited his previous teachers, assaji, koddanja, bhaddiya, wappa, mahanama, and performed a miracle they called something. Dang. I honestly cant remember the name they called it with. Anyway, he supposedly performed a miracle, and they "believed" in him.
So does that mean their belief cannot be proven? Not at all. According to these stories, the Buddha can perform this miracle anytime he wanted. So he can prove it anytime.
Your statement "beliefs cannot be proven" is wrong.
Lets say I am a chef and I say I believe I can cook a mean chicken, I can prove it by doing it. Dont think that in theology people have always been idiots who just believed in something with out any proofs whatsoever. Traditional theological proofs are not miracles or just some random faith claim or preaching of future dangers or rapture or anything like that. This is an uneducated view of theology. Theology traditionally has always been based on evidence. One may not accept that evidence, but that does not mean one could so easily say that "beliefs cannot be proven".
In the modern day and age what has happened is the propaganda is atheistic. And atheistic propaganda has embraced a new strategy where it is all about scientism. So they use scientism as their tool to set an arbitrary yardstick for "evidence". But this is considered dumb by educated philosophers because when discussing theology, one cannot be so illogical enough to get into science. It is unscientific to get into science. Its uneducated. metaphysics cannot be proven by science and it is childish to expect it to. It is illogical to expect it or even to discuss it. This propaganda has erupted in you.
Metaphysics can only be discussed rationally, not scientifically. Only philosophically.
Beliefs can be proven. Very easily.