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Atheists: What would be evidence of God’s existence?


My own religion
I've no idea what you mean sorry, or what it has to do with my post.
Ah, not just TB then, oh dear. IF a deity existed and knew what I would do before I do it, that would mean I had no other choices.

Incidentally didn't you say this deity could stop us if it wanted? That would make it complicit in every crime ever committed. Then again it is claimed to have created parasites and diseases that cause unimaginable suffering, so I'm just glad there isn't a shred of objective evidence for any such deity.

What is the epistemological status of the bold?


Veteran Member
This is a presupposition based on intuition.
That is because our perception of time is a sense of something we call
"the present" apparently moving along an arrow of time.

However, you say my explanation "makes no sense".
You will have to show me why..

Sorry I deleted the post you are quoting because I thought it wasn't the best explanation.
I did a new post.

Bottom line:
- if the future can be known with certainty, then reality is fully deterministic
- if reality is fully deterministic, then all "choices" and decisions are just as deterministic
- therefor, "choices" aren't free

At best, the "free" part is an illusion.
If you have a choice between blue and red and the "perfect foreknowledge" is that you'll choose red, then you'll "choose" red. Blue was an option, but choosing blue was never an option.
As the "choice" of red was pre-determined.

You never were actually able to choose blue in such a universe. At best, you were under the illusion that you could have chosen blue.


Well-Known Member
Sorry but you're creating a god of the gaps polemic, using an argumentum ad ignorantiam fallacy. If something is unfalsifiable that doesn't mean we should make assumptions about it, it means it is meaningless and we should move on, and that is what the scientific method does, it rejects all unfalsifiable claims as unscientific.

Again, I see only one polemicist here: and do you really think the sub Harry Potter cod Latinisms carry any weight?

You keep labouring this point about falsifiability - as if your dogma requires you to hold precepts such as that one, as articles of faith. However, Karl Popper's maxim has no relevance in a discussion about metaphysics, nor does it apply in those areas where - as inevitably they sometimes do - physics and metaphysics overlap.


My own religion
Sorry but you're creating a god of the gaps polemic, using an argumentum ad ignorantiam fallacy. If something is unfalsifiable that doesn't mean we should make assumptions about it, it means it is meaningless and we should move on, and that is what the scientific method does, it rejects all unfalsifiable claims as unscientific.

Evidence for the bold please.


Veteran Member
What does that mean "you had no other choices"?

It's as simple a statement as I can make it sorry.

Of COURSE you had other choices ..

Not if my ultimate choice was known to a deity all along, that is self evident.

are you saying that blue would magically disappear and you wouldn't know that it was there, because you chose red?

I have no idea what you're talking about there, but manifestly my choice would be limited to one only if a deity knew all along that was the ultimate choice I would make, the rest is coloured bubbles.

the reason you will chose red is because God knew you wanted to. You said so yourself .. "IF a deity existed and knew what I would do"

You either didn't understand what I said, or you haven't understood what you've said, sadly I can't make it any simpler or clearer for you.


Veteran Member
..If you have a choice between blue and red and the "perfect foreknowledge" is that you'll choose red, then you'll "choose" red. Blue was an option, but choosing blue was never an option.
As the "choice" of red was pre-determined.

The word "pre-determined" is a loaded word. It suggests that G-d had already determined it, which is not the case.
Choosing blue WAS an option, but you didn't want to choose it.
The fact that you say that the "perfect foreknowledge is that you'll choose red", means that you will choose red.
As simple as that. Nothing sinister about it, or that you have magically lost your free-will.

You never were actually able to choose blue in such a universe. At best, you were under the illusion that you could have chosen blue.

You are mistaken. It is you who suggest that G-d knows you would choose red. It could just as easily have been blue.


Veteran Member
Not if my ultimate choice was known to a deity all along, that is self evident

Self-evident? Since WHEN was that considered any kind of proof in logical reasoning? :)

I have no idea what you're talking about there..

Oh well. I don't think that you are stupid, so the only conclusion that I can come to is that you don't want to change your position.
You WANT to believe that free-will and omniscience are incompatible.
Oh no. Wait a minute. You have no choice. ;)


Veteran Member
There is no choice if a deity knows the final choice we will make, that is axiomatic, how can you not see that, is it deliberate?
There were other choices we could have made before we made the choice we made.
The deity knew the choices we had and the deity knew the final choice we would make because the deity is all-knowing.

We would make the choice the deity knew we would make ONLY because the deity knew the choice we would make, not because we did not have any other choices.
Had we made a different choice, the deity would have known that different choice was the choice we would make.


Veteran Member
Dear oh dear...If it knows what I will do before I do it, then I have no choice but to do it, how can this simple fact be so hard for anyone to grasp?
Dear oh dear...the deity knows what you will do before I do it, but the deity's knowledge has NOTHING to do with what you CHOOSE to do.

You have a choice whether or not to do it right up until you make the choice. The deity knows the choice you will make because the deity is all-knowing.

Whatever choice you make will be the choice the deity knew you would make because the deity knew the choice you would make.

The only reason things happen is because people choose to do them. God knows everything people will do but God does not cause them to do anything by knowing what they will do.

How can this simple fact be so hard for anyone to grasp?
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